"Dandy" Dale Hardin

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"Dandy" Dale Jimmy-Joe Hardin
Dandy Dale Hardin profile.png
Street Sam
hitman109109 (hitman109)[1]
Street Cred7
Public Awareness0
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.August 24, 2039
Metatype - E
Attributes - B
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - B
Resources - A

Character Information


A Street Sam with a focus on Sniper Rifles, Agility, Intuition, and Reaction skills. |label12 = CDP |data12 = 36


  • Hunt one of every critter known to exist
  • Start a farm
  • Own and learn how to fly a plane


Dale Hardin is a product of what some would call a dead age. He's a good ol' boy redneck who loves to hunt, fish, and go on the occational run from time to time. Despite his older age, he's still as fast and intuitive as his younger self. Dale was never put into the education system, his ma and pa opting to home school him with skills such as hunting, fishing, tending to animals and farming. As a result, Dale's as dull as a doornail in terms of academics, but he can tell you what kind of ammunition to use in any given situation or the different kinds of critters that reside in the area. When he was younger, he was married to an elf named Leena for 8 years in Atlanta. Leena worked as a nurse in a hospital that specialized in metahuman treatment, this caused problems from the group Humanis, who would often hold protests in front of the building. One unfortunate evening, Leena was working late when a group of Humanis radicals stormed into the hospital, killing as many people as they could before the police were able to stop them. Leena was one of the victims, suffering a shot to the stomach and left to bleed out. After her funeral, Dale picked up his gun, hunted down a group of Humanis and killed them in some form of vigilante justice. After that, he left Atlanta, traveling all over the North American continent, hunting animals and picking fights with metaracists until he finally settled in Seattle, tired of running from his past and adopting a dog for company. He found work as a game hunter for a time before hearing about Shadow Runners from a friend at a bar, taking a deep dive into how to become one until he finally did. He tries to play nice with everyone, usually cracking jokes and teasing anyone who gets nervous around his big ol' dobermann, Brutus. Armed with his heavily modified Ruger 101 (Charlene) and pickup truck (Betty) and his trusted companion, Brutus, he's set to hunt any prey he wants and any deadbeat, hired goon or corporate D-Bags you wanna pay him to hunt.

Narrative Significant Qualities

  • Distinctive Style: Wears full forest hunting gear at all times.
  • Outdoorsman: Has lived in rural and backwoods areas all his life.
  • Insomnia (Basic): Years of irregular sleep schedules due to early rises for hunts and long stretches animal tracking.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
Big Game. Big Hunters.Lhigh13 July 2083
For Running WildMalyMedium27 February 2083
Kentucky Fried (Bug) ChickenAuroraDeadly13 February 2083
But Where Has All The Gold Gone?AuroraOrichalcum TraitorsHigh24 October 2082
Brassica Oleracea By Another NameAuroraA Scattering of Deadly PetalsHigh9 May 2082
Ghoulish infightingAuroraA Ghoulish CaseHigh1 May 2082
Depleted ResourcesSarcarianSemi-Prime23 January 2082
A Drop of Blood Never Hurt AnyoneChrisst111The Month the Streets Ran RedLow9 November 2081
50 Leagues Under the WavesChrisst111The Month the Streets Ran RedMedium9 October 2081
You Found MeGhostlinHigh22 August 2081
Last Year's Turret is Another Man's TreasureSedatedAlice24 Karat MagicMedium11 June 2081
Adversaries: Night at the MuseumDoc McGuffinsAdversaries1 June 2081
Red Right HandJigurdProject Red Dragoon10 April 2081
Once Upon a TimeDoom7 March 2081
Reformation Hunt 11 15DarklordiabloThe Reformation25 February 2081
Route 66 part 3: DriveDoc McGuffinsLike mad max but more guns22 February 2081
Shadowhaven Combat TournamentTeksura
21 February 2081
🎪 On The High SeasTeksuraCircus of Crime5 January 2081
Santa's got a SemiMalyc16 November 2080
Cabinet Man (Run)Purkinje15 November 2080
Routine DeliveryTeksura13 November 2080
Hitting Them Where It HurtsMalycAgainst all odds - The OtherCon story31 October 2080
A Shadowrun Based on Bullshit by Rise Against, Part 2DrBurst20 October 2080
A Shadowrun Based on Multiple Songs from the Album Now You Are One of Us by The Paper ChaseDrBurstDance Around The Fire That We Once Believed - The Ex-Firewatch Story15 September 2080
A Shadowrun Based on Stick and Poke's RunningDrBurstDance Around The Fire That We Once Believed - The Ex-Firewatch Story18 June 2080
A Shadowrun Based on Strike Anywhere's TopicDrBurst1 June 2080
A Shadowrun Based on The Paper Chase's We Will Make You One of UsDrBurstDance Around The Fire That We Once Believed - The Ex-Firewatch Story24 April 2080
They Might Be Giants – You’re On FireDrBurstPanic! At the Corperate Court - The Rise of SpinGlobal26 February 2080
ShadowHaven Post 41203164FFdavyj0nes6 February 2080
Big D And The Kids Table - Doped Up Dollies on a One Way Ticket to BloodDrBurst29 January 2080
Streetlight Manifesto - Point Counterpoint (Part 1)DrBurstAftermath - The Ex-Neonet Story24 January 2080
Streetlight Manifesto - 9mm And A Three Piece SuitDrBurstAftermath - The Ex-Neonet Story16 December 2079
Streetlight Manifesto - The Three of Us (Part 1)DrBurstAftermath - The Ex-Neonet Story8 December 2079
That Handsome Devil - Pills for EverythingDrBurstAftermath - The Ex-Neonet Story26 November 2079
If you'll excuse me there's somewhere I have to be where the whole fucking city can see meDrBurst3 October 2079
The Cab - Angel With A ShotgunDrBurstDance Around The Fire That We Once Believed - The Ex-Firewatch Story29 July 2079
Porter Robinson & Madeon - ShelterDrBurst28 July 2079
The Kinks - StrangersDrBurst8 July 2079
Flobots - Journey After (War Fatigues)(Part 4)DrBurst7 July 2079
Rise Against - Mourning in (Seattle) (Part 1)DrBurst16 June 2079
Rise Against - ArchitectsDrBurst12 June 2079
Thomas the Dank EngineDrBurst22 May 2079
  • Thomas the Dank Engine (05-23-2018): 2 karma, 14000 nuyen
  • Rise Against - Architects (06-11-2018): 4 karma, 18000 nuyen, +3 Rep Enduring Resistance
  • Rise Against - Mourning in (Seattle) (Part 1) (06-16-18): 2 Karma, 20000 nuyen, +3 Horizon, +3 Technocratic Party
  • Versus - Childish Gambino - This Is [Seattle] (06-20-18): 2 Karma, 15000 nuyen, 25000 nuyen worth of gear, +3 Enduring Resistance
  • Flobots - Journey After (War Fatigues)(Part 4) - (07-07-18) 2 Karma, 37000 nuyen, +3 Streets of Cuba
  • The Kinks - Strangers - (07-09-18) 6 Karma, +1 Horizon
  • Burning Brides - Heart Full of Black - (2018-07-18) 3 karma, 16500 nuyen
  • <Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter> 2018-07-28 10 karma
  • If you'll excuse me there's somewhere I have to be where the whole fucking city can see me, 3 karma, 28000, +3 Krime



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Johns 5 1 Fixer Street Fixer Black Market Connections, Former Shadowrunner, Redmond Barrens, Novacoke Addict, Street Smarts, Shadow Community Even
Jaelisha 2 1 Custom(G,A,K,N) Animal Trainer Veterinarian, Animal Breeder, Paracritters Even
Cabinet Man 2 3 Gear Business Owner Entombed, Living Fossil, Decker, Old School, Jury Rigger, Swarm Rigger, Tech Vendor Even
Roscoe West 3 2 Gear Game Hunter/Moonshiner Alcohol, DIY Explosives, Military Tactics, Former Eco-Terrorist Even
Pitty 'Grease Lightning' McShane 5 2 Gear Mechanic Cars, Mechanic, Drones, Hard to reach, Motorcycles, GoGanger, Aerial vehicles Even
Max Malini 3 2 Legwork Ringmaster Ring Leader, Infobroker, Security Expert, Team of Specialists Even



  • +3 Crime Mall Merchant's Association
  • +7 Ex-Neonet
  • +7 Horizon
  • +3 Technocrat Party
  • +3 Streets of Cuba
  • +3 Krime
  • +1 Black Star


  • Humanis
  • Unity (terrorist group)

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table


  • Name: Richard Gil
  • Fake SIN R4
  • Firearms license R4
  • Hunting license R4
  • Diver's license R4
  • Restricted Cyberware license R4
  • Marine license R4
  • Restricted Bioware R4
  • Military Weapons R4
  • Restricted Armor R4


Tall, small scars on face and arms, small underbite, the word "RED" tattooed on the back of his neck in big blocky red letters, a gun tattoo colored like the american flag on shoulder.


Full hunting gear, orange trucker hat, shooting gloves, combat boots

Matrix Persona

  • Default Avatar

Media Mentions

  • "A Republican radical nationalist completely got away from Lone Star Securities without even being jumped in to his vehicle."

ShadowGrid Profile Comments