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|6 Essence, 8 Magic, her astral signature is due to her passive ability, no Betaware.
|6 Essence, 9 Magic, her astral signature is due to her passive ability, no Betaware.

Revision as of 16:29, 26 October 2022

Clandestine Operative/ Chosen Follower of War
"The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead."
"The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function as a soldier is supposed to function."
"Without mercy, without compassion, without remorse. All Wars depends on it."
"Here my daughter...Feel the wrath of a thousand battles..."
Street Cred29
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.15 April 2053
PriorityMetatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - B
Skills - A
Resources - E

Character Information


An operative from a French Clandestine Operation team, who has been caught for illegal weapon possession. She feels betrayed by her country and has decided to run the Shadow and live a new life.


-Destroy the Starscreamers and take Down Pump King Jack. (At least War was pleased)

-Try to contact the N-51.

-Make further contact with her old team.

-Bound the N-51 and Lt.Commander Yennefer Kerrigan.

-Manage to make the Operation about stealing a Blood Hawk happen.

-Get rid of the curse that an Enochian Spirit put on her belly. "Violence gave you that strengh, awakened you...I can see it uppon your face where two bullet left their mark."

-Initiate to get more power.

-Being recognized as a true artist

-"My life hang in the balance and i'm torn between duty and promises..."

-Pay a visit to her parents tomb someday when she could afford this kind of trip back to France


Shy was born in the middle class, from a japanese mother who fight for the Imperial Marines and a french father veteran of the "Légion Étrangère". Her own name "De La Perière" is supposed to be link to an old family of french mercenary that fight for the german empire till the first world war (the last one was an U-Boat commander, supposedly). According to this Shy learned soon the principle of discipline and respect, her parents pushed her to the way of the military but she thought about an art graduation. After an heavy negotiation Shy finally got the right to graduate, her inspired state of mind make her hop a year of study and she quickly got bored. Some weeks before her 17th birthday feeling like a rebel she decide to run away without telling her parents, finding a way to lie about her age she did sign up for the military.

Pretty gifted, Shy did manage to join a paratroopers regiment and earned her wings soon in October 2070. While on permission she decided to pay a visit to her parents who didn't really were that angry in the end. Shy was baptised during the 2070 December fighting on the SOX, a traumatic first experience that led to her Awakening who help her survive this first combat experience. Her platoon suffered heavy casualties (namely because the evac chopper got downed by a missile.) so she was affected to a new unit. Since she was awakened now, she was sent into the Special Force. First going throught the "Commando de Marine" training program, Shy specialised in marksmanship and infiltration tactics. After two year of rough training and soon before her 20th birthday she join her active unit the Task Force November 51 or N-51.

Her years as a Black Ops/Clandestine Operation were simple to her, some jobs were to get done so France could get better, so she did. But the whole thing change in 2076, during the political turmoil the N-51 was deployed in Boston during the lockdown to help searching Angélique Rouge a national heroine disappeared in the city. The N-51 got hit hard during the whole operation in support of the "Légion Étrangère" and runners team. After the event of Boston and the succesful rescue of Angélique Rouge, the N-51 got sent to put on a base in the Nevedean Desert.

The N-51 was deployed and quickly reach Seattle to track someone supposedly linked to Angélique Rouge run of bad luck in Boston. Homever Shy got arrested while transporting gear for the operation to come. She got arrested and prosecuted for smuggling and got sentenced to five years of prison. Du to the political turmoil following the Treason of Vincennes Shy couldn't count on help from the country and the N-51 couldn't act as well.

Shy followed the Neo-Revolution event from her prison cell and also learned the death of her parents in the car crash. Bad faith make her tell that it is because of this turmoil that her parents died. Feeling abandoned and disconnected of what her country had become, Shy decided to use the money from her Inheritance and her payroll to buy some gear and to join the Shadow. When she got her gear ready she use old N-51 intel to get in contact Ltn Commander Yennefer Kerrigan and ask her help to get her first job.

So far she didn't really act accordingly to her training. Still feeling the pure rage in her guts she make many mistake and did follow road that she wouldn't follow. The best exemple being the Starscreamers. But she did also get the attention of War as a mentor spirit and now got a chance to make contact with her old team. Shy feel like she is at a turning point of her life is it true ? Time will tell.

Update from the 30/09/2022 : In a year, Shy proved to herself that she was worthy of the attention of War. She did pick a fight alone against Pump King Jack and got cursed for that. She joined back her old unit who is now rogue and in a fighting against SK operation in Seattle to steel a Blood Hawk. She managed to get over the curse and had to meet a dragon for that, her drug problem is at an all time high, and she look like she is about to die in the following months.

Many people would back down, but Shy is a Chosen of Bishamonten, she can't do that...Not yet. For now she has one objective, the Blood Hawk and the success of the operation about stealing it. If she has to die in the process, then it's because she was too weak...After all War and Violence gave her strengh.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Undying Girl : (Toughness , Will to Live 3) : Shy did have a lot of close call with death, eveytime she managed to get out of it alive...Is she lucky ? Or does she just have some kind of uncanny toughness.

Silver Spoon Childhood (Born Rich, Bilingual, Inspired Artisan) : Until the time she join the Military Shy grew up in a pretty wealthy family and did fail a graduation in art because she wasn’t willing to put too much work into it despite her great capability in the domain.

Bishamonten’s Daughter (Mentor Spirit War, Chosen Follower) : Bishamonten the War Kami take great interest in Shy’s accomplishment so far, even tho he push her into doing some reckless thing sometimes.

Drug Tolerant : Shy do a lot of combat drugs so much that her body is not kind of accustomed to the use of those...Nothing to worry about.

Clandestine Operation Training (Poisoner, Catlike, Sharpshooter, Battle Hardened I, Disgraced) : Everyone knows Shy for two thing, first her Kami addiction, Second she is a veteran (and still members) of a Clandestine Operation Task force and as such she received a lot of training according to this domain. In addition she is know for her lack of morale and her indiscriminate use of really nasty mean to kill people. (Mainly the use of Combat Gas for now)


Gift of the Shadow (Insomnia + Phobia Mild to Shadow Spirit) : Her encounter with Jack at Yellowstone was really, really bad and since then her mind didn’t really recovered.

Clandestine Operation habits (Faceless, Impassive) : Shy is not really good at social stuff. She wears a mask most of the time and don’t really show any emotion whatsoever.

The Burn of Kamikaze (Severe Addiction to K-10 and Dry Addict Burnout Kami) : Shy got a real problem with combat drugs for years she used them with medical care behind it to make sure she would not fall addicted, but for someties, no one looked after her...She try to get her shit together for now and to avoid any big trouble. But the burn...It's sweet to lose your mind for War.

Dependents (Inconvenience) : Shy did adopt a Fenrir Wolf, sadly it take money to keep it.

Astral Beacon : Shy's aura is noticeable easily, since she is Chosen of War and also that she had some issue with Shadow Spirit you can't really miss her on the astral.

Poor Self Control (Vindictive) : Shy is an ever angry women since the death of her parent and she will be sure to let some people know about this anger in her guts.

Wanted (25 000 Nuyens) : Shy did not care about her Criminal SIN and now Knight-Errant is on the agressive side of reintegration.

I am living on Borrowed Time... (Thematical stuff) : Shy did overused combat stim for years, she had close call with death three time, heavy medication and huge amount of drug in her blood kind of wreck her beyond salvation. She don't have much time left to live unless she take the time to heal herself properly.

Record on File (Saedder-Krupp) : The Megacorps have files on a lot of N-51 operative due to their action against them. Shy is especially known and could be a target of future operation.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
ExcursionAsmodeusThe ArrivalSemi-Prime30 December 2085
Into the VoidSarcarianDeadly25 July 2085
The past comes a huntingTidanShockDeadly20 June 2085
To turn a tideTidanShockExtreme14 April 2085
A new path forwardTidanShockHigh25 March 2085
I Had Strings But Now I'm FreeSarcarianDeadly13 January 2085
No Time to DieSarcarianTwo Steps AheadDeadly6 December 2084
Operation PoseidonSarcarianRad Wars 2084Extreme2 December 2084
GTFO of GeMiToSarcarianSemi-Prime5 November 2084
Oil Rig ObfuscationAsmodeusDeadly28 October 2084
Reject EnlightenmentAsmodeusThe Crow of SeattlePrime2 September 2084
Waves of DespairAsmodeusThe Crow of SeattleSemi-Prime11 August 2084
Bienvenue à la JungleSarcarianDeadly10 June 2084
Monolithium PowersAsmodeusThe ArrivalExtreme26 April 2084
Sangre Por SangreSarcarianSemi-Prime2 April 2084
Twenty Thousand SoldiersSarcarianDeadly12 February 2084
A Voice Behind MeSarcarianPrime21 January 2084
Operation Hell's GateKaterSalemPrime4 December 2083
Prometheus 4KaterSalemExtreme6 November 2083
This is the Hour of JackAsmodeusHail to the PumpkingSemi-Prime31 October 2083
RebellionKaterSalemNo Legion But Still DeadlySemi-Prime16 October 2083
Investigate quickly, stay aliveKaterSalemDeadly12 October 2083
This Is OctoberAsmodeusHail to the PumpkingHigh10 October 2083
Thunder UnstruckEvaDeadly4 October 2083
Reconnaissance Step 1: SeattleKaterSalemEnemy withinExtreme29 September 2083
Weeding the GardenArchtmagThe Burning Star of RedmondDeadly17 September 2083
Only a job for the AncientsKaterSalemThe Crow of SeattleDeadly13 September 2083
Enemy Dragon-130 AboveAsmodeusHail to the PumpkingExtreme11 September 2083
There Are No Strings On MeSarcarianExtreme1 September 2083
Munitions MisplacementEvaDeadly1 August 2083
Core of the ProblemAsmodeusThe Crow of Seattle
The Arrival
Deadly20 July 2083
A Shadowrun Based on the Film Con AirSarcarianSemi-Prime17 July 2083
Cavern CleanupEvaDeadly4 July 2083
I Of The StormPokemonemocow7Extreme5 June 2083
The bug did not know what hit himKaterSalemDeadly1 May 2083
Dead On ArrivalBrockThe Wailing of the Walled CityDeadly12 April 2083
Operation PhysicusKaterSalemExtreme22 January 2083
No hope for MCT experimentsKaterSalemDeadly11 December 2082
The Secrets in the TreesArchtmagDeadly2 December 2082
One night in Neo-TokyoKaterSalemEnemy withinmedium28 November 2082
Dernier Saut sur l'EnferAsmodeusHail to the PumpkingHiigh24 June 2082
House Of PainAsmodeusTemple in the ShadowsMedium8 June 2082
Red AlarmOnebiMedium1 June 2082
Old New BoundOnebiMedium7 May 2082
Lip serviceAsmodeusHail to the PumpkingMedium25 April 2082
Look how they massacred my boy!AsmodeusHail to the PumpkingMedium17 April 2082
The Lurker at the ThresholdDraknicMiddle16 April 2082
Me And The Bad BoysBloodLibrarianHail to the PumpkingHigh10 April 2082
A Bouquet to RememberIsaacMedium7 April 2082
Night ShoppingMurseyLow5 April 2082
Burn Through The DitchesAsmodeusHail to the PumpkingHigh2 April 2082
What Happened To Mary Jane?AsmodeusHail to the PumpkingLow29 March 2082
Out of RetirementAuroraMedium28 March 2082
The Bell TollsAsmodeusHail to the PumpkingMedium26 March 2082
A No-Rough-Stuff-Type DealSarcarianMedium25 March 2082


Starscreamers : 12 Reputation

Winternight : 2 Reputation

Shiawase : 2 Reputation

Lone Star : -20 Rep


Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Lt.Cmdr Yennefer Kerrigan 6 5 Fixer UCASN Officer UCAS Naval Officer, Logistics Command, Research & Development Head, Family Pedigree, Military heritage, Incredibly Intelligent, Engineering Savant Even
Hextech 4 3 Custom(G,A,K,N)
Black Stalker
AI Expert, Engineer, Technomancy, Cybertechnologist, Custom Armory Even
Erica Clements 4 4 Fixer
Awakened Resources, A Safe Haven, Toxic, Friend to all in Need, The Glowing Heart, Armed Defense, Praise the Shining One, Redmond Diplomacy, Nexus of Power Even
Irena Tachikov 6 2 Gear EVO Acquisitions Expert Workaholic, EVO Acquisitions Specialist, Vory Connection, On Trend, Shadier side of the Court, It fell off a truck, Meet my Doctor, Gang Detail, Information Broker Even
Red Sonya 5 0 Custom(A,K,N,G) Assassin Cat pendant, Cats have claws, In-depth training, Know your business, Tactical position, Hire a professional -2
Corf 1 2 Service Helpful Lil' Minecart Rail-bound, Small, Living Transport, Underground, Wild Spirit, Smol Even
Chaplain Carmilla 3 4 Custom(A,K,N,G) Demonologist Metaplane Traveller, Reinforced Lodge, Demon Expert, Scholar Even
Etrius's Team 1 3 Service Special Operation Team Hard To reach, Wanted by SK, Special Operation Specialist, We are on this Together, Shadowrunner Team, SUT Specialist Even
Pump King Jack 5 3 Legwork Halloween Spirit Herald of Halloween, Extraplanar, Spirit Savvy, Hella Halloweeners, Goodnatured Guide, Formula One, Ritualist Even
Dana Jessica Boatman 2 2 Custom (G,K,A,N) Talismonger (Burnout) Unreliable, Gifts of the Unknown, Dark Knowledge, military past, Awakened Even
Asahiro Kunitoshi 6 1 Fixer Vice-President of Imperial Kami Services For The Corporation, Blademaster, Scholar, Vashionable, Authorization, Spywork, Corpo Gear, Shintoist Even
Commander 5 5 Networking Black Ops Veteran JURY Protocol, Old-School Operative, Casevac, Tactical Insertion, Shady Knowledge, Military Intelligence, Safehouses, Shady Deals Even
Le Bourguinion 6 4 Networking Mercenary Group Leader Newfound Connections, Reconnaissance, Field Hospital, UCAS Partnership, Task-Force Intel, Shared History, Gunship Even


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location
N-51 Sergent 2 54 Paramilitary Mercenary Group Standing Nevada Desert, Seattle


Task Force November-51 : Sergeant of Squad Charlie that she has to oversee.


Yakuza : Not her enemy per-se but she doesn't like criminals like them and will avoid any contact with them that don't imply killing or hitting their assets.

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Shy wear proudly the insignia of the N-51 (see the Group Contact page) on a Red Beret that she always had on herself.

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Some publishing on social media about some draw, poem and other sort of thing.
3 An old article mentionning the prosecution.
6 A Global SIN registered to the name of Hiromi de la Perière, Emited by K-E for illegal military weapon possession.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 An old Special/Clandestine Operation Veteran from France/ She is not addicted to Kami anymore...
3 She is actually still a member of a Rogue Task Force : the N-51 / K-10 addiction is known at this point.
5 Actually having a few problem with S-K and work toward getting a Blood Hawk according to some wild rumors. Patented the Hague Express (a subtle cocktail of corrossive nanites and Seven-7)

Assensing Results

Hits Information Gained
1 Not healthy, Awakened, no real emotion (if not on psychips the addiction can be noticed)
2 No Standard grade Cyberwara, Shy is a physical adept, her aura show remnants of Shadow Taint and is especially noticeable (Astral Beacon).
3 No Alphaware, Old addict to Kamikaze, Addicted to K-10. Shy suffer from some deep illiness
4 6 Essence, 9 Magic, her astral signature is due to her passive ability, no Betaware.
5+ No Deltaware or any geneware, not a technomancer off course. Shy got the premice of cellular degeneration due to heavy use of Combat Stim, deep wound and heavy medication, this cocktail actually broke her body.


Akari Sato : Her only Fake ID available at that time.

Hiromi de la Perière : Real SIN , Flagged as Criminal by KE (maybe still of use in France tho.)


Shy has nothing to do with her old self from when she joined the Shadow. She still look "young" but kind in that vampiric way, she became quite pale, unhealthy pale.

She is pretty average height and a pretty sturdy build all in flexibility rather than pure strength. Her eyes show deep bloodshot, like the one of the big addict on Kamikaze, only some people know that's the side effect of K-10. Shy is also subject to tremors when she is not doing anything which can lead to pretty awkward situation.

She was pretty handsome before, but now she is a shadow of her former self, sporting a lot of scar the most notable are some burn from her time in Yellowstone and the one from the bullet that nearly killed her in Russia.


Shy is more serious now, she wear regular cloth, usually a military pants and some casual clothing for the top.

Most of the time thought she can be seen walking around with her FBA.

When she has to go on a party or to attend the higher society she usually embrace the Goth Style.

Shy wearing her new FBA
Helmet model of the FBA

Matrix Persona

Change sometimes but is usually some French or Japanese historic figure

Media Mentions

Some olds little mention when she got prosecuted.

ShadowGrid Profile Comments