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====Important Members====
====Important Members====
* [https://shreloaded.net/wiki/File:FalknerGraves.jpg Falkner Graves]. He's highly prepared and well trained candidate to act as the face of the Archconservative party. He has high end brain augmentations, speech training and expert level skills as a spokesman as well as a university degree in politics. Born in Washington, he's spoken frequently against the dangers of superstitions and magical thinking in the Sixth World, enforcing that magic is too volatile and undefinable to be safe for anyone's use. He's built rapport with several voting demographics with his values of further magic control, requiring a permit to perform magic for any reason, outlawing magic use in public spaces from any civilian and restricting immigration into Seattle to prevent the more pro-magic NAN populations from getting too close. In that same vein, he's criticised Aztlan and the Tirs for their reckless embracing of future elements and portrays Seattle as "the one light standing against a mad world" which many common masses can unite behind.
* [https://shreloaded.net/wiki/File:FalknerGraves.jpg Falkner Graves]. He's highly prepared and well trained candidate to act as the face of the Archconservative party. He has high end brain augmentations, speech training and expert level skills as a spokesman as well as a university degree in politics. Born in Washington, he's spoken frequently against the dangers of superstitions and magical thinking in the Sixth World, enforcing that magic is too volatile and undefinable to be safe for anyone's use. He's built rapport with several voting demographics with his values of further magic control, requiring a permit to perform magic for any reason, outlawing magic use in public spaces from any civilian and restricting immigration into Seattle to prevent the more pro-magic NAN populations from getting too close. In that same vein, he's criticised Aztlan and the Tírs for their reckless embracing of future elements and portrays Seattle as "the one light standing against a mad world" which many common masses can unite behind.


Revision as of 14:11, 10 July 2023

Every sprawl needs a local government. The President of the UCAS would happily drone platitudes on the subject. At the same time, no ruled peoples in a rampaging capitalist dystopia optimistically still dubbed a democracy can suffer the same team for too long. Summer 2084 is the time of major elections in Seattle when the citizens with rights to vote choose the governor. Politics, excitement, turmoil and office backstabs - all is permitted in love and war, whereas the opportunity to choose who's going to embezzle public money for the next four years is a traditionally beloved war between the candidates.


The focus of the metaplot is on various political parties and smaller policlubs in Seattle, but rest assured that other players - mobs, the Draco Foundation and corps - could get involved.

Archconservative Party

The party supports a "return to real, traditional American values". The Archconservatives are roughly pro-business, but their primary focus is on moral and social issues, endorsing what they consider "traditional family and American values". Members are unabashedly Protestant, often with a radical bent, with the majority being WASPs, openly speaking out against magic as "immoral and unnatural", which includes metahumans as a result of magic returning. Humanis and the more radical offshoots love them. There are rumours of ties to the commune of Brother Thomas Nesmith and pariah followers "cleaning" their undesirables up.

Important Members

  • Falkner Graves. He's highly prepared and well trained candidate to act as the face of the Archconservative party. He has high end brain augmentations, speech training and expert level skills as a spokesman as well as a university degree in politics. Born in Washington, he's spoken frequently against the dangers of superstitions and magical thinking in the Sixth World, enforcing that magic is too volatile and undefinable to be safe for anyone's use. He's built rapport with several voting demographics with his values of further magic control, requiring a permit to perform magic for any reason, outlawing magic use in public spaces from any civilian and restricting immigration into Seattle to prevent the more pro-magic NAN populations from getting too close. In that same vein, he's criticised Aztlan and the Tírs for their reckless embracing of future elements and portrays Seattle as "the one light standing against a mad world" which many common masses can unite behind.


  • Have the candidate win.
  • Ensure the rival candidates lose.
  • Lessen the importance of magic in business and institute laws to restrain it better.
  • Attract more followers while simultaneously hiding the skeletons in their closets.

Democratic Party

They lost a lot of ground since the early decades of the Sixth World, so in an attempt to recover the ground claimed by other parties, they've embraced the more liberal and radical factions, such as the Green Party (which they've all but absorbed). Rivals (correctly) accuse them of scrambling to poach any promising politicians, such as their candidate, Carolina Petrovski. They support metahuman and SURGE rights, active government and assorted social programs. As long as it's not inconvenient or too extreme, they also favour ecological initiatives. EVO, Horizon and Aztechnology feature among their key sponsors. The first officially co-organises the annual SURGE Pride Parade.

Important Members

  • Carolina Petrovski. The most recent acquisition of the Democrats, this formerly Republican washout runs on the agenda of extreme charity. The Horizon SINner feels like a fish in water in UCAS politics, which Horizon, with the "We Know What You Think" motto, doesn't mind at all. A few years back, she revitalised Renton, currently highly interested in the Redmond Rejuvenation Project. Those who like her stress her attitude towards security and welfare projects, whereas her political opponents point out her Horizon and Humanis Policlub connections, favouritism and the attitude of "Those poor metas can be like us, just start with metatype reduction!"


  • Have the candidate win.
  • Ensure the rival candidates lose.
  • Hide Petrovski's Humanis connections.

Republican Party

With the sudden jumping ship of Carolina Petrovski in favour of the Democratic Party, the Republicans are scrambling to propose a candidate in time. The usual conservative bent and an interest in economic growth naturally push them towards the UCAS Army, Ares Macrotechnology and Saeder-Krupp. They believe in traditional American values, but aren't quite radical to the degree displayed by the Archconservative Party.

Important Members

  • Kassandra Hemmingway. Kassandra was once a small girl born to a middle class family in 2036's Seattle and, over the years, has seen a lot of turbulent events in cities and world history unfold before her eyes due to becoming a field medic in the UCAS military during the early 2050s. She served her nation for over 6 years before deciding to settle down and marry one of her fellow soldiers back in Seattle again. She took up a governmental position working for Ivar J. Lindstorm while he was mayor. However due to street violence, her husband sadly was a lethal casualty during a shoot out between the Cutters and Vory, 12 other innocent civilians lost their lives. It was when Ivar showed little to no concern for the matter that she decided to quit, receding into an early retirement and depression. However, recent events have lit up a spark and now she wishes to use that drive to reform and strengthen the streets of Seattle to ensure safety for all.


  • Have the candidate win.
  • Ensure the rival candidates lose.
  • An agenda of safety and raising pro-army awareness.

Technocratic Party

The Technocratic Party runs on the platform of business development and implementation of new technology to increase profits. They're not exactly afraid of technomancers, but the political connections to MCT and Renraku mean they walk the line of caution. They boast about sponsoring a few scholarships of the IT kind at the University of Washington these days and are a significant presence at tech fairs. Some worry about loss of emolument space for low-skilled labourers to drones they consider capable of work in entry manufacturing jobs. The New Century Party split from them in the late fifties.

Important Members

  • Harrison Yuvlicht. The twice-Leónised Regency Megamedia CEO runs for his party with a spry spring in his step perfectly hiding the real age (the Fifth World!). His proponents laud him for values of stability, economic growth, corporate balance and equality. Meanwhile, those who dislike him (correctly) point out his American exceptionalism, privatisation and being part of the one percent of the rich, believing that the gap in earnings serves a purpose - he wants to keep it wide. He frequently hires runners on the downlow to help him and the other Technocrats with "little hiccups along the way to prosperity".


  • Have the candidate win.
  • Ensure the rival candidates lose.
  • Increase Seattle's importance to Big Tech business.


This is the mechanism that will determine the victor of the race. Each run in support of a candidate will increase their score, whilst runs opposed to them will decrease it. All runs up to High Threat will raise or lower a score by 1, Deadly and Extreme runs will raise or lower it by 2, whilst Semi-Prime and Prime runs will raise or lower it by 3.

1. Technocrats, 10 points.

2. Archconservatives, 9 points.

3. Democrats, 8 points.

4. Republicans, 7 points.


Saved by the bellAurora6 August 2084Conduit
The Virgin AffairYouMayFireWhenReady5 August 2084Bwyell Waedlyd
The Suite Life of Five of NinesTidanShock4 August 2084Lappland
This Is Why We FightAurora4 August 2084Rurosha
Angra Mainyu
Navigating the NoosphereSarcarian4 August 2084Mara
Rally For Technorights!Aurora2 August 2084Canis
Jane Excalibur
Public Safety by CommitteeYouMayFireWhenReady1 August 2084Chameleon
This is STRICTLY businessTidanShock31 July 2084Six of Hearts
Knights of ChangeAsmodeus31 July 2084Bear
Outlaw CountryYouMayFireWhenReady30 July 2084Chameleon
Count of Three
Cleaning up the pastBulldogc28 July 2084Spider
Nova Kid
Embrace Your SINsYouMayFireWhenReady27 July 2084Pasiphae
Robble robble!Kirk27 July 2084Chameleon
Revenge for a worldTitanShock27 July 2084Nogitsune
Ty Vallynn
Libertines and LaesYouMayFireWhenReady23 July 2084Tango
Count of Three
You don't make up for sins by going to churchDraknic22 July 2084Haruko Olobella
Mojo Joe
Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?Keeper M22 July 2084Chameleon
Desi Danger
The GambianYouMayFireWhenReady20 July 2084Chameleon
Sand under the bridgeTidanShock20 July 2084Nogitsune
Blue Jay
Free Seattle! Part 3YouMayFireWhenReady19 July 2084Sizzles
Pissed Off PrincesFangblade_19 July 2084Roc
Desi Danger
Come Out and PlaySarcarian19 July 2084Pulse
The 0th Law of ThermodynamicsJohn19 July 2084Chófer
Alkaios the Cretan
Metroplex MuckrakingSarcarian16 July 2084Mara
Red Rain
Free Seattle! Part 2YouMayFireWhenReady14 July 2084Sizzles
Count of Three
Free Seattle! Part 1YouMayFireWhenReady13 July 2084Chameleon


Darcy Wins!10 August 2084
Expose: Kassandra Hemmingway Ordered Civilians Killed5 August 2084
Shocking information Leaked about Democratic hopeful29 July 2084
Hemmingway Receives Tir Endorsement23 July 2084
Wizgangs Menace the Sprawl!22 July 2084
A Good Seattle Morning!19 July 2084
Exposé: Who Is Harrison Yuvlicht?17 July 2084
Report: Republican Campaign Aide Killed In Street Violence Tragedy14 July 2084
Democratic Party Campaign Office Vandalized13 July 2084