Rambozo The Clown

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Samson "Rambozo" Ramazanov
Street Samurai FLR
(Heavy Weapons Guy)
Street Cred1
Public Awareness1
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.December 2nd 2050
Metatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - B
Resources - A

Character Information


Rambozo AKA Rambeezee AKA Ramby AKA The Clown is a former Scatterbrain ganger who joined Shadowhaven for "classier destruction."


  • Get Money
  • Destroy a Corpsec Building
  • Tear Out a Man's Still Beating Heart


Samson "Rambozo" Ramazanov is a former Scatterbrain ganger turned Runner. Although, he still dresses as a clown in body armor and uses novacoke for his white face makeup. Rambozo is a tall and intimidating Russian immigrant who was once a part of The Vory until the Scatterbrains enticed him with their reckless abandon and general weirdness.During his time with them, he would mostly raise hell in Puyallup, terrorizing passersby and rival gangers alike. On rare occasions, he would enter the city to cause some mischief, one such outing getting him tagged by Lone Star Securities. He left the Scatterbrains after seeing news coverage of some of the things Runners had been a part of, mostly the destructive bits, the rumor of Runner payments was also very attracting to him. The Scatterbrains did not take his departure well, but did not show it while they were planning his going away party. When the drinks and drugs and novacoke covered cake had numbed Rambozo, the Scatterbrains struck with a surprise attack on him. He managed to kill a number of them before he escaped to his car, high tailing it into Seattle proper.

Narrative Significant Qualities

  • Distinctive Style- Clown wig, clown nose, and Novacoke face powder with dark red lipstick
  • Records On File (Lone Star)- Has bombarded Lone Star in the past while working with The Scatterbrains
  • Reduced Sense of Smell- Years of Drug Use
  • Bilingual- Russian Immigrant
  • Combat Junkie- Rambozo is a psycho

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
The Rat King In The Clown ShackAurora13 July 2083
First Light in the ShadowsTekomandor23 June 2083
Footprints in the SandDarklordiabloGet off our Lawn
Soji Shogi
6 November 2082
Versus Battle: Clowns Vs. Go-GangersAurora17 February 2082
Don't Threaten Me With a Good TimeSedatedAlice12 October 2081
Rolling in the DeepGhostlinAdversaries29 August 2081
The Montreal Manoeuvreryncewynde8830 May 2081
Put a Ring on ItGhostlinA Matter of Multiple Engagements23 May 2081
The Night the Lights Went Out In RedmondGhostlinSins of the Mother16 May 2081
Bellevue BlundersDarklordiabloGet off our Lawn10 May 2081
D-EVO-LUTIONmudge11 April 2081
The Siege on the New UniversaeumDarklordiabloThe Reformation10 March 2081
The Collectors: Give Me A Man After MidnightGhostlinThe Collectors7 March 2081
Shadowhaven Combat TournamentTeksura
21 February 2081
Zeck and Miri Make a Music TrideoDocMcGuffin2 February 2081
A Scatterbrained Renaissance FaireAurora4 January 2081
The Problem ClownPurkinje10 December 2080
The Hard WayDarklordiabloNanomachines, Son8 December 2080
🎪 Circus of Crime 🤡TeksuraCircus of Crime1 December 2080
There Will Be BrawlTeksura9 November 2080
Halloweenryncewynde8831 October 2080
On the RocksPurkinje30 October 2080
Strike while the Iron is HotMalycAgainst all odds - The OtherCon story27 October 2080
Some (Wo)Men Just Want to Watch the World BurnMalycCrouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger13 October 2080
Heart ClutchMach TenCrouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger2 October 2080
A Fifth Shadowrun Based on Fall Out Boy's The PhoenixBurst16 July 2080
Flobots - CombatDrBurstFlobots18 May 2080
Frank Turner - Four Simple WordsDrBurstUnwanted Evolution - A Punk Rock Tour27 January 2080
I swear you've never seen anything quite like it. You want it bad but you just don't know it yetDrBurst30 September 2079
  • Look What You Made Me Do (Part 1)> 2018-07-19 - 2 Karma, 15925 nuyen
  • Shadowrun, but on an Airship 8/16/18



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Bulldog Black 2 1 Fixer Semi-retired Security Professional Security, Street Docs, Tenacious Investigating Even
Havok 5 1 Gear Explosives Expert Explosives, Wiring, Gangs, Black Markets, Location, Location, Location, Custom design Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

  • Signature: Placing a a clown nose on a dead/unconscious body

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table




  • Red Bandana
  • Military fatigues
  • Combat boots

Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments

"A complete wildcard, I wouldn't trust any run to go as planned with him around." -Shark