Mojo Joe
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(Short Blurb) | |
Discord | @TidanShock#6370 |
Reddit Name | |
Metatype | Human |
Street Cred | 0 |
Notoriety | 0 |
Public Awareness | 0 |
CDP | 74 |
D.O.B. | October 13th, 2059 |
24 | 26 |
Folder | [1] |
Priority | Metatype - D Attributes - B Magic/Resonance - B Skills - B Resources - E |
Character Information
Mojo Joe is a nicely dressed Voodoo practitioner striving to become the very best he can be with the aid of the spirits he conjures and the fellow Shadowrunner allies he makes along the way.
-Become a Prime runner like his granfather before him. -Find and obtain his grandfather's fortune.
Mojo Joe was born in a semi decent home in Ohio, UCAS. He lived with a mother, father, and younger sister. While his relationship with his family wasn't all too bad, he didn't exactly favor their frequent use of drugs, particularly Cram. His sister also partaking in the family past time as it were. But for Mojo he spent most of his time with his grandfather, Jabari, a voodoo practitioner who moved to UCAS from Azania with his daughter in 2049. After spending time with him, Mojo found he had an affinity for magic, realizing he was awakened at only 7 years of age with a special nack for summoning and binding spirits. Jabari taught him how to use these gifts being an awakened himself and drilling the fundamental values of always being courteas and respectful to the spirits you summon, especially to those you bind.
However mistakes do happen, as Mojo was a curious adolescent and wished to experiment with his powers while his grandfather was away. When Mojo was 12 he gathered the necessary materials and readied himself to summon an immensely powerful spirit to test his limits. Unfortunately for Mojo the summoning went wrong and the summoned spirit went on a rampage. A drained and terrified Mojo could only run and hide in horror as the spirit rampaged throughout his home. His sister's screams of horror heard from the living room. Were it not for Jabari's untimely arrival and banishing of the spirit, lord knows what may have happened to Mojo's sister. In the aftermath through various connections his grandfather possesed and tons of Nuyen at their disposal, Mojo was let off the hook by both his family and the police. Though his family wanted nothing to do with Mojo or his grandfather ever again.
Becoming confused as to what had happened and how we was freed, he asked his grandfather how he did that. Promptly after he got slapped upside the head, Mojo found out his grandfather was once a famous shadowrunner, a prime runner at that. Who did business primarily in Africa under the runner name of Black Hat. Leaving the country for a better life in retirement and to ensure his daughter would be safe from enemies he may have made during his career. Leaving behind next to everything including a vast portion of his wealth, equipment, etcetera, all in an effort to persue a life of calm after the chaos of several runs. Mojo then lived with just his grandfather for several years. Guilt and depression eating him alive for what he had done. Yet, his cricumstances would only continue to get worse. Jabari would die from a stroke on August 21st, 2077, Mojo's magic incapable of saving him nor the paramedics that arrived too late, leaving Mojo alone to fend for himself with noone else to call friend or family.
Mojo could not sustain the life his grandpa left for him after their death. Mojo far too hesitant to use his magic to gain said living as it had brought ruin to his life and couldn't save someone when he needed to most. And sadly most jobs avaialble could not cover all the bills in his death. His grandfather only leaving enough money to cover it for a year at best and a key with a scratched out address attached to it he holds onto to this very day. As expense after expense piled up till eventually Mojo simply found himself homeless. Left with nothing but regrets and the occassional drug he had once shamed his parents for using. Even rekindling his touch with magic simply to have spirits to talk to so he did not feel so alone during the cold nights.
Year after year of this went by till in late 2081, Mojo could not take it anymore, relying on nothing but charity and luck to find something to eat. He dug deep, found some degree of spark and remembered how his grandfather before him made a living. Becoming a Shadowrunner with the magical expertise he had learnt back then and refound now. Swearing then to not just become any runner and make a living, but to become a prime runner like the man that had taught him nearly all that he had known. He would become something far greater and never live like he was ever again. Using his magical talents Mojo performed small heist after small heist in order to get his name and reputation known enough to be considered a legitamate runner. Along the way he stumbled into a fellow runner, Alo2A. Together in an alleyway they bonded over shared distress in their lives till they parted. Only to find each other again on a random run. After informing Al that he had nowhere to go, he was told to hop in the passenger seat of his car. And from there the two became friends and even sharing the same roof.
After this union Mojo managed to dress up, buying only the best suit available that doubled as armor. Settling for nothing less than looking his absolute best at all times. Making a name for himself like his grandfather before him. Always remembering his words of wisdom, how to treat the spirits and one day rise to the top and become prime.
Narrative Significant Qualities
-Common Sense, Mentor Spirit (Alligator), Quick Healer, Shoot First, Don't Ask, Spirit Whisperer, Too Pretty to Hit
-Big Regret (1) -Distinctive Style -Family Curse -Flashbacks 1 -Incompetent (Engineering)
Run History
Contact | Connection | Loyalty | Archetype | Profession | Aspects | Chips |
Annar Le Mael | Contact Not Found. Please create contact using Template:Contact. | 3 | You may also see User:Free Sprite for bot instructions. | Even | ||
Orianna Cazador | 6 | 1 | Gear | Urubia's Secretary | Drug Dealer, Black Market Connections, Heavy Hitters!, Focus Fence, Magical Mistress, Dragon Duty, A-List Access, Handcrafted, Urubia's Bottom Line | Even |
Argent | 1 | 1 | Fixer | Street-level Fixer | Silver Tongue, Elven Blood | Even |
In Character Information
Symbols and Signatures
Matrix Search Table
Threshold | Result |
1 | |
3 | |
6 |
Shadow Community Table
Threshold | Result |
1 | |
3 | |
5 |
Mojo Joe is a human male with intermediate skin, standing slightly taller than average at 5'11 tall. He has light blue eyes, looking almost green under the right conditions. Though you would not usually be able to tell as he often wears a skull like mask with blacked out eyes that covers his face, various green and blue marking painted on it. His dark brown hair extending past that is long-ish, ending near the base of his neck, usually seen nice and combed. Atop it he wears a nice short top hat with a green cloth wrapped around it. The pinstrip suit he wears being clearly well made and expensive. Nice ornate details laid throughout it as various blue and green markings are seen on it. Not too disimilar to the ones on his mask. Also wearing nicely made leather gloves that cover his forearms and ornate boots with slight heels to them.