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Marionette / кукольный
MBW Adept
Jack of most trades. Master of some.
Street Cred17
Public Awareness3
Titles and Awards0
D.O.B.November 5th 2058
FolderMarion's Google Drive Resources
Metatype - D
Attributes - A
Magic/Resonance - D
Skills - E
Resources - A

Character Information

Mandatory Listening

Current Events

Long story short, all of Marions' friends are Dead or MIA. This has not been good for his health. He's gotten into BTLs, which only serves to confirm his hypothesis that reality is a simulation and nothing we do here has any real consequences. He's off the kami, at least, but how long that'll last nobody knows. A spiritual journey in china has revealed much about himself, and crystalized his desire to push through the membrane of the real. More to follow.


A European drifter blowing into Seattle for security through obscurity among the less savory elements of society, putting his begrudgingly gotten skills to use running the shadows. Marionette, кукольный, commonly Marion, prefers to keep things wired and quiet, revealing to fill rooms with grenades and gunfire.

Бережёного Бог бережёт.


Spawned with the intent of furthering Russia's super soldier program, Marion was the subject of extensive genetic experimentation in facilities across Europe and rejected his education and developed a deep distrust of his 'guardians'. He made good his escape several years ago, worked as a disappearer for elements of the Vory to get papers, and has slowly clawed his way across the continent seeking safer havens; landing him in Seattle. It just so happens that governments don't so easily relinquish valuable assets so freely, leading Кукольный to live looking over his shoulder and ready to bolt at any sign of the Man.

Traveling frequently, Marion has spent time living in a variety of locales from England to China, never staying in one place for too long. Maybe Seattle will be different, but he doubts it; the Vory are here, and trouble is never far behind.


  • Makes amends with the Yakuza
  • Defeat whatever UGB elements are after him, the vory may be an ally in this
  • Forge contacts and resource bases to stay ahead of the Man
  • Break ties with his distant past so he can move
  • Settle down, eventually
  • Reality is a lie.

Living Arrangements

Permanent Downtown Apartment - 6|5|4 - Mage sensitive cleaning service, Indoor arboretum, Garage, Drone Maids, Patron of the arts (Penumbra)

Narrative Significant Qualities


Prototype Transhuman: The product of Russian genetic experimentation, it'd be a bad joke if it were not all too real for Marion.

Paranoia: Everybodies out to get Marion, and he's damn justified.

Addiction (Mild) (Kamikaze): Heavy drug use takes its toll on the human body, but Marion handles it quiet well. Takes the edge off.

Wanted: Head down, Chummer.

Run History

Autopopulated Runs
NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Dead in the WaterDawnfire9 June 2085
Operation Hell's GateKaterSalem4 December 2083
Living for a WorkZerre23 November 2083
Land Pirates, maybe?IsaacNone2 November 2083
Times to Watch, Times to ActArchtmagBy Royal Decree29 October 2083
RebellionKaterSalemNo Legion But Still Deadly16 October 2083
Indulgence for the 14th of SeptemberZerreTemple in the Shadows5 October 2083
Thunder UnstruckEva4 October 2083
Ghost of a ChanceZerre30 September 2083
Reconnaissance Step 1: SeattleKaterSalemEnemy within29 September 2083
Don't Kick The AnthillAuroraNo Legion But Still Deadly2 September 2083
Running a MarkAsmodeus27 August 2083
Lights, Camera, Sanctions!Eye of the Storm13 August 2083
The Dragon strike BackZerre2 August 2083
Pull It By The RootsAsmodeusFestering Infestation19 December 2081
Operation IcefangDoomNightmare Mode12 April 2081
D-EVO-LUTIONmudge11 April 2081
Shadowhaven Combat TournamentTeksura
21 February 2081
The Steps Are Paved With Good IntentionsDarklordiabloNanomachines, Son18 December 2080
Overflow - Running WildMaly14 December 2080
A Run based on Stick and Poke's Remember Me when you SingDrBurstDance Around The Fire That We Once Believed - The Ex-Firewatch Story7 July 2080
A Shadowrun Based on Set Your Goals' This Will Be The Death Of UsDrBurstUnwanted Evolution - A Punk Rock Tour1 June 2080
Clipping Wingsjag31 May 2080
Fruit of the Moneytree5am0n13 November 2079
Streetlight Manifesto - Everything Went NumbDrBurstAftermath - The Ex-Neonet Story10 November 2079
Anime Crime Division (Part 1)DrBurst13 September 2079
Katy Perry – Swish Swish (Part 1)DrBurst17 July 2079
The Consequences for Peacful SolutionsEye of the Storm29 June 2079
Verses The Mooney Suzuki – Shake That Bush AgainDrBurst28 June 2079
Rise Against - Mourning in (Seattle) (Part 2)DrBurst17 June 2079
The HoundsAxiomshift21 May 2079
Flobots - Failure GamesDrBurst19 May 2079
Year of the DragonAdamsmithchan3 March 2079
The CaravanFloobyBadoop1 March 2079
Dragon DanceAdamsmithchan2 February 2079
Boardroom BloodbathNotB0b20 January 2079
Tears of SandSadSuspendersTears Trilogy15 January 2079
We Trusted but Something Has Gone WrongAdventureMoose13 January 2079
Fire Water BurnSCKoNi10 January 2079
Devil's Bargainmitsayantan23 December 2078
Yule Be SorrySCKoNi13 December 2078
Sets Go UpSCKoNi13 December 2078
Fury RoadDusk23 November 2078



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Hyena 6 2 Fixer Fixer Former Grey Wolf, Business Owner, Know Your Neighbors, A Taste For Violence, Secret Stash, Firepower, Racketeer Even
Sarge 5 2 Gear Arms Dealer More Dakka, Hidden Dakka, Military Grade, Black Market Connections, Here comes the Boom, Milsurp vehicles Even
Sue Bird 2 2 Custom(K,N,A,G) Infobroker Regular, Bird's eye view, Know thy poison Even
Jean Jacques Pierre 5 2 Gear Tailor Paris Fashion Week, Indebted To The Mafia, Customized Tailoring, Tacticool Tailoring, Armorsmith, Legitimate Businessman Even
Alexey Dorosov 5 3 Fixer Vory Fixer Vory Networker, More Machine Than Ork, Armed To The Tusks, Cybork, Trog Networker, Prototype Collector Even
Bumble [[Contact_Rules#Connection_Rating|]] 4 [[Contact_Rules#Contact_Archetype|]] Even
Dr. Henry Wallace 6 2 Custom(G,A,K,N) Cybertechnologist Cybertechnologist, Designer Deltaware, Cyber Snob, Embrace the Chrome, Biotechnologist, Black Market Pipeline, Cyber-Singularity Seeker Even
Artur Czechlaw 5 1 Fixer Vory Lideri The Vory, Sharped Dressed Man, Immigrant, Well Connected, Blackmailer, Consummate Professional Even
Juniper Jones 2 1 Gear Talismonger (Wiccan) Awakened, Wiccan, Suburban Witch Even
Bongo Roswell 4 1 Gear Shipping Manager Wuxing, Shipping Manager, Lost In Transit, Chutzpah!, Routine Maintenance Even


Faction Reputation List

Vory +8

Enduring Resistance + 3

Knight Errant +3

Street Punk Scene +3

Horizon +2

Technocratic Party +3

Crusher 495 Rep +3

Tattered Black Flags +2

Crying Masks +2

Crime Mall +2

The Order of the Delayed Calamity +1

Spinrad Global +1

Ares +1

Goldeneye +1

Draco Foundation +1

Children of the Dragon +2

Evo -3

SSU 221 -3

Shotozumi Gumi -10

UGB -40



Elements of the Russian government that put a bounty on his head.

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Intentionally refrains from such behaviour, though has a penchant for north european folklore on the rare flamboyancy.

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Info
1 Mundane information regarding his long standing false SIN.
3 His bounty with the UGB. References to his moniker used in enforcement and assassinations in Russia, Turkey, Canton. Bogeyman style rumours from red and white vory about 'Кукольный' and 'марионетка'.
6 ((If you have seen Marions bare torso)) Linked UGB testing facility files about some subjects. Only memos and outside reports, other things fall under 'secret'.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Info
1 {todo}
2 {todo}
3 {todo}


Ted Nearway, Security Consultant



A slight man, Marion is at best reserved, and at worst twitchy and suspicious. UCC and Skilljack tabs pouring from the back of his head betray his form otherwise umblemished by chrome, along with the telltale shake of those cursed with either Parkinsons or Move-By-Wire. Seeing a firearm in his hands would confirm both the latter and the reason for his moniker, Marionette.


Marion favors extremely casual clothes, often sporting a Hawaiian shirt and shorts for unknown and esoteric reasons.

Given the often freezing temperatures in seattle, He'll often be more wrapped up, using AR fashion to style his cloak to local tastes.

Otherwise, a beautiful cloak and coat conceals layers of protective materials to help him blend in and keep unwanted signals at bay.

When on the job, Marion prefers to be not seen at all, and keeps it that way.

Matrix Persona

Default transys avalon


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Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments