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NameDateMetaplot(s) Run is Part of
Chromecast and Furious26 February 2085
Chunko Pops, Fuck Yeag1 February 2085
Cinnamon Buns and Cereal Killers5 August 2081Blood in the Machine
Circe's Initiation 17 September 2078
Class Dismissed5 April 2085
Cleaning up the past28 July 2084The Metroplex Governor Race of '84
Cleanup Crew15 April 2082
Clearing the Sidewalks4 January 2082Building a Better You
Clever Pun About Docks14 April 2085
Clever run title about cars5 March 2085KAPTAIN KILLDOZER's Revenge
Clinic Over Budget28 June 2082Hail to the Pumpking
Clipping Wings31 May 2080
Clubbing the Competition13 February 2082Cross Flight Love Fight
Cobra: Uncoiling the Mind Part 18 May 2079
Cobra: Uncoiling the Mind Part 218 January 2079
Cobra: Uncoiling the Mind Part 322 January 2079
Cobra: Uncoiling the Mind Part 419 February 2079
Code 824 May 2081Adversaries
Coffee Run19 December 2080
Coffin Dance9 October 2082
Cogs and Wheels24 April 2082
Come And See10 December 2084
Come Out and Play19 July 2084The Metroplex Governor Race of '84
Communication is one of the Key21 July 2083
Competitive Intelligence8 March 2081Killer A.P.P.
Compliments to the Chef6 April 2079
Condolences for Johnsons20 August 2084It's a Small Underworld After All
Contagion1 May 2079
Contrôle d'Accès22 November 2084Rad Wars 2084
Conveying Convoys21 August 2081
Copycat Client7 June 2082
Core of the Problem20 July 2083The Crow of Seattle
The Arrival
CorpSec Elite11 July 2082
Corpse Bride4 June 2081Adversaries
Corrupt Findings17 November 2078
Covering The Basics10 August 2081Home is where the heart is
Cr4ck1ng Th3 My5t3ry18 August 2081
Crab Bucket17 March 2085
Cracking the Iron Shell17 June 2082Against all odds - The OtherCon story
Crash Course17 March 2079
Crashing the Cultists' Campaigning24 October 2084
Crime Brûlée13 April 2085
Crimes against Fashion10 October 2080
Crimson Grove Rises24 March 2084
Crimson Herring15 June 2084The Crow of Seattle
Crimson Impernanence7 October 2078
Crisp White Sheets10 August 2081It's Always Wednesday in Seattle
Crossfire: Local Offensive1 February 2082Hail to the Pumpking
Crusading on Toxics22 December 2083
Cry Wolf!3 October 2082