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|label20 = Initiation Grade
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Revision as of 14:27, 19 August 2024

Gunslinger Adept/Scouting Specialist
An infected Gunslinger simply trying to make amends.
I am the monster you made me
MetatypeOrk (Oni)
Street Cred43
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.July 24th, 2057
PriorityMetatype - B
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - D
Skills - B
Resources - E
Number of Runs:51
Runs Since Rent:3
# Initiations12
Initiation Grade7

Character Information


A Vampire gunslinger doing all he can to make amends for what he has done and what he has to do. Using the powers he was cursed with to hunt those that use theirs to feed on and exploit the weak.


  • Hunt down and kill as many Fear the Dark members he can.
  • Protect the weak from the monsters that feed on them.
  • Be able to utilize his family gift. (Get access to a Deltaware clinic aka make it to semi prime to get it.)

Completed Goals

  • Find a Technomancer to help Hextech: "She's safe... thank god... but now I gotta go nab some drones to pay her back... heh. Glad to know she is right back to it."
  • Help the WCM Monolith escape the siege and establish a new base safely: "We did it... so much turmoil and we fuckin did it. It is the least I can do honestly and I will still dedicate myself to their cause."


(WARNING, Mentions of Suicide)

Jebediah Fukumoto Morison was once a simple kid growing up in the Florida state of the CAS. Apart from the typical troubles an Ork experiences in the CAS the only thing abstract or special about him and his family was they had natural genetics that made them more resistant and adaptable to bioware. Though sadly his family was lower class and never never had the funds to take advantage of this innate gift. Despite this Jebediah got into the work force at a very young age to help out his struggling family. Feeling guilty for not only their poverty, but also the fact he was allergic to Soy. Making food ridiculously more expensive to put on the plate. Due to this common allergy, his oni heritage, constant bullying, and just overall not being fit to learn in the way schools taught his school and personal life was a living hell. His mother teaching him the usage of firearms to defend himself in case the bullying or discrimination became more than just insults. Though, he did have a faint glimmer of hope and happiness in the form of a girl named Lumina. The two becoming close and near inseparable friends. Bonding over the difficulties of their lives and dreaming of one day becoming paracritter hunters. After graduating by the skin of his teeth Jebediah was desperate to do anything that would get food on the plate. The military sadly rejecting him due to the mentioned allergy to soy, the abundance of it in the MRE's causing him to nearly die in the mess hall after they gave him a chance despite said allergy, unaware of its severity. Jebediah upon recovering began browsing the matrix where he found a posting by EVO, offering vast amounts of Nuyen to those willing to receive experimental new bioware upgrades. Knowing they had little to no other opportunities he accepted.

A back and forth spewed between Jebediah and his parents once they were informed of his decision. The argument ending in bad blood and a promise, that when he returned they would never need to worry about money ever again. Tears filling his eyes as he also hugged and bid farewell to the friend he held so dear, sorrow in his mind and heart as he departed his family and pseudo-sister. Eventually the EVO transport arrived at his front door to pick up Jebediah as he parted from his family. The ride over seemed normal for the first few miles or so till the entire convoy was attacked by unknown assailants that managed to knock over the vehicles and slaughter all of the armed personalle present. The door of the vehicle Jebediah was in ripped open before his eyes as he beheld a terrifying creature he would later come to recognize as a Vampire. The blood sucker then offered him an ultimatum, become like him, or become like the corpses left on the ground. Jebediah seeing no way out and wanting to see his parents again accepted the strangers offer. A bite on the neck being the last thing he felt as he slowly lost consciousness in a haze of red and an unquenchable hunger.

All he can recall from that night afterwards is being covered in blood with an unfamiliar yet intoxicating taste lingering in his mouth. Though, what he does know is that same night his parents were murdered by an unknown assailant. Fear the Dark in the midst of his grief offered him a home. To work for them and have place to stay and become strong, to never need to live on the streets again. To potentially even avenge the death of his mother and father. Being scared with nowhere to go he accepted the organization's offer and became a member. Internally bidding farewell to Lumina as to not put her in danger as well. Finding a natural knack for stealth and admiring the simple yet effective power of a shotgun, especially in close-quarters. He felt reviled and disgusted every time he had to consume in order to survive. Often pondering his loyalty and if there really was no other avenue for him to go down. This all changed when one day due to a heated argument and a slip of the tongue, it was revealed to him via one arrogant and dickish ghoul that the very killer he had wanted to seek vengeance upon for killing his parents was himself. He was turned and sent after his own family and consumed them in the carnage of his transformation.

Fueled with rage from this realization Jebediah point blank shot the man in front of him with his gun. Before long the entire compound was on him, ready to go out in a blaze of glory. But a voice stopped him. Said voice almost feeling like his instincts as it led him to an opened air vent. Jebediah kept listening to the voice and with its help escaped the clutches of Fear the Dark. With his newly found freedom he finally realized the full extent of what he had done and likely what he had helped to do. Deeply reflecting and regretting nearly every action he had performed while working under them. And in his deep sorrow he headed towards a beach before sunrise, waiting for it to rise and end it all. Finding little to no reason to persist through this life of his. But then he heard it again... but stronger. That little voice that had got him out of the compound, telling him to live despite it all. And as the sun began to burn his skin, for some unknown reason to him he chose to run and hide in the shade. Despite his wishes... something compelled him to live. Eventually maneuvering and finding a nearby shack to shelter in from the sun the voice made itself known. It was a mentor spirit, taking upon the guise of a rat. Telling Jebediah it sees potential in him and that the cowards way out is truly not what he wants to do. That he can with its guidance make right all that he and them had done wrong.

After pondering it and despite his desires to exit out towards the morning sun, Jebediah eventually retracted his hands and chose the hard route. Swearing to the rat and himself that he would make amends for all he had done while under Fear the Dark's influence. Using him to kill his own parents, likely sabotaging and leading several infected towards feeding frenzies and god knows what else. Deciding to become the monster they wanted him to be, but not aimed towards the general public, but towards the ones that made him that way. Setting out on an aimless quest across northern America to tear down and hunt nearly all infected in his path. After doing this for a while he heard of their providence and ties to Seattle. Knowing how deep they must be Jebediah decided to make a new home there, where he now waits for the right moments to strike, making right what he has done wrong.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Infected: Vampire (Sukayan) "I will use what they forced upon me to make them pay for what they have done."
  • Mentor Spirit (Rat(Alt)) "The bastard won't leave me alone when I work. Kinda makes it hard to trust others but very few have my back when they know what I am. Then again... I sure as hell wouldn't."


  • Prejudice Common, Biased (Infected) "Nearly every one of them bastards I met prey on the weak and drink em' dry. Maybe there are others out there like me. But they are a dime in a dozen."
  • Vendetta (Fear the Dark) "They stole my life from me and made me feel responsible. Now I'm gonna take theirs to make things square."


Blackhawk upon visiting the outback... changed. Through willpower and determination he was able to survive the mana storms that plagued him. Despite the sad failure of the mission, he still arrived home a changed man. Better prepared for what lay back in store for him. His body now resembling that of a... predator. A hunter and born killer ready to track their prey, pursue with staggering speed, and be ready for whatever may try to stop his path. His body being a pale and lean representation of a man-like hawk, adding a bit of irony to his name. However, his darker side becomes more apparent, the sun bothering him more often, his self imposed image of a monster making it harder to communicate to others, as well as critters and creatures being able to easier see what he truly is.

  • Positive
Ogre Stomach
Metagenic Improvement (AGI)
Vermonasular Organ
  • Negative
Critter Spook
Impaired Attribute (CHA)
Third Eye
Vestigial Tail

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Disasterpiece TheaterRobintonParadise Lost14 September 2085
Bubba shot the JukeboxDraknic7 September 2085
All good till it wasn'tAsmodeus28 August 2085
Requiem for the DreamersRobinton18 July 2085
HeartacheOrionRequiem22 June 2085
The Dragon Sleeps TonightSarcarianMeatgrinder10 May 2085
Pfalz Sense of SecurityVilliers2 May 2085
Invasive SpeciesSleeveyLa Famille Du Peintre11 April 2085
Uncle Ahn's Warehouseapaloozabeanbongos2 April 2085
The Great WaveAsmodeusThe Arrival22 March 2085
Viral DisputeSleevey15 March 2085
Choke them allZerre11 March 2085
Hacking through the gateFangblade_6 March 2085
420BPM THROUGH THE SKULLFangblade_Amhrain na Preachan4 March 2085
By the Grace of Her GraveFangblade_28 February 2085
Chromecast and FuriousDraknic26 February 2085
Qui sème le vent... Récolte l'AtomiqueZerreContre-Révolution
Rad Wars 2084
8 December 2084
Operation PoseidonSarcarianRad Wars 20842 December 2084
Go Ahead, Make My WayLHOG20 November 2084
Redmond Retroviral RetrievalLotus16 November 2084
Move Ahead, Lay Down Dead, or Slip on ByFangblade_Sign of Zeta8 November 2084
High Caliber SpectrometryAsmodeusThe Arrival7 November 2084
Noblesse ObligeFangblade_The Light Before We Land6 November 2084
Fake NewsDraknic6 November 2084
An Eerie's WaltzZerre30 October 2084
Killing WaveFangblade_22 October 2084
Anomalous Spy GamesAsmodeus14 October 2084
So Goes Darkness Part 1Fangblade_And Love You Shall Find7 October 2084
Halloween KittyAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking6 October 2084
HeavenswardFangblade_When the hunters came to town
And Love You Shall Find
25 September 2084
Oasis of the SoulAsmodeusThe Arrival5 August 2084
Charred Ramen TakeoutAsmodeus25 July 2084
BIRFDAY BOY! IT'S YOUW BIRFDAY!Fangblade_24 July 2084
Rumspringa, Part 1YouMayFireWhenReady6 July 2084
You Ottern't StayAurora4 July 2084
Motel MonstersAsmodeus18 June 2084
Bat MessengerDraknic17 June 2084
Metallican InterviewAsmodeus4 June 2084
Wounded Dog New TricksDraknic25 May 2084
Troubled Texan's Technomancer TaskmasterAsmodeusThe Arrival15 May 2084
In the FamilyKeeper MIt's a Small Underworld After All15 February 2084
Activating My AlucardAsmodeus26 January 2084
Don't Fear The YokaiAsmodeus1 January 2084
Tale of Blood and OakAsmodeus26 December 2083
Crusading on ToxicsEva22 December 2083
Éclaire la NuitSarcarian13 December 2083
Nome Run RewindKeeper MIt's a Small Underworld After All11 December 2083
Caroling Through a Steel WallFuraidopotetoChristmas Special, With a Vengeance9 December 2083
Beetle Thief BustedBulldogc6 December 2083
High Moon ShowdownKeeper M6 December 2083
Pests for ProgenyAurora29 November 2083



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Antonio "Vice" Vecce 3 4 Gear Gianelli Caporegime Medical Supplies, Automatic Weapons, Explosives, High Fashion Armor Even
Asahiro Kunitoshi 6 4 Fixer Vice-President of Imperial Kami Services For The Corporation, Blademaster, Scholar, Vashionable, Authorization, Spywork, Corpo Gear, Shintoist Even
Beatrice Veronica 6 2 Gear Weapons World Seattle R&D Executive Officer Company Woman, At Arm's Length, Working Hours, Weapons World, Heavy Ordnance, Assault on (Every) Keep, Longarms Love, Snip(e) It for Me!, Automatically Available, Pretty Pistol, Ares Insider, Wheeling and Dealing, Armed and Fabulous Even
Bellerophon 4 3 Generalist Professional Paracritter Hunter Artificer, Fantastic Beasts (and Where to Find Them), Pegasus, Reagent Hunter, The Most Dangerous Game Even
Bolt 3 5 Fixer Gang Leader Fixer's Fury, HTR Harrier, Stealth & Subterfuge, Retired Yet Sharp Even
Edouard Napoléon Bonaparte 6 3 Generalist Heir of the French Empire French Nobility Rivalry, Imperial Education, L'Aiglon, The Great Army, La Garde Impériale, Military Connection, Patron of Schooling and Law, Seer Even
Ghaz 2 2 Legwork Skraacha Sheriff Cavalry's Here, Skraacha Sheriff, Coffin House -1
Hank 1 2 Service Spec Ops PTT Killing Maching Lone Wolf, Weapons Masters, Unkillable, Bioware Expert Even
Helena Iscariot 4 1 Networking
Dante's Inferno Employee
Cursed Luck, Bridgemaker, Christian, Damned, Societal, Infobrokers, Magisec Even
Hextech 4 5 Custom(G,A,K,N)
Black Stalker
AI Expert, Engineer, Technomancy, Cybertechnologist, Custom Armory Even
Lamashtu 6 4 Generalist Ex-Prison Warden Drake Security Expert, Interrogator, Milspec Gear, Tactical Gear, Armor Accessories, Weapon Accessories, Rigger Gear, Bravo Six, Going Dark, Medical Expert, Drill Instructor, Highly Flammable, Hard To Approach, Any Means Necessary Even
Lisa Cutty 6 2 Fixer Chicago State Hospital Administrator & Fixer A Woman of Principle, Fixer Family, Hospital Administrator, A Tale of Two Cities, Shrewd Negotiator, Syndicate Neutral Party, Places High, Places Low, What's in a Name? Even
Sypech 2 2 Legwork Retired Assassin Beast Way Adept, Former Assassin, Lay of the Land Even
Taxi Sandra 1 4 Fixer(A,G,N,K) Taxi Driver Big Van with Smuggeling Compartment, Sidelines Even


Faction Reputation
Faction Reputation
Farraday's Clinic 10
Isotopes -1
Kalanyr -10
Komun'ga Ring 3
N-51 -10
Ork Underground 2
Saeder-Krupp -5
Shiawase 2
Shotozumi-Gumi -10
Streets of Seattle 5
West Coast Monolith 22


  • Artemisia "It's nice knowing I am not the only one... knowing what I am while still fighting on to protect others. Resisting the voices and cravings to ensure a better future for those that our kind feed upon."
  • Eidolon: "It's just fun to make fun of the bastard. Even if they shot me in the head."
  • Nearl "I saw way too many similarities in our stories for me to overlook. He has someone non-infected that cares for him a shit ton. I got someone similar. We both made mistakes... I just need to make sure he don't repeat em'."
  • Red Ribbon "They got some issues goin on but they're good at heart. Just hope that drone was worth it."
  • Sinning Jenny "Only one stupid or stubborn enough to know I'm an infected and still wanna be friends despite my refusal. I let her though cause at least she's rational about it. Wherever you may be... thank you. For all you have done. I will carry on for you."


  • Heart of the Tempest "NO ONE should spread this infection... let alone willingly. Making a... family? Out of THIS?! It sickens me to my fuckin core."

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 The name of either a sports team or an old model of military helicoper.
3 Rumors exist of a gunslinger that hunts infected under the cover of night in the streets of Seattle.
6 Reports exist of a highly lethal cowboy styled member of Fear the Dark that had gone missing over 2 years ago near Florida.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 A gunslinger with a heavy cowboy aesthetic.
3 Blackhawk is not very outgoing, known for preferring more stealth based approaches. Is also known for prioritizing jobs that deal with infected.
5 Blackhawk is an ironic tale. An infected that hunts infected under the veil of night with a variety of weapons.


(All licenses have a matching rating unless noted otherwise)

SIN Issuer Rating Licenses
Albert Williams UCAS R4 Adept, Bounty Hunter, Drivers, Firearms, Hunting


A decently tall figure standing 6'7" in height. Next to none of his skin or body visible due to his armor, cloak, and cowboy style hat. All of which seemingly nicely embroidered and detailed. Two sashes of ammunition rest atop his chestplate. Underneath said armor lies a button up dark purple shirt. Ankle length brown pants covering his legs. Spurs hanging off of the back of his boots. A set of nicely made armor rests atop all of it. His face covered by a ballistic mask with the visage of teeth and a skull's nose painted atop it. His eyes seeming to glow atop it. He carries around more weapons that he should. An AA-16 often resting on his shoulder with a strap. A Colt Future Frontier and a Sapphire knife sheathed on his left hip and a Ruger Super warhawk holstered on his right.

Matrix Persona

The closest equivalent to a "default model" you can get on the Matrix. But with a cowboy hat.

Media Mentions

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
I will teach them to fear me Having been lied to and deceived by Fear the Dark into working for them and having him aid in the murders and abductions of untold dozens of innocent people. Blackhawk swears vengeance against anyone tied to the organization. https://shreloaded.net/wiki/Éclaire_la_Nuit
Orders of Magnitude bigger Upon visiting the Aztechnology pyramid and gazing upon a mysterious symbol. Blackhawk has realized whatever happened in Florida was far... stranger than he originally thought. Seeing a symbol and documentation revolving around a strange medallion he uncovered, the symbol on it linked to an old Mutaqua that roamed around his Fear the Dark groups headquarters. The symbol belonging to a shadow organization simply reffered to as the Ordo Maximus. Now trying to find out more without being caught. Good luck, Blackhawk. Good fuckin luck. https://shreloaded.net/wiki/Tale_of_Blood_and_Oak
Eye for an eye On an EVO convoy to become a well paid Guinea Pig for experimental EVO bioware, Blackhawk witnessed the entire convoy get destroyed by what seemed to be a singular infected. Taking on and near effortlessly destroying multiple near-HTR level EVO security. Afterwards holding Blackhawk by the throat and giving him one of two options. Either join him or join them as they gestured at the corpses. Wanting to live to see his family again he chose to join the stranger and was forcefully turned into an infected. Upon waking up after having no control over his body nor memories Blackhawk would later learn that he himself had killed his own parents and that the figure likely played a part in it as his parents would have put up a fight against him no problem. Now Blackhawk tirelessly hopes to become strong enough to hunt down and kill the figure that stole both his metahumanity and family. No run correlates to this as of yet.
A new family Despite a deep resounding hatred of himself and what he is, Blackhawk secretly yearns to find a group he can belong to. But with the criteria of having a solid moral compass so his gun can never be aimed at the innocent again, have the capabilities to kill him should he lose control of himself, and allow him in despite his infected nature... he may be having difficulties finding such a group/organization. The West Coast Monolith is the closest he has found to it, managing to through his efforts gain a solid reputation. But due to his infected nature he may not fully join their ranks officially. But still, maybe one day he may find that group with whom he belongs. No specific runs call to mind but several runs Blackhawk has done related to the West Coast Monolith or gaining reputation therein.
Aspect 5

ShadowGrid Profile Comments