Trash Panda
Character InformationSummaryRaccoon Shaman who fancies herself a Master Thief. She is very Great At Crime Goals
BackgroundEva adores trid shows, they were her main escape from the terrible barrens life growing up, and she just can't get enough of them. While she was always interested by those trids that glorified shadowrunning, she wasn't really inspired until she saw a low budget retelling of the story of Robin Hood. Eva fell in love with the idea and wanted to *BE* Robin Hood. Robbing from the rich and giving to the poor. Narrative Significant QualitiesPositive
In Character InformationRaccoon GirlOnce upon a time, Trash Panda was hired to discover the secret identity of the super hero Bold. Over the course of the job, Trash Panda came up with the plan to masquerade as legitimate heroes to earn his trust. Upon discovering the plot of the Johnson who hired them, the team sided with Bold and took down the villain. Trash Panda is not willing to admit she lied to Bold, and maintains the Raccoon Girl persona on occasion just to keep up the con. Matrix Search Table
Shadow Community Table
SINsJane Davis
Olive Barre
Trisha Erkens
Annie Klein
AppearanceSlightly short for an Elf, Trash Panda is small and skinny, and carries an appearance of nimbleness and far, far too much energy for her own good sometimes. She usually bleaches her hair white, but occasionally gets bored of that and dyes it another color. ClothingOften, she can be seen wearing a deep purple armored jacket with a matching cloak. Hidden underneath it is often her chameleon suit, just in case opportunity presents itself.
Matrix Persona
Trash Panda's matrix personas were lovingly crafted by a close friend of hers. One persona has the appearance of an anthropomorphic raccoon, designed at her request. She also has a more normal looking persona, for those situations where the host sculpt enforces a more normal looking persona. This one was created by the same friend at no request in order to ensure Trash Panda had something less childish to fall back to. It appears as a typical club girl version of Trash Panda. Media MentionsShadowGrid Profile Comments |