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(Short Blurb)
RedditReddit Name
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.Character's Date of Birth
Folder[Drive URL Link]
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - C
Resources - E

Character Information


Swerve is a mage learning how to be a Banshee and a Shadowrunner at the same time. Stuffer Shack didn't prepare.


  • Get Security - I have no money and no place to live. Squatting in buildings keeps me out of the sun, but I need a bit more.
  • Process Being Infected - Huh. I'm eating people now. That's cool I guess. Should I be more concerned? Maybe, when I finally get an apartment, I should have a breakdown. Or not?. Big questions. Also, get a way to buy blood packs.
  • Learn More About Magic, Force Reality to Will - So, becoming a mage is a strong positive. Magic is pretty great. I going to become the strongest I can be.


Narrative Significant Qualities

  • Banshee - Swerve's life took a swerve when she was turned into a banshee. She's still in the new and confused stage of life, though she's starting to rebuild it as she begins to reinvent herself.


  • Mentor Spirit(Wolf) - Not long after awakening, Swerve started to have strange(r) dreams. Wolf has begun to guide her. She is teaching Swerve to embrace her inner hunter and come to peace with her existence. Also to stop being such a wimp.


  • Social Stress - Swerve is kind of scared of people finding out that she's a banshee. She's also still sort of new to the whole blood drinking monster thing, and talking about it is a bit stressful for her.
  • Paranoia - Swerve knows that there's a bounty out for her death, or worse, live capture. She also knows the kind of people that she's working with. These facts, combined with her insecurities, leads to a bit of extra anxiety; a new layer on top of what she already had.
  • Phobia(mild) Rats - Swerve has been squatting in the bad part of the already bad part of town. Rats have been a constant companion, and she's grown to hate being around them.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
The Dragon Sleeps TonightSarcarianMeatgrinder10 May 2085
Who's A Good Boy?AsmodeusThe Crow of Seattle13 January 2085
Revenge for a worldTitanShockThe Metroplex Governor Race of '8427 July 2084
Crimson HerringAsmodeusThe Crow of Seattle15 June 2084
Quest to the NetherAsmodeus10 May 2084
Obscuro, ReduxSarcarian16 February 2084
Long As I Can See The LightSarcarian16 January 2084
The Choices We Never GetAsmodeusThe Crow of Seattle15 January 2084
This is the Hour of JackAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking31 October 2083
This Is MidnightAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking24 October 2083
This Is Halloween, Part 2AsmodeusHail to the Pumpking17 October 2083
This Is OctoberAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking10 October 2083
It's Jarlin' TimeAsmodeusThe Crow of Seattle
Temple in the Shadows
30 September 2083
Who's Side are We On?AsmodeusFestering Infestation10 August 2083
Remaining StrangersAsmodeus3 August 2083
A Shadowrun Based on the Film Con AirSarcarian17 July 2083
Idiot you negotiated with a dragonKaterSalemThe Crow of Seattle10 June 2083
The old man and the seaKaterSalemArtifact hunt19 March 2083
The book of a dragonKaterSalem4 March 2083
Helmet with Cross emoji Vampire emoji Church emojiAurora21 February 2083
An Innocuous Bank HeistAurora6 February 2083
A Devotee Of Conrad Of ConstanceAurora5 February 2083
Bug NoticeAurora28 January 2083
Operation PhysicusKaterSalem22 January 2083
Little Dark AgeSarcarianTemple in the Shadows12 December 2082
Upon This Rock I Shall Build My ChurchSarcarianTemple in the Shadows14 November 2082
The Head Hitbox CheatAurora11 November 2082
Turning the TablesNiven14 October 2082
Undervalued PrisonerDejapesPacific Grudge29 September 2082
Scab WorkSi1asA Taint On Us All6 September 2082
A Maximus Tactical Family CatastropheAurora27 August 2082
Things Man Was Not Meant to Know (In the Biblical Sense)Aurora16 August 2082
Charon's New GrooveSarcarian8 August 2082
Just Your Standard Gender Reveal PartyAurora2 August 2082
The Harker GambitSarcarian17 July 2082
Swerving and SteeringAsmodeus15 July 2082
Tighten The NooseAsmodeus6 July 2082
In The Oaky Finoaky SwampAurora4 July 2082
Ancient IdiomsAsmodeusLight the Shadows
Temple in the Shadows
30 June 2082
Clinic Over BudgetAuroraHail to the Pumpking28 June 2082
All Paths Lead to YellowstoneAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking25 June 2082
Glow Up CityAurora20 June 2082
Worming Into Malleable MindsAurora14 June 2082
They Cry For VengeanceAsmodeus14 June 2082
Jarheads! In The Ork Underground!AuroraHead In A Jar12 June 2082
So Swift, So Surly - Seattle DriftSi1as8 June 2082
Black Hawk DownZerre de SeattleTwo Steps Ahead3 June 2082
Night of the MoonbornDraknic27 May 2082
Parent-Teacher ConferencePatGriffin26 May 2082
Dead and DeaderAuroraTemple in the Shadows20 May 2082
Foot FetishOrionsRequiemDragon of a Problem15 May 2082
Ain't Afraid Of No GhostAsmodeus14 May 2082
Cyborg EnvyAurora3 May 2082
Ghoulish infightingAuroraA Ghoulish Case1 May 2082
The Consequences Of Her ActionsAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking29 April 2082
A Rain of Really Repulsive Renraku ReinforcementsAuroraHead In A Jar26 April 2082
Those Who Cry Without a VoiceDraknic25 April 2082
Cogs and WheelsAsmodeus24 April 2082
Getting One Step AheadMalycAgainst all odds - The OtherCon story21 April 2082
Mockery of FateDraknic20 April 2082
No One Escapes Internal AffairsBlood Librarian13 April 2082
A Bouquet to RememberIsaac7 April 2082
Night ShoppingMursey5 April 2082
Beggars Can't Be ChoosersAsmodeus3 April 2082
Out of RetirementAurora28 March 2082
The Bell TollsAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking26 March 2082
Draconic GrudgesAurora13 January 2082



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Amelie and Jean Baptiste Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 2 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even
Jeremy Townsend 3 1 Gear Ex-Firewatch Rigger/Smuggler Vehicle Specialist, Repairman, Brand Knowledge (Ares), Mods Mods Mods! Even
Miss Moon 3 1 Legwork Construction Building layouts, Explosives, Construction, General information Even
Stan 4 2 Gear Talismonger (Dark Magic) Awakened, Talismonger, Dark Magic, Dead Things, Organlegger Even
Wild Goose Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. 1 You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. Even
Zigzag 1 2 Service Driver/Organlegger Ghoul Organlegger, Actually a Good Driver, Dead Drop, Infected Networker Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result


Kate Greer(Rating 4) - Courier, delivers packages all around town, including the sketchy parts.


Spooky-pretty banshee. Doesn't wear the clothes in the picture.


Generally wears an armored jacket + biker helmet + lots of protective layers. The goal is to look like a edgy bike courier who likes road protection rather than a banshee.

Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments