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“A desperate soul needs a good and inspiring music”

My GMP tracker:


Oathbane - Young technomancer who has gotten herself into a bit of trouble for running away from home, or maybe she didn't matter at all.

Nogitsune - What happens, when a fox becomes assassin. Remember that the wheelfox is online.

Vikar - Washup mage, who still thinks he can make a living in the shadows. Who likes dad jokes?

Rougarou - No more simple than taking a sword and slashing open some idiot, here we have the Rougarou...and no she not that elf at the local stuffer shack.


Scrappenny - Ganger and rigger, one hell of a time to make it big kid

Orchid - A very cute wolf surge who has little bag filled with powerful spells

Jiang-shi - Very weird girl, who seem to be in a daze

Ember - Dog with guns and smack people with said gun

RC-45 - FLR Decker

Roc - Birb face, who was from a test tube

Honeypie - Troll face who has taken up the elder god path

Signifer A borg from Ares


Chernobog - Someone's trying to make a name for themselves

Coldspot - Script Kitty

Colten Wight - Man trying to make a living

Dana Jessica Boatman - Not a insane cultist. she trying to help the world

Molly Landry - Not everyone get to be a star.

Inari Ōkami - The Seattle Queen of Foxes

I'm Plant - Force 1 spirit of plant

Dr.Greenwill - Awaken ork who loves animals a lot

Sypech - Former assassin and now working to make a living.

Zok - Doc trying to help people and get paid

Carl the Medic Fox -A little fox who wants to help epople

Guillermo Rodríguez - The Guy you don't want to be in the sights of.

Soucouyant - Skilled and deadly shadowrunner...Odd where did her daughter get the liking of blades?

Sister Hana - A former Shadowrunner and now Nun

Private Malone - Solider Spirit reporting for duty

Mr.Hammer - Guy who likes his drones and hammer

Eric Blader - Dude with a sword go stabby

Armstrong -

Isaac Arbiter Parker - The judge

Crine Takahashi -

GM Style Sheet

I expect people to likely know more than me about shadowrun but one of the major factors for my runs is going to be a bit of a mix of my weird comical humor and serious aspect, and just bear in mind I'm still new to shadowrun so I don't know every in and out and I may ask questions to figure out there does this work or is this even allowed by the rules so, take some of my rulings with a grain of salt, so we don’t hold the game up.

I generally expect players at my table to:

  • Be able to help new players and gm like me.
  • Always keep in mind, you are a team, just chaos can be allowed.
  • Just know that this is shadowrun, it's going to touch some of the darker side at the world at times.
  • Remember that we all have done stuff in the past and keep in mind, that the world will remember what you have done.
  • Play stupid games,Win stupid prizes


  • Chaos Up in this place: Runs focus around crazy ideas and has strange events
  • Beast of the World: Run base around animals and other awaken creatures, Can be a Pink mohawk or Black trench coat.
  • Sunday Best: A job for runners who are Black Trench Coat
  • Deadmen tell no tales: Some dead runner is sending out jobs... something about this is not right.
  • Assassin's Payroll: How you like killing people who can be good or bad people.

