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===Player Characters with this Contact===
===Player Characters with this Contact===
<!-- You do not need to mess with this. This template should automatically generate a table with everyone who has the contact on their wiki page. -->

===NPC who know this contact===
===NPC who know this contact===
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==Narrative Significant Runs==
==Narrative Significant Runs==
[[Category:Public Contacts]]
One of the first vampires to be turned after the Awakening was the firstborn of a media conglomerate's vice president. Born with a silver spoon in her mouth and used to luxury, the usual route to the penthouse wasn't available when all hell broke loose. Trying to find an alternate route, she took one wrong turn and ended up in the deepest, darkest reaches of her psyche to escape what a bunch of psychotic street-dwelling trash were to put her through. The chaos that ensued that year and the absolute turmoil society suffered from left an infected, hospital-ridden corporate woman in a ward and out of the media's sights. Quietly disowned and swept under the rug, her existence wasn't something her father wanted to ever think about again.
Decades have passed in the Sixth World and she's gone through a lot in her quest to build herself up from nothing, at her worst ripping the throats of homeless innocents and at her best falling back into her old vices of luxury. Emotional trauma from her past has healed, yet it's also given her new purpose. Finding every last person involved, dead or alive, and desecrating their very existence has become her driving purpose, her raison d'etre. To climb from nothing back to the top and to avenge hours of suffering are both ways for her to stomp on the very concept of street scum that once dared to lay their hands on her. Over time, she tracked down two, found three had died from old age and brutally slaughtered two more, but seven more remain. She doesn't care if she ends up in front of an apartment or a grave. Either way, something will burn.
This quest of hers was what spurred her on to run the shadows without hesitation. She's often offered the most dangerous jobs because she rarely refuses them. They're the risky runs that people don't usually come back from. Still, time and time again she's survived ambushes and complete slaughters, returning as the sole survivor either through acting chops as a corpse or leaving her team to die when it was obvious they were set up. She's surrounded by death and the only one that it doesn't seem to stick to is herself. For this reason, she's found her new alias. Before, she's used Jane Doe or Blondie as nicknames in place of her birthname, which she no longer tells anyone. Instead, thinking back to her college courses, one thing sticks out to her, a lone figure bringing the dead to the afterlife.
==Significant Things for Narrative==
* '''Unstable Vampirism''' ''<small>(Infected: Vampire, Astral Beacon)</small>'' - ''The obvious part that she doesn't attempt to hide from anyone she ends up working with. All that matters to her (and should matter to her allies) is that she'll drink enemies, not allies.''
* '''Infected Chimera''' ''<small>(SURGE III, Deadly Venom, Glamour, Berserker, Critter Spook)</small>'' - ''Due to making a spirit pact with a fae out of sheer arrogance, Charon's already unstable aura was further destabilized with karma from the Seelie Court. Her likeness has been influenced with traits of a Baobhan Sith including fae-like beauty, their unnatural presence and temper. Every rose has its thorns and her bite has become utterly lethal.''
* '''Attack Dog of the Shadows''' ''<small>(Made Man: Black Lodge)</small>'' - ''After meeting [[Mr. Herenight]] during [[Soirée]], Charon got back in touch with him and was unceremoniously shoved into one of the local first-tier lodges, the Baroque Masquerade. They have no central meeting place and the lodge is composed of six members with Charon filling the seventh and final position. Their relationship has been tense, and while Charon has fulfilled the bare minimum required of membership, her unpredictable escapades don't befit an organization of manipulators.''
* '''Crow of Seattle''' ''<small>(Wanted, Local Fame)</small>'' - ''By this point, the Crow of Seattle has become something of an urban legend. Some claim to have seen her around, others think she's just a myth and plenty of blonde human women exist so it's purely a coincidence if anyone claims to have met her. After the publicized fight filmed from a news helicopter lent credence to the legend, people tend to believe in her being real a little bit more. Naturally such a bloody legend comes with a juicy bounty attached.''

==Run History==
==Run History==
<!-- You do not need to edit this section. The above stuff will auto-generate a list of runs based on AARs. -->

|Name=Silas Vespasiano
|Name=Mr. Herenight
|Name=Amelie and Jean-Baptiste
|Name=Anything Andy
|Name=Frank Goldman
|Name=Yoon Myung-ju
|Name=Treasa ke'Vedryn

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|Group=Black Lodge
|Group=Black Lodge
|Position=Lodge of Nostradamus Initiate
|Position=Lodge of Nostradamus
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{| class="wikitable"
|+Faction Reputation
|Seelie Court
|Painted Trees
|Yellow Lotus Triad
|Team Alpha
|Mothers of Metahumans
|Ghoul Liberation League
|Red Dragon Triad
|Sons of Sauron
|Order of the Temple
| -5
| -5
| -7
|Black Vory
| -10

==Matrix Search Table==
==Matrix Search Table==
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|LowResult=Greek mythology has a ferryman called Charon, taking the souls of the dead across the river Styx from the world of the living to the realm of the dead.
|LowResult=Greek mythology has a ferryman called Charon, taking the souls of the dead across the river Styx from the world of the living to the realm of the dead.
|MidResult=Footage from illegal urban brawls, security cameras and declassified security reports show a woman with long, blonde hair in a high fashion coat taking an inhuman amount of gunfire and ripping security guards in half with her bare hands. Reports of her being shot through the chest and walking away unharmed have caused a theory to erupt that she may be a ghost.
|MidResult=Footage from illegal urban brawls, security cameras and declassified security reports show a woman with long, blonde hair in a high fashion coat taking an inhuman amount of gunfire and ripping security guards in half with her bare hands. Reports of her being shot through the chest and walking away unharmed have caused a theory to erupt that she may be a ghost.
|HighResult=A criminal going by the same name has a massive bounty placed on her by both Regency MegaMedia and SpinGlobal. Few have attempted to collect it.
|HighResult=A criminal going by the same name has a massive bounty placed on her by both Regency MegaMedia and SpinGlobal. Few have attempted to collect it. Saeder-Krupp has placed a bounty of over 2.5 million nuyen on her head as of 2084. Several bounty hunters that began tracking her have gone radio silent since and were later found in Nepal and Tibet with seven knives stuck in their backs. Charon has a perfect alibi to not be the one responsible.

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|LowResult=Charon's well connected with various Infected factions and has been directly in conflict with various paranormal threats from other infected to insect spirits. She often makes antiquated remarks about pre-Matrix era Internet trends.
|LowResult=The Crow of Seattle notoriously murdered several elderly men and dozens of Knight-Errant cops in a vampiric rage later on. She went off the grid for over a year or two, but returned later as a fixer and appears to have extensive connections.
|MidResult=Remarked by many to be a vampire from the pre-2000 era, she's one of the closest things the shadows get to a living fossil. She's probably seen it all at one point or another.
|MidResult=Is often seen around an unusual spirit with pointy ears. Rumor has it that she's tangled with actual dragons before.
|HighResult=Known to go after oddly specific people in various factions, it's suspected that Charon has a kill list she's working through. Her previous victims have always been exsanguinated and left with the message 'YOU'RE NEXT' near their corpses.
|HighResult=Charon's suspected to be involved with the Black Lodge

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==Assensing Table==
==Assensing Table for Charon==

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==Assensing Table for Crescent-Slash==

*'''Rebecca Corax''' - Rating 6, Horizon; Adept, PI, Firearms, Driver's and Bounty Hunter's licenses included.
{| class="wikitable" style="border-style: solid; border-width: 10px"
*'''Sabaiyel Yarrick''' - Rating 1, UACS; Emergency identity made to help cover up her supposed death.
! style="text-align:left;" |Threshold
! style="text-align:left;" |Description
==Media Mentions==
| style="text-align:center; background-color: #595959" |1
* In 2012, there was a news article about her death, but it's hard to find nowadays. Most of it was in physical newspapers 'Deceased' sections, since the Internet was efficiently scrubbed of most mentions of her.
|Awakened, brimming with life and often feeling melancholic. '''<small>(Astral Bouncer: Dark Magic Tradition)</small>'''
* In 2082, Charon was in breaking news, rampaging throughout Puyallup against heavy Knight-Errant resistance and ending up in the sewers while fighting some Catholic Temple warriors. News reported her to be dead. Again.
| style="text-align:center; background-color: #595959" |2
|Physical adept and exceptionally dark and malicious aura. '''<small>(Astral Bouncer - The Athlete's Way)</small>'''
| style="text-align:center; background-color: #595959" |3
|Infected with HMHVV I, Essence and Magic likely to be higher than the observer's. Bears three astral signatures; earring, ring, belt buckle. '''<small>(Astral Bouncer - Initiate Grade 7)</small>'''
| style="text-align:center; background-color: #595959" |4
|Essence varies between 6 and 12, Magic of 14. Earring is a spellcasting focus, ring is a masking focus. '''<small>(Astral Bouncer - Infected Power: Regeneration)</small>'''
| style="text-align:center; background-color: #595959" |5
|No ware of any type, grade or category. She's also not a technomancer. '''<small>(Astral Bouncer - Mentor Spirit: Death)</small>'''

[[Category:Player Characters]]
[[Category:Player Characters]]
[[Category:Public Contacts]]

Revision as of 06:42, 5 September 2023

Black Lodge Autocrat
The Crow of Seattle
Moonblessed Silver-Tongue Crescent-Slash
Immortal Human & Baobhan Sith
Owner's Discord NameAsmodeus
Public Contact?Yes
LocationBellevue, Seattle
MetatypeHuman / Baobhan Sith
Awakened/EmergedAwakened / Awakened
GenderFemale / Female
AgeCharon is 105 / Crescent-Slash is 99
Preferred Payment MethodShadow Work / Karma
Hobbies/ViceAntique Media / Artificing
Personal LifeSingle / Single
FactionBlack Lodge
AspectsBlack Lodge Loyalist
No Dragons
No Elves
Physical Adept
Unseelie Magician
Seelie Court Archeology
4th World Knowledge
Wall Street Classic
Seattle Local
Renaissance Traditionalist
Milk Run Scouting
Chantry To Chantry
We Own Them


One of the first vampires to be turned after the Awakening was the firstborn of Regency Megamedia's vice-president, Harrison Yuvlicht. Born with a silver spoon in her mouth and used to luxury, the usual route to the penthouse wasn't available when all hell broke loose. Trying to find an alternate route, Claire Yuvlicht took one wrong turn and ended up in the deepest, darkest reaches of her psyche to escape what a bunch of psychotic street-dwelling trash were to put her through. The chaos that ensued that year and the absolute turmoil society suffered from left an infected, hospital-ridden corporate woman in a ward and out of the media's sights. Quietly disowned and swept under the rug, her existence wasn't something her father wanted to ever think about again.

She's completed a sixty-year long grudge of revenge against thirteen men that wronged her - some she mutilated to death, others she drained dry with her vampiric powers. At the end of it all, she stood with her quest complete and a body falling apart. With Swerve pleading for her to not give up, Charon turned to a Great Dragon for aid and as a member of the Black Lodge she became an enslaved pawn in the forces of the world's strongest for dominion over it all. Through great efforts, desperation and the fate-defying force of shadowrunners, she was brought back to her own body, freed from disease in a miracle and freed from bondage with the Baobhan Sith she once callously viewed as nothing more than a tool.

Moonblessed Silver-Tongue Crescent-Slash is a former Unseelie Fae from the Seelie Court, having been caught in the great game among her kind and subjected to humiliation and suffering for all time for it. She had no room to go but up, but no opportunities to seize before Charon demanded karma from a powerful fae and Crescent-Slash was the unwilling donor. Now, the spirit pact permanently binds them together, rendering both immortal and leeching the traits of one onto the other. Crescent-Slash exists as the greatest of all traitors among Fae - a traitor to not only the Court, but to all Fae. Charon takes this as a point of pride and will die to defend her one true compatriot in the world.

Together, the notorious serial killer, the Crow of Seattle and the Seelie Court's most hated Judas stand in the Black Lodge's ranks, casting a smothering shadow over Seattle's underworld that suffers no machinations of dragons if they can help it. Vast magical talent, two hundred years of experience combined and knowledge of both worlds, mundane and spiritual, Charon and Crescent-Slash seek to eventually gain influence across all of North-America from the shadows for the betterment of all of its residents. Even if she has to do so without their consent. She doesn't do it for power, but to make a difference. Just don't try to tell her that it makes her no different from an autocrat.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Black Lodge Loyalist Charon and Crescent-Slash aren't just members of the Lodge. They're true believers that within the ranks of this shadowy organization they can change the future of the world towards prosperity. They will under no circumstances work to undermine the Lodge's influence -- the only exception is occasionally turning a blind eye for greedy self-serving members' attempts for personal gain, not the Lodge's gain.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
No Dragons, No Elves Charon will never work for the benefit of anyone that has direct connections to dragons, drakes or their direct servants. If she later finds a PC used her services for a dragon's benefit, she'll set a 20,000 Nuyen bounty on them to all mercenaries of the United Canadian-American States. This means drakes can never take her as a contact and elves can never raise her loyalty above 4.
Above Aspect pending approval. Please notify Thematics.
Physical Adept Charon is a Magic 16, Initiate Grade 11 physical adept of the Dark Magic tradition following the Speaker's Way. Her social infiltration and gunslinging abilities speak for themselves. Beyond this, her fae-like SURGE makes her appear vampiric in several ways, a glamor that rivals that of dryads and a poisonous fanged bite that can kill the average man. Using a vintage Colt 1847 Walker revolver and State of Purity with her bare hands, there's little Charon can't intimidate, punch or headshot. That being said, be wary of asking her for direct aid. She dislikes getting directly involved and if she does, she's likely to not take it seriously, trying to do 360 headshots, other tricks and challenging acrobatic kicks instead of optimal tactics. Ancient media quotes and references are abound as well -- Charon won't provide serious aid to anyone without 2 chips and at least Extreme run difficulty.
Unseelie Magician Moonblessed Silver-Tongue Crescent-Slash is a Magic 10, Initiate Grade 10 Baobhan Sith. She's able to drain Essence to feed herself without permanent damage and bears such a deathly beauty to herself that few mortals can resist her allure. A full magician, Baobhan Sith is a capable artificer and sorcerer, although she detests alchemy and conjurers. Expect her to know practically every normal Illusion spell and most common Health, Manipulation and Detection spells. She also owns a Force 7 Power Focus but cannot be requisitioned for direct assistance on runs. For 10 karma per ritual, she's willing to perform high thaumaturgy such as Divination, Psychometry, Healthy Glow Healing Circles, Blood Sight and Whispers of Bones.
Seelie Court Archeology Due to a long life and countless forbidden tomes the Lodge possesses, Crescent-Slash is an expert when it comes to all sorts of mischief among the Seelie Court. She's less up to date on recent events, however, but can provide exceptional historical references and encyclopedic tidbits.
4th World Knowledge While they won't share more knowledge about the matter, they will gladly owe a chip for new information provided and can tell at a brief glance if some item or piece of information relates to these deep, dark subjects that are best left for stubborn minds to ruminate on.
Wall Street Classic Charon grew up on the 5th World's version of Wall Street. Surrounded by typical 80s businessmen from an early age, she has an innate understanding of corporate greed and capitalism's effects on the psyche. If you need her help on how to twirl corpos around and how people like that think, she's one of the world's most seasoned experts.


Knowledge Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects
Active Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects
Gear Acquisition Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects
Networking Checks 10 + Loyalty + Aspects


Player Characters with this Contact


NPC who know this contact

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Freedom's ObsolescenceAsmodeus9 March 2085
Who's A Good Boy?AsmodeusThe Crow of Seattle13 January 2085
Maid, Where's My Car?Asmodeus8 December 2084
Hedge Your BetsAsmodeusRad Wars 208426 November 2084
Oil Rig ObfuscationAsmodeus28 October 2084
OmenbearersAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking27 October 2084
Reject EnlightenmentAsmodeusThe Crow of Seattle2 September 2084
Waves of DespairAsmodeusThe Crow of Seattle11 August 2084
Six Steps From HellAsmodeusFestering Infestation29 May 2083

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Idiot you negotiated with a dragonKaterSalemThe Crow of Seattle10 June 2083
Scarlet FootstepsArchtmagBy Royal Decree5 April 2083
Coffin DanceSarcarian9 October 2082
Ray & Rey Of SunshineSarcarianThe Crow of Seattle2 September 2082
Charon's New GrooveSarcarian8 August 2082
The Second StrikeArchtmagBy Royal Decree4 August 2082
Slam in the Back of My DragulaSarcarianThe Crow of Seattle20 June 2082
0 to 60Scranton13 June 2082
UnhospitalizedOnebiThe Crow of Seattle13 May 2082
That Font Ever FlowingArchtmag2 May 2082
SoiréeMursey2 May 2082
Live and Let DieSarcarianThe Crow of Seattle29 March 2082
Data JackingSarcarianTwo Steps Ahead13 March 2082
Fuchi in FocusAurora10 March 2082
The Most Urban BrawlOrionsRequiemCross Flight Love Fight24 February 2082
Hundred Year HuntSarcarianThe Crow of Seattle11 February 2082
Si Chi WuxingAurora8 February 2082
Don't Wine About ItTheFrozenMoogle3 February 2082
Digital Dark AgeSarcarianThe Cutter's Curator27 January 2082
It's a Heist bro!OrionsRequiemCross Flight Love Fight26 January 2082
Backroom FeastOrionsRequiem20 January 2082
ACHEs and PainsSarcarian16 January 2082
State of DecaySarcarianFestering Infestation6 January 2082
Black & White & RedSarcarianThe Crow of Seattle4 January 2082
The Little Mermaid 3Si1as30 December 2081
Slay BellsSarcarian29 December 2081
All I Want for Christmas is K-10SarcarianIt's Always Wednesday in Seattle23 December 2081
Krashing the KlavernSarcarian18 December 2081
Pulling the ThreadSi1asWhen You Reach Me11 December 2081
Introductory EntomologySarcarian7 December 2081
Old GhostsSarcarianThe Crow of Seattle5 December 2081
A Grown Up Fairy TaleSarcarian27 November 2081
A Lesson in Not Getting CaughtChrisst111Two Steps Ahead20 November 2081
The Lotus Flower Blooms Far From the SunSarcarian14 November 2081
Does This Look Infected?Sarcarian4 November 2081
Kevin's LimesOBThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes
The Farm and The Furious
15 August 2081
Rock The HouseMagatsu Mandala11 July 2081
Kevin GrimesOBThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes3 July 2081
Real Maiming HoursOptimismBeastThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes14 April 2081
PotholderzPillare13 April 2081
Gospel of DismayGhostlinSuffer the Children
Sins of the Mother
5 April 2081
The Assassination of Joe Bogus by the Coward Kevin CrimesOptimismBeastThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes3 April 2081


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location
Black Lodge Lodge of Nostradamus 4 -8 Secret Society Boosted Worldwide

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Greek mythology has a ferryman called Charon, taking the souls of the dead across the river Styx from the world of the living to the realm of the dead.
3 Footage from illegal urban brawls, security cameras and declassified security reports show a woman with long, blonde hair in a high fashion coat taking an inhuman amount of gunfire and ripping security guards in half with her bare hands. Reports of her being shot through the chest and walking away unharmed have caused a theory to erupt that she may be a ghost.
6 A criminal going by the same name has a massive bounty placed on her by both Regency MegaMedia and SpinGlobal. Few have attempted to collect it. Saeder-Krupp has placed a bounty of over 2.5 million nuyen on her head as of 2084. Several bounty hunters that began tracking her have gone radio silent since and were later found in Nepal and Tibet with seven knives stuck in their backs. Charon has a perfect alibi to not be the one responsible.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 The Crow of Seattle notoriously murdered several elderly men and dozens of Knight-Errant cops in a vampiric rage later on. She went off the grid for over a year or two, but returned later as a fixer and appears to have extensive connections.
3 Is often seen around an unusual spirit with pointy ears. Rumor has it that she's tangled with actual dragons before.
5 Charon's suspected to be involved with the Black Lodge


Kera Charon turned her into a vampire, betrayed her colleague and probably screwed up her entire life. To no-one's surprise, Kera wants her dead.
Killian Full name unknown. brown-haired, tall Caucasian male. One of Charon's Nemeses. Deceased.
Erik Full Name: Erik Steward. Aliases: Issac Foxwell, Ol' Tusk. Former African-American East Bay Dragons biker and one of Charon's Nemeses. Goblinized during the Awakening into an orc and is currently a member of Skraacha. Deceased.
Richard Full name: Richard Woolsey. Male pattern baldness, prefers wearing suits. One of Charon's Nemeses. Businessman with sick vices, presumed to have received Leonization treatment. Deceased... ?
Garik Full name: Garik van Louv. Russo-American, caucasian, brown corn rows. Member of the Vory. One of Charon's Nemeses. Ex-con pre-Awakening. Deceased.
Benny Full name unknown. Irish-American, caucasian, was on parole for assault and murder in 2011. One of Charon's Nemeses. Deceased.
Lavernius Full name: Lavernius Jackson. Mexican-American, green eyes. One of Charon's Nemeses. Presumed SINless. Deceased.
Ray Full name: Ray Finsworth. British immigrant, brother of Rey Finsworth. Albino. One of Charon's Nemeses. Deceased.
Rey Full name: Rey Finsworth. British immigrant, brother of Ray Finsworth. Albino. One of Charon's Nemeses. Deceased.
Hollis Full name: Hollis Oswald. Aliases: Harold Martain. One of Charon's Nemeses, lived in a Horizon care home for the elderly. Deceased.

Assensing Table for Charon

Threshold Description
1 Awakened, brimming with life and often feeling melancholic. (Astral Bouncer: Dark Magic Tradition)
2 Physical adept and exceptionally dark and malicious aura. (Astral Bouncer - The Athlete's Way)
3 Infected with HMHVV I, Essence and Magic likely to be higher than the observer's. Bears three astral signatures; earring, ring, belt buckle. (Astral Bouncer - Initiate Grade 7)
4 Essence varies between 6 and 12, Magic of 14. Earring is a spellcasting focus, ring is a masking focus. (Astral Bouncer - Infected Power: Regeneration)
5 No ware of any type, grade or category. She's also not a technomancer. (Astral Bouncer - Mentor Spirit: Death)

Assensing Table for Crescent-Slash

Threshold Description
1 Awakened, brimming with life and often feeling melancholic. (Astral Bouncer: Dark Magic Tradition)
2 Physical adept and exceptionally dark and malicious aura. (Astral Bouncer - The Athlete's Way)
3 Infected with HMHVV I, Essence and Magic likely to be higher than the observer's. Bears three astral signatures; earring, ring, belt buckle. (Astral Bouncer - Initiate Grade 7)
4 Essence varies between 6 and 12, Magic of 14. Earring is a spellcasting focus, ring is a masking focus. (Astral Bouncer - Infected Power: Regeneration)
5 No ware of any type, grade or category. She's also not a technomancer. (Astral Bouncer - Mentor Spirit: Death)