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NameNegative AspectDescriptionProfessionArchetypeConnectionActive PCs with this Contact
"Adam"Maybe Gonna Give You UpDespite how many firm hand shakes and serious faces Adam gives, he is easily tempted by the prospect of new information, and is often more than willing to trade information on his clients for it if he thinks he'll get away clean. If such a situation occurs, roll 2d6. if the result is greater than or equal to 7 minus Loyalty, Congratulations! Adam is feeling professional or likes you enough to not sell you out. Otherwise, well, Adam learned some juicy new gossip and some not-so-juicy things are in store for you.InfobrokerNetworking50
"CIA Bill" CooperArm's LengthBill's loyalty can not be raised above 3, outside of a private run.CIA HandlerCustom (K,N,G,A)40
"Dirty" Hikari SeraEntrepreneurial ObligationsHikari is a master at the pop-up business, but it keeps her rather busy. When trying to contact her, make a contact availability test as though her connection were 3 higher than usual, before applying any additional modifiers.Joygirl/Noodle Stand OperatorNetworking20
"Happy" LombardoAloof
Hard to Reach
Happy leads not a double, but a triple life, he keeps an old-school planner overstuffed with colorful tabs to keep it all straight. Always make an Availability Test for this Contact with their Connection +3 than normal.
One ill-tempered customer could burn his entire life to the ground. Happy is sociable, but extremely cognizant of any poor reputation of those in his clientele. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with him: subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check he is asked to do.
Runners are dangerous people. The nuyen is worth the danger, but fraternization isn't part of the job description. Happy is outwardly friendly, but cold and calculating underneath the surface. This contact's Loyalty cannot be raised manually. The maximum loyalty upon purchase or reward of this contact is 2. Loyalty can only be raised 1 at a time, and each raising requires the character to first complete a run on their behalf.
Smuggler Custom(G,K,N,A)40
"Lucky" Lucia CarinaCursed LuckLucia is under a luck curse from a dragon that she can't figure out how to break. Whenever she performs a check or uses her Lucky feature, roll a d6, on a 1 the check has the opposite effect than intended, similar to the "Bad Luck" quality.GamblerCustom(A,N,K,G)43
"Philip"Rambling StudyPhilip gets excited about the technical aspects of his work, and will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting him, the GM secretly rolls a d6. If they roll a 1, Philip gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.Free SpiritLegwork20
"Shokunin" DanillBlissfully Unawarethis is someone who doesn’t think that their contacts are runners and doesn’t understand the whole runner thing. If they find out you are a runner, immediately make a Test of Loyalty. If you fail the Test of Loyalty, they will think you are a terrorist, burn you and contact law enforcement. If you succeed in a Test of Loyalty, they will be willing to listen to you explain yourself and even help you leave the runner life.Career ArtistCustom(A,N,K,G)60
'Princess' RosemaryIn HidingThis contact will not do any active checks that require her to leave her sanctum for fear of being caught.CelebrityService30
3310Too SpicyIf asked to research particularly covert topics like Dissonant groups, government organizations or secret societies, 3310 will refuse to not ruin her stable life. She'll only do Matrix Searches regarding more mundane topics like blueprints of public buildings, local cultures or peeping through public traffic cameras.
Aaron KnightQuick to AngerAaron has a short fuse, and is a busy man. If your 'elevator pitch' takes longer than 30 seconds (timed by GM), you will be put on hold to 'verify' your story. This hold will last until Aaron has regained his composure, up to 1d6 hours.JournalistCustom(K,N,A,G)41
Abdul el-AswanMore Metal than ManAbdul is, by mass, far more machine than man. Unfortunately, this means lots of repair and tuning time. When you attempt to contact him, roll 1d6. On a 1, he is busy getting his 'ware retooled and cannot help you for the remainder of the run.FixerFixer40
AbuelitaNothing Left to LoseThis contact is constantly trying to kill you. However, she is exceedingly bad at it, and such attempts should be both hilarious and pity-inducing. She will not help anyone with anything while sober.Forcefully Retired Grandmother.Custom(A,N,K,G)10
Agamemnon has been burned hard by allowing himself to get too close to people in the past, and he is slow to trust as a result - he cannot be taken as a contact with a starting loyalty rating of less than 3, and will burn a runner if his loyalty drops below this threshold.
Agamemnon works primarily through intermediaries, operating out of a fortified underground bolt hole which he is very reluctant to leave without a good reason – -2 on all rolls that require him to physically leave his sanctuary (though he can use astral projection without penalty), and he will refuse to do so at all during daylight hours.
Infected Crime LordFixer(K,G,N,A)42
Aidan ByrneDamn thievin' dandelion eatersAidan's a bit paranoid about even his closest friends working with elves, and so always makes visual comm calls even if DNI or voice would be preferable. If you contact Aidan Byrne while on a run, all non-human passing elves with you must make a Threshold (8-Loyalty) Disguise + Intuition check, or else you roll a d6, adding the amount of elves who failed but subtracting your loyalty (with a minimum roll of 1). On a 1-2, he is reluctantly able to still fulfil the request asked of him. On a 3-4, he demands twice as much payment as he would usually. On a 5+ he outright will not work with whoever is contacting him, and attempts to call him in the same day fail.FixerCustom(G,K,A,N)20
Aisee YuunaoBetter Safe Than SorryAisee’s only got the one body handy, and it’s not exactly a tank on legs. Unless provided with a suitable drone (GM discretion) to perform its work, a Loyalty test is required to get Aisee to travel to you rather than coming to its clinic. Otherwise, you’re getting a delivery drone full of morphine and that’s it. Oh, and don't expect it to do anything that could risk its own code.Rogue Surgeon AIService30
AlanIn HidingHe will only ever meet you in his 'own' host and will not do anything in the meat world.Escaped Prisoner in HidingCustom(A,K,N,G)30
Aleshanee YoomeeSpirit ChampionAs a shaman, Aleshanee fully believes in the coexistence between metahumans and spirits. She will not knowingly aid anyone who abuses the latter or does something which could harm the balance she strives to protect.Yakima Valley Museum Custodian ShamanService30
Alex "Good'ol" SamsonLoan SharkThe contact will charge 2 chips for the price of 1 if called upon for an unpaid favorFixerFixer61
Alexander Tyrell GatesA Man of Principle
Caped Crusader’s Creed
Corporeal Anxieties
Hard To Reach
Helping Hands
Look For The Helpers
Between his work at Microdeck and his constant do-goodery, Tyrell Gates is a busy, busy man. Always make an Availability Test for Alexander Tyrell Gates with his Connection +3 than normal.
Tyrell Gates has no time for blackguards. He’ll help anyone do a good deed, but if you want to become closer to the man you’ll need to prove your character. Loyalty can only be raised 1 at a time, and each raising requires the character to first complete a run on his behalf.
Tyrell Gates is a busy man. There are a thousand injustices occurring every nanosecond around the world. Every moment he gives you his attention someone in need of aid is suffering. He knows he cannot save the world from itself but by Zero-One, he’s going to help as many as he can. Characters that solicit his aid must make a successful Social Test at a Threshold of 3 (Con or Negotiation) to convince Tyrell Gates that their work is worthy of his attention. At the GM’s Discretion the Threshold may be raised if the runners are engaging in some truly black-hearted work, or lowered if they are hooding.
Tyrell Gates is selective about who he works with. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with him: subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check he is asked to do.
Tyrell Gates will not knowingly give any assistance that will lead to the killing of a sentient being. Violence is acceptable if it is strictly subdual in nature. Tyrell Gates is not opposed to vigilantism, quite the opposite, but he will NEVER kill. If he finds out that he was intentionally manipulated into helping kill someone, he will immediately and irrevocably be burned as a contact.
Tyrell Gates wore trodes before the first time he was laid to rest in a crib. The Matrix is reality to him; the real world, a bad dream. If it weren’t for the necessities of keeping his biological processes functional and his beloved garden, he’d never jackout at all. Because of his personal anxieties he is only willing to meet in meat-space with contacts at Loyalty 5+. Technomancers are an exception and can meet physically with a Loyalty at 4+.
Microdeck CTO and TechnoshamanGeneralist60
Alexander-James Brodrick Johnson IIIParty all Night... What time is it?Brodie J spends all of his time at various clubs, pumping his body full of every substance he can, so recovery periods are rough. When contacting Brodie J before 6PM in-game, roll 1d6, on a 5 or 6, he answers. Otherwise he is completely zonked out and can't help you.CorpKidNetworking412
Real World Naïveté
Alexandria lived in a black site host for a decade and has only recently become acquainted with the wider world. While she knows what meatspace is, and has even inhabited drone bodies to interact with it, she doesn't really understand it in the same way that metahumans do - it's more akin to something she's read about in a book. Thus, she has trouble understanding concepts which meatspace beings grasp instinctively. Whenever she acquires detailed information for a contact, the GM should secretly roll edge for the character (threshold 2); if the check fails, Alexandria has misunderstood or overlooked some critical element which would be otherwise obvious.
Alexandria thinks much faster than a metahuman mind and can easily process input from multiple sources thanks to the parallel node structure of her core source code - however this comes at the downside of being somewhat scatter-brained at times as well as frequently going down paths of inquiry which are tangential or even perpendicular to the initial query. Unless a player is very specific with their line of questioning, she will get lost in the weeds and come back with information which may be entirely unrelated to what they were looking for.
Artificial Intelligence ArchivistLegwork82
Alfred BesterThe Corps is Mother, the Corps is FatherBester is often busy with his associates' affairs. When contacting Bester for the first time in a run, it may take up to 24 hours for him to initially respond. Roll Edge+Loyalty, each hit subtracts 2 hours from this time.UCAS BlackopsCustom(K,N,G,A)60
Alfred RockbellBlissfully UnawareThis is someone who doesn't think that their contacts are runners and doesn't understand the whole runner thing. If they find out you are a runner, immediately make a test of loyalty. If you fail the test of loyalty, they will think you are a terrorist, burn you and contact law enforcement. If you succeed in a test of loyalty, they will be willing to listen to you explain yourself and even help you leave the runner life. You may be able to convince them to associate with the Shadows. Contact a GM or thematics if this happens as it may involve the removal of that tag. Gear contacts with this contact will only sell you legal gear, or restricted gear with the appropriate licenses unless you conduct a social test to convince them the lack of paperwork is for a benign reason.Aztechnology Magical ResearcherCustom(K,N,A,G)20
Alligator JackPirate ThemeEverything will have a pirate theme, whether you like it or not.SmugglerService42
Amadou ZhengAll for the Bottom Line
The Boss is the Boss
The people who work for Zheng say that he'd feed his grandmother to a dragon for a new Concordant. While this is a bit of an exaggeration (Zheng quite likes his grandmother, and wouldn't sell her out for anything less than a Gladius), it definitely gets the point across. Zheng is out for himself, and will not hesitate to sell you out if he believes it will benefit him. He can be worked with, but he should never be trusted.
Zheng doesn't quite get the idea that shadowrunners are freelancers. When you are taking a job from him you are his employee, and can expect to be treated as such. Anything that you can do he can do better, and he'll always be willing to give you helpful advice (orders) that he expects to be followed exactly. Every time you bruise his ego, you must make up for it by sycophantically following his instructions on how to do your job. If he doesn't believe that this was done, lose one loyalty. If loyalty drops to zero in this way, he will consider you a worthless asset and sell you out to the highest bidder.
MCT's Magical Middle ManagerFixer50
Amar "Bash" RuanoCriminal SINner
Slightly Unstable
Bash's stint in jail landed him with a criminal SIN and all the associated difficulties. He meets with his probation officer twice a week and has his location constantly tracked. He can slip the yoke with a fake SIN but only for a few hours at a time. When calling this contact, the GM rolls 1d6. On a 1 he will not answer, as he is currently in holding over a potential violation. On a 2 he will answer, but be pre-occupied with community service and unable to make any active checks. He will also take a -2 to any active checks lasting more than a few hours due to the constraints of his SIN.
Bash, for all his effort to improve, really doesn't take insults well. When a character makes a perceived jab, especially at his strength or intelligence, the GM rolls 1d6. On a 1 or a 2 Bash will have a violent outburst and, if meeting in person, may attack the character in question. He won't use lethal force but he can come pretty damn close. If restrained and/or given some space, he will eventually cool down and apologize.
Semi-Reformed CyberpsychoService11
Amelia "Millie" CarterAlways WorkingBetween 10am and 10pm, Millie is unavailable to answer your comm call. You could always head over, or wait a while and see if she calls you back on break.Bartender/Waitstaff at the 'Bolt & Brew'Custom(N,K,A,G)20
Amia FinleyWorking MomAmia is a working mom, and doesn't always have time for runner's shenanigans. Roll 1D6. On a 1-2, Amia is busy with her kids and can't answer. On a 3-4, she answers but is distracted, taking 1.5 times longer to help out the runners. On a 5-6 she's available.ParabontanistCustom(K,G,A,N)21
Amihan BayaniHuk Navy Veteran
Krime Loyalist
Bayani is a retired-with-honors ensign from the Huk Navy. He's not blindly loyal, but would prefer not to work against his war buddies. He will not work against the Huk if his Loyalty with you is below 4.
Bayani transferred his military drills with the Huk to Krime and really pushes the "Krime, Right or Wrong!" angle. He'll never work against Krime and will refuse to work with any runners who have a bounty with the corporation. If you contact him during a run and use the information provided to work against Krime, roll a Loyalty check. If it fails, he immediately burns you. If it succeeds, you owe him a chip to re-earn favor with him.
Krime Factory Head EngineerGear40
Amrei VeidtActually a SpyAn experienced espionage agent who is very talented at her job; there is a good chance any conversation with her is being recorded, and she hacks runner commlinks almost habitually.S-K Prime OperativeGeneralist610
Amélia BezerraSpokeswoman
You are only business
Amélia's loyalty can only raised above 2 as a run reward from runs with a threat level of extreme or above and increased by only one per run.
Will never work against Nebelherr or the DeMeKo and will refuse to work with any runners who have a bounty from Nebelherr or the DeMeKo. If you contact her during a run and use the information provided to work against Nebelherr or the DeMeKo roll a loyalty check. if it fails she immediately burns you. If it succeeds you owe her a chip to reearn favor with her.
Speaker for NebelherrCustom(N,K,A,G)103
Ana LagunaAIPS
Hatred of Black Hats
Ana hates all Matrix gangs and cyberterrorists with a burning passion. Every time she learns that a character has knowingly aided one of those types of groups, decrease her Loyalty by 1. If Loyalty drops to 0 in this way, Ana considers the character an enemy and becomes actively hostile.
Ana is taking powerful medications and continues experimental treatments to deal with her AIPS. She will never meet in the Matrix via VR, does not use AR, and will require visiting players to disable all their wireless gear in her presence to ease her symptoms (mild as they may be with her current treatments.) Characters may normally only communicate with her in person but characters with Loyalty 4+ may communicate with her via commlink audio/visual call.
Horizon Talent ScoutFixer20
Anderson SilversI Got Places to Be, PalSilvers is a busy man, and has no patience for time wasters. When you call him, you will have thirty seconds to make your pitch (the GM should time this). You must tell him what you need and what you can offer him, either Nuyen or valuable favors. If you haven't piqued his interest by the time your thirty seconds are up, he will hang up on you. To get back into contact with him, you must call his office and sit on hold for a full hour.LawyerCustom(A,N,K,G)32
Andrew ColeDweller of NightAndrew kept a very strict sleeping schedule his entire life, and that hasn't stopped with his infection. He is exclusively active between the hours of 8 PM and 8 AM, and will not answer any calls outside of those times.Former Ship SecurityService20
AngelaA Bird in a CageDue to being developed in a Renraku host, the corp almost always has their eye on Angela. It's extremely risky for her to leave her host, and usually can't for long. Angela will not leave her host unless her contact is loyalty 3 or higherLibrary Organizer and TeacherFixer(K,N,G,A)42
Angi HarrisStay outa the fireAngi had a rough time as a runner, so much so that she doesn't really appreciate being put in danger anymore. If things get too spicy she panics. Roll 1d6, on a 5-6 she is doing fine and requests normal pay, on a 2-4 she will demand double her normal pay for the job, on a 1 she will just hit your ejection seats and get the hell out of there.Retired RiggerService34
Angélica CabralFor The Cause: OHK
Hang on, I've Heard of Them
Unbending Morals, Trying Times
Angélica has her ear to the ground in Seattle - and she won't lift a finger to help runners who're known for causing trouble or committing grossly excessive violence. Any party member with at least one point of notoriety must roll edge, with a threshold of their current notoriety. Using Angélica's services for this run will require one additional chip per runner who fails this check.
Members of the Order of Hospitaller Knights have earned their place in the organization through unflinching moral character. Learning that their work has been turned to evil ends or that they may have made an enemy of a major faction decreases any member's Loyalty by 1. If Loyalty drops to 0 in this way, the member will burn the runner in question. The contact is lost, and they will take -5 reputation with the OHK.
The Knights are nothing if not dedicated to their cause. While charitable and happy to make friends, their resources are limited, and strictly allotted to those who contribute in turn. This contact's Loyalty cannot be raised manually. The maximum loyalty upon purchase or reward of this contact is 2. Loyalty can only be raised 1 at a time, and each raising requires the character to first complete a run on their behalf.
AnheChronically Online
Lore Hunter
In addition to standard payment, Anhe may optionally require that a runner requesting help from her brief her on the job in unnecessary detail, before or after the fact. This information may be sold and disseminated across the Matrix, although never in a way that deliberately or directly threatens the runner's identity and safety - however, be warned that secrets may not remain so when asked for lore as payment. Anhe may reject requests where lore is asked for and not given - or, if requested and denied after a service has been provided, may result in a chip. Players may make a Con check to deceive her, however players will accumulate one chip if this attempt fails, or if she uncovers the deception later on.
Reality just feels a little less real, making priorities really hard to organize. Roll 1d6, in addition to her availability check. On a result of three or under, and if the request is not urgent or life threatening for her or the requester, Anhe will hear it out and get around to it later. Requests suffering from this penalty do not take priority, and whatever task is required, procurement, legwork, networking or otherwise, may not be completed in time for the required job. Rest assured that they *will* eventually be done (and payment required), but that it may not be in a timely fashion.
This contact will, under no circumstances, meet in meat, or assist in a way that requires physical interaction. Legwork checks that require a physical presence automatically fail.
Matrix Information Specialist and FixerFixer(K,N,G,A)32
AnielaOn Vacationthe GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. If the roll a one, The contact cannot be reached, She's busy being a tourist.Service30
Annabelle CadeAres Loyalist
Hard To Reach
More out of necessity than personal choice, she won't work against Ares and will try to capture any runners who have a bounty with Ares. If you contact her during a run and use the information provided to work against Ares roll a loyalty check. If it fails she immediately burns you. If it succeeds you owe her a chip to re-earn favor with her.
This character's Connection is 3 higher when making an Availability Check. Annabelle spends most of her waking hours working.
Ares Penal RegimentLegwork20
Ante(Contact)Roll of the DiceHer addiction to gambling and sheer reliance on luck has always been her game. Roll a 1d6 and follow the results;

Result of 1: Lose 2 dice and roll again for this aspect until you don't roll a 1, lose 2 additional dice for each 1 you rolled this way to the contact roll. Do not gain any more Lucky aspect bonuses except the ones you have already gained.

Result of 2-5: Do nothing

Result of 6: Gain 2 dice and you may roll again for this aspect.

Do this until You've reached the maximum counts of Lucky
Ardella AlosiCowardly
Due to his upbringing, he never had any real contact, with the downtrodden, or with the shadow community. Most of his experience comes from watching trid shows, and we all know how accurate(Not) a picture those portray. As such he sees shadowrunners, as mostly brutish vigilantists who'd rarely do anything out of the kindness of their own hearth.
He is not a very brave individual. Ardella never stands up directly for his believes. He'd rather deal with his problems indirectly.
ArgyleParanoiacArgyle is paranoid and doesn't trust anyone. Double the cost to raise his loyalty with CDP. Moreover, it can't be pushed over loyalty 3 without a dedicated run due to this innate lack of trust.Leader of the Pale HerdCustom (A,K,N,G)21
Ariel LopezPoor Networker-2 to Networking testsShamanic TalismongerGeneralist40
Arma RemingtonCards close to chest
Constantly up to something
Unclear Data
Arma is a man who does things old fashioned. Sometimes to his detriment since as a result of this his schedule is often incredibly packed. Always roll availability when contacting Arma, treating his connection as 2 higher than usual for the roll. However, for each point of loyalty above 2, the additional availability decreases by 1.
Arma is very much a man with big ambitions, and as a result of that every move he makes is precise and calculated. Anything that would hinder him enough as to where his plans would suffer (GM discretion) is an action he will not take. (His plans are detailed in Notes for GMs.)
Arma's plans and ambitions are calculated yet vast in scope. Being VERY particular about who he trusts and allows to be a more active part in his day to day ventures. Arma's loyalty cannot be raised above 2 outside of runs, and can only be raised by 1 loyalty at a time.
Ares Arms Seattle Chief Financial Executive
Arnold ClaymanUntimely JokeClayman has an unfortunate habit of getting humorous at ill-advised times. Lower the amount of 1's required to glitch or critical glitch when applicable by two.Seattle's Favorite Newscaster!Custom(K,N,A,G)31
Asahiro KunitoshiFor The CorporationAsahiro will not aid you with anything that he doesn't see benefiting the corporation. If he sends you to do a job, it's because he has a stake in it going in a particular direction. He approves of putting down crime, striking against other corporations or furthering Shiawase's influence, but disapproves of anything that risks his standing, deals with malign, unnatural forces or is of no direct use to Shiawase or himself.Vice-President of Imperial Kami ServicesFixer67
Ashe VanderlineGirl's Gotta EatAshe is out to make a profit, and will charge a 25% commission (rounded down to the nearest whole number) on any gear acquisition checks that she makes. Through negotiation and haggling it's possible to bring it down to 15% (Ancients members get +2 to their rolls). When trying to get gear off table, roll your negotiation pool against hers (12). If you tie or get higher hits, you have succeeded and can bring the commission down. If not, you failed and must pay the full 25% extra.Chainsmoking Ancients SmugglerGear32
Ashley DavisWorking HoursA healthy balance between work and private life is paramount if you don't want to burn out. Ashley doesn't - who will take care of Mr and Mrs Davis Senior otherwise? - so she tunes out of business matters outside of normal PST office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of her contact availability test if trying to contact her at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).LawyerService51
Asuna InoueFamily ObligationsThe GM rolls in secret a 1d6, if the roll is a one, Asuna will tell the player they are busy taking care of family matters.Antidrek's Waifu
Azra KaplanWait in LineServices from Azra may take longer. Every time Azra provides a service, roll 2D6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.Salish Border Patrol AgentService22
Beary GrillsJunk Scrapper, Safehouse Keeper.Fixer21
BeastmasterHard to ReachLiving a fairly nomadic lifestyle on the edge of Salish makes contacting Beastmaster troublesome at times.ParabiologistCustom (G,K,A,N)61
Beatrice VeronicaAt Arm's Length
Company Woman
Working Hours
Betty is an Ares yes-woman through and through. Her primary focus is her career… err, the success of the company! She will not accept requests obviously against Ares Macrotechnology or Weapons World (GM discretion), and might request "favors" (chips) in return for her help if your Loyalty with her is 3+.
Betty just doesn't care about most runners enough to risk a healthy balance between work and private life - after all, it is paramount if you don't want to burn out. She tunes out of business matters outside of normal PST office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of her contact availability test if trying to contact her at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends). Prepare for much passive aggressiveness even if she does pick up.
She's not interested in "fraternizing" with runners, viewing most as just business. Good they buy her guns, she doesn't mind selling them even forbidden ones as long as they pay, but more? Try harder, chummer. Her Loyalty cannot be raised above 3 outside of a private run advancing her career or getting her an interesting gun.
Weapons World Seattle R&D Executive OfficerGear63
BenjaminNot Getting Paid Enough For This ShitBenjamin does not get paid enough for this shit. He's a big strong adept but for some reason, no one fucking pays him enough. If, at the GM's fiat, he's placed in situation's that he's not getting paid enough for, he will just fucking leave. Situations might involve getting shot with multiple bursts of APDS or overwhelming magical threats. If you pay him enough (6000 is a good start), he'll fight harder and stick around.Professional BeefcakeService10
Bernie the Spider BoiWounded in the line of dutyBernie was severely wounded in his last fight with a bug queen and now only has control of left arm. Because of this he rarely leaves his den and is almost defenseless when he does.Bug HunterGeneralist30
Biggie BeefcakeBerserk Button
Iterative Collaboration
His berserk button is called Biggie Bun, his Syrian hamster. Requesting anything, roll an Etiquette test with the threshold of 6 - Loyalty, minimum 1. If you fail, he believes that his pet was slighted and refuses to help you without owing them (this is important) a chip or paying the relevant service costs where the threshold is equal to your missing hits.
While quite excited to work with fellow runners, he tends to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. After all, he knows what's up. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of him might "evolve" in a direction that he feels is either more effective, interesting or profound. Sometimes he even remembers to call back to update the team without needing to be called back.
Ex-Runner-Turned-Uber & Wannabe FixerFixer(A,N,K,G)11
Bilge-Rat JonesCovered In Rats
Shady Smuggler
He's... not very good at social things with people. Something about all the rats.
You probably don't want to smuggle yourself or anything else with this guy. He's not named Bilge-Rat for nothing.
Bill AbbotHard to ReachAlways do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.JournalistCustom (G, A, K, N)30
Black PaladinHard to ReachBlack Paladin does bounty work all over the world - there's no guarantee he's going to be nearby. Always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.Bounty HunterService62
Blaz BLUESCREENLimited Hardware AccessSometimes he can sneak his way onto the good deck! Sometimes he can't. Roll a d6 - On a result of three or lower, any checks related to Matrix activity suffer a -2 dice pool penalty.Newbie HackerService11
Bob "Hunky" BarleyAnger IssuesHe's easily insulted and generally rude, so if he detects even the slightest slight against his business, his face, his family, his cow, you name it, he refuses to deal with you until you apologize. It ought to include an apology gift of cigarettes - the fouler, the better. Note that the refusal to do business with you does NOT mean he stops talking to you. He just turns the rudeness Up to Eleven and gleefully disses you.Mom-and-Pop Funeral Corp OwnerCustom(G,K,N,A)10
BobbieJo McShaneFeisty, bordering on FieryBobbieJo does not play well with others. Increase social thresholds by 1 and treat any social glitch with BobbieJo as a critical glitch.OutlawGeneralist32
BoldBlissfully UnawareThis is someone who doesn't think that their contacts are runners. If they find out you are a runner, immediately make a test of loyalty. If you fail the test of loyalty, they will think you are a criminal, burn you and attempt to bring you to justice. If you succeed in a test of loyalty, they will be willing to listen to you explain yourself. This aspect is unlikely to apply to characters who have the Guanyin quality.Super HeroCustom(K,A,G,N)20
BoozemanParanoidBoozeman cannot have his connection raised, the less connected he is, the better.BarkeepNetworking11
Brady FrancoBoy Scout
Franco will not act illegally to help a runner unless they're really good pals. When asked to perform an illegal action, Franco rolls 1d6. Only on a result greater than 9-minus-Loyalty will he do as asked.
The initial cost of purchasing this contact is doubled, unless part of a run reward.
CEO of Nuyen PressNetworking31
Brenda LyspNoneNoneInforbrokerNetworking60
BrokerHere and Gone.Always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal. Broker is a busy man.Fixer(G,N,K,A)61
Bruno PereiraShort on cashTaking care of a whole community is hard work and very expensive, sometimes he will need to ask for a bit more than usual. (roll a 1d6, on a 1 he will ask for 1d6 x 50 Nuyen more to help)Veteran sniperLegwork22
BrutusLoves to Gossip, has alist of people in order of who he would rather pick up.He will talk your ear off about some gossip once he gets to know you. You can even ask for him from dispatch. Also if someone is on his list and is higher than you he will pick them up first,Taxi DriverService30
BubblegumKnows How She Got HereBubblegum has no loyalty to the Haven. She's got customers and better customers. She never offers a SIN or service for free or reduced price. If you need it faster or better, you pay more--it doesn't matter WHAT you're doing or what your loyalty is.Fake SINnerGear12
Bungee and BooJoined at the Hip
B&B have made it this long by always watching each others' backs. They don't trust anyone but themselves, and are usually very hesitant to split up while on a job. They will only act as a pair for anyone below loyalty 4, at which point they trust the runner enough to separate if need be.
Violence is the mark of an amateur thief. Bungee and Boo are true masters of their craft, and will not knowingly participate in any jobs that involve directly harming other living beings.
Professional ThievesLegwork21
Cabin BoyOverworkedKAPTAIN KILLDOZER and the rest of his crew give Cabin Boy very little free time, so services may take longer. Every time Cabin Boy provides a service, roll 2D6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.Street PirateService10
Cabinet ManEntombed
Living Fossil
Cabinet Man is unable to move due to requiring a massive life support machine to survive, and so he cannot do anything in meatspace at all. He may require you to perform some task in meatspace in order to complete a favor you ask of him, at the GM's discretion, and this should not incur a discount for this reason alone nor count as doing a favor for him.
Having missed out on about 50 years of history, Cabinet Man is woefully misinformed about the world. Being out of touch gives him a -2 to all Networking tests as well as a -2 to make any tests that require having sufficiently up-to-date info without having adequate time to research it first (GM's discretion).
Business OwnerGear23
CairnThat Which Bears Many CursesCairn is Preternaturally aware when he has been wronged. Cairn looses an extra chip anytime he lowers in chips. Assume he is very prone to negative chips.Collector of BaublesFixer(G,N,K,A)50
Camila "Novicio" SanchezToo little experienceCamilla is new to this work and has far too little experience for it. Therefore, it happens that she does things wrong. When contacting her, the GM secretly rolls a d6. If they roll a 1 Camilla will make a mistake (like wanting too much for it, or giving wrong informations).Aztechnology Mrs. JohnsonCustom (K, N, A, G)32
Canadian Pacific Ghost TrainDomain Bound
Restricted to Iron and Anthracite Coal
Transactional Nature
The Canadian Pacific will accept reagents and material goods in return for low level spirit markers (Rating 1 or 2) but they must be iron or anthracite coal. Similarly the token worn for status is the Canadian Pacific logo cast in iron. The only status that qualifies for a rating 5 spirit marker is a tattoo of the Canadian Pacific logo with ink containing iron.
The Ghost Train has no conception of loyalty. Loyalty can never be raised above 1. Although the Ghost Train will accept appropriate reagents some karma must be part of every deal. The Ghost Train's opening position will be 1 point of karma per person per time zone of travel. The Ghost Train can be negotiated with normally but remember Wild Spirits are perfectly willing and able to walk away from a deal and may be insulted if not given the respect they feel they deserve (p. 177 FA).
The domain of the Canadian Pacific is the route of the transcontinental railway connecting Vancouver and Halifax with a 30 meter right-of-way to either side except for large facilities such as marshalling yards. A rating 3 Song line runs along the Ghost Train's domain.
Ghost TrainService60
Captain Boomerang (Contact)Hard to ReachBetween his work for the City Watch, training, his girlfriend, training, spending half his time recovering from drain, and training, he tends not to always be available. Always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.TalismongerCustom (G,A,K,N)41
Carter StevensSmall fish in a big world
Utter Coward
Always roll an availability test on this contact with their connection 5 higher than normal if the runner's request brings them into danger.
Carter is not used to social mobility and has no skill for it. Requires thematics approval to improve the connection above 3, and a dedicated run to improve above 6.
CascadeIt's not fun if there's no Risk!Cascade is very proud of her skills, but the only way to test them is to put them at risk. When using her services, make a group Edge check with a threshold of 4, on a failure Cascade has pushed her luck too far and some consequences come up, be that a check of her vehicle or something else, up to GM discretion.International Smuggler and FenceService43
Casey "Shrimp" MitchellShrimp's Fried RiceRunning a restaurant and keeping all you runners in line is busy work, omae. And when he's not frying rice or dealing with career criminals, hes enjoying his damn life with his fiancee. And you better be a big name if he's gonna answer the phone then. When rolling for availability, treat his connection as 1 higher during buisness hours (10-10) and 2 higher outside them.Fixer, Restaurant ProprietorFixer (N,K,G,A)40
Cassandra BlackPrisoner of War
Trust is Earned.
All players who pick up Cassandra begin by owing her one chip. Ancients members owe her two chips, and Cutters owe her three. She will not provide any services until these chips are repaid. Additionally, whenever you would owe Cassandra one or more chips, (such as asking for a favor,) she requires 1 additional chip.
Cassandra is currently being "protected" in an Ancients safehouse while she can provide useful information. Cassandra cannot perform active checks or obtain gear. If Cassandra's connection is raised by an Ancients member or through interactions with an NPC, this quality may be removed while adjusting no other aspects.
Cassandra WithersSecretly A MantisCassandra is a Mantis Nymph Spirit (Masking with 18 dice as a Magic 3 Adept). She'll help you only if it furthers her own interests somehow (you're way too small to be much concern for her). Just calling her can cause a run complication with the FBI at GM Fiat.FBI LiaisonNetworking84
Celicy VistBorn in Blood
Bound by Blood
Purpose Fed
Stained in Red
As a vampire, a necromancer, and a mother to a drake, Loyalty means everything to Celicy. Loyalty can only be raised 1 at a time, and each raising requires the character to first complete a run on her behalf.
Celicy has her family on her mind, first and foremost. As such, the lives and contrivances of others matter little to her. Celicy's loyalty can not be raised above 3, outside of a private run.
Necro spirits, vampires, drakes. All wanted, and all hunted. Roll a 1d6; on a 1, law enforcement will discover Celicy or her necro spirits at some point after she's called. You may choose to buy Celicy a burner SIN appropriate to the run, (Rating 1 for a milk=>6 for a prime) to avoid making this roll.
The GM rolls in secret a 1d6, if the roll is a one, Celicy will tell the player they are busy playing with Koori. They may even get invited to play a game with Koori via the matrix.
Vampire TaskmageFixer44
Chad Bradington??????Generalist81
Chad BrentDemotionWhen calling Chad for the first time on a run, roll a 1d6. On a 1 or 2, Chad has been temporarily demoted to being a beat cop, and loses access to his two detective qualities. In addition, he will complain about his demotion, which will--and I cannot emphasize this enough--ALWAYS be his fault, and always emphasize why he's a bad person.KE DetectiveLegwork20
Chantal HouellebecqEVO Loyalist
My Grandkids Were Visiting
Working Hours
Chantal just doesn't care about most runners enough to risk a healthy balance between work and private life - after all, it is paramount if you don't want to burn out. She tunes out of business matters outside of normal EST office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of her contact availability test if trying to contact her at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).
She genuinely believes in what EVO tells her. She and her family owe the mega a lot. If you contact her during a run and use the information provided to work against them, roll a Loyalty check. If it fails, she immediately burns you. If it succeeds, you owe her a chip to re-earn favor with her.
The GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. If the roll is a one, Chantal will not answer the call immediately. When she calls you later, she'll explain that she and Pierre were busy babysitting their grandkids.
EVO Miami Deltaware Clinic HeadGear61
Charles "The Prince" DialloA Man Of Principle
Family Matters
Diallo is selective about who he works with. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check he is asked to do.
The GM rolls in secret a 1d6, if the roll is a one, Diallo will tell the player they are busy taking care of family matters.
Federated-Boeing ExecutiveFixer62
Charli RelfordGood News, Bad News.Charli is a reporter first and foremost, which means that if something you say could give her a story, she's going to make a story out of it. She will constantly press for information, and may not help you out if you refuse to give it. When a runner gives Charli information that may reveal the team's involvement, roll 1d6 per point of loyalty, with 2 hits, she will keep you out of the story, with no hits, you will receive +1 Public Awareness, and on a glitch or crit glitch, you will gain +1 Notoriety.News AnchorLegwork40
Charlotte LindburghHard to ReachCharlotte is a busy entrepreneur. Between 8 AM and 8 PM, make an Availability Test for Charlotte with Connection +3.Flight Club ownerGear40
Charlotte ValdezOverworkedBetween her demanding career and dealing with her disaster of a brother, doing favors for shadowrunners isn't exactly at the top of Charlotte's to-do list. Every time Charlotte provides a service, roll 2D6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.Corporate LawyerLegwork30
CharonBlack Lodge Loyalist
No Dragons, No Elves
Charon and Crescent-Slash aren't just members of the Lodge. They're true believers that within the ranks of this shadowy organization they can change the future of the world towards prosperity. They will under no circumstances work to undermine the Lodge's influence -- the only exception is occasionally turning a blind eye for greedy self-serving members' attempts for personal gain, not the Lodge's gain.
Charon will never work for the benefit of anyone that has direct connections to dragons. If she later finds a PC used her services for a dragon's benefit, she'll set a 200,000 Nuyen bounty on them to all mercenaries of the United Canadian-American States. Drakes and elves must pay double CDP to raise her Loyalty up to a maximum of 4 and require a run to increase it past 2.
Black Lodge Autocrats
CharybdisComputer IlliterateTechnology makes no drekking sense, (has been seen using pen and paper) always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +2 than normal.Librarian/FixerCustom(N,K,A,G)41
Chet BrentThe Better BrotherIf Chet would reasonably discover that the actions taken because of his involvement are both illegal and immoral, the player who originally contacts Chet on a run increases their PA by 1 because of Chet's report; this is in addition to any run-related public awareness or notoriety gained.Motorcycle CopLegwork21
ChipperNot All ThereSometimes the team isn't all assembled a random aspect is ignored. Roll a 1d6 and ignore the corresponding number'd member on a 6 the whole team is there.Subterranean Shinobi MasterService41
Off The Grid
Chitin is incredibly difficult to get a hold of. Always roll Availability when contacting her during a run and treat her Connection as 4 higher than usual.
Due to her Dissonance, if any contact roll you make with her is a glitch, she'll deliver the information or service in an unexpectedly destructive way, such as nonsensical dossiers or bricked devices.
Cyberscreamers GuideLegwork41
The Boys positive aspect costs 30% more nuyen and the threshold is increased by 3. Reduce cost by -10% and threshold by -1 for each point of loyalty, up to a maximum of 3 Loyalty (before other aspect effects).
When making an unsupervised Active check, there is a chance a non-violent task turns violent. On a glitch, non-lethal violence erupts once the Blue Dragons are on-scene. On a critical glitch, 1D6 people die.
Blue Dragons Go-ganger
Custom (G,A,N,K)30
Chuck RollinsUnreliableChuck is an old stoner, to an extreme. When contacting chuck, the GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. If they roll a one, Chuck will say, with complete confidence, that he will do the request or that he has the right information. He will then flake out or his information will be wrong. He will say he's got the gear, then accidentally sell it to another person.Gigaweed FarmerCustom(G,N,K,A)20
Clay "Claymore" NelsonDeniable Assets
Disposable Assets
Clay doesn’t expect you to live very long. In fact, he doesn’t expect you to make it through this run. That means if he’s helping you on-table, he’ll demand payment while you’re still breathing. If you’re paying Nuyen, that means payment up front. If you’re doing a favor for him, that means you do the work before he gives you anything. Particularly unusual or mitigating circumstances might allow you to pay chips for help, but only very rarely.
It’s nothing personal, he just needs to be able to drop everything and convince people you two never met you at a moment’s notice. Loyalty only gives half as many dice as it normally does (rounded up) when rolling for this contact.
Disposable & Deniable Assets ManagerFixer10
Clint WilderYou a city slicker or somethin?
You best buy somethin'
Clint don't trust folks who ain't bought the bullet (or robotic arm) at his shop. He takes a -4 to any networking, active or knowledge check with any runner that has not bought ware from him.
Clint is the judgmental sort. To him, everyone in Seattle is a no good City Slicker until proven otherwise. As such, it costs double to raise his loyalty until loyalty 5, where the runner has earned his trust. This may by subverted with DM fiat during a run, if the loyalty raise is part of the run reward and then the runner proves the aren't a city slicker or a damn fool.
Barn Boy Cyberdoc and Fixer in the Off-hoursFixer(G,K,A,N)41
Clyde MurphyHorrible LiarIn a world where everyone lies, Clyde is the single exception. He is able to scurt around the truth but in the end, he is terrible at it. With that being said, Clyde will not discuss crimes or aid runners in a way that could get his superiors to question him. What can he say, he cannot lie.KE OfficerGear20
Coleman KennedyBigoted Against Bigotry
For The Cause: OHK
Unbending Morals, Trying Times
Coleman has no patience for those who hold hatred in their heart for their fellow metahuman. Any runner who he discovers is a member of a racist organization (syndicates, some nations), or who he learns is personally bigoted (has the Prejudiced negative quality) will take a -2 to all dicepools until they renounce their membership or buy off that negative quality. Their loyalty will be capped to 3. Additionally, if Coleman learns that the runner called in his services for a job that benefits an organization that holds bigoted views, the runner's loyalty will be reduced by 1. This can stack with "Unbending Morals, Trying Times."
Members of the Order of Hospitaller Knights have earned their place in the organization through unflinching moral character. Learning that their work has been turned to evil ends or that they may have made an enemy of a major faction decreases any member's Loyalty by 1. If Loyalty drops to 0 in this way, the member will burn the runner in question. The contact is lost, and they will take -5 reputation with the OHK.
The Knights are nothing if not dedicated to their cause. While charitable and happy to make friends, their resources are limited, and strictly allotted to those who contribute in turn. This contact's Loyalty cannot be raised manually. The maximum loyalty upon purchase or reward of this contact is 2. Loyalty can only be raised 1 at a time, and each raising requires the character to first complete a run on their behalf.
Political RepresentativeNetworking60
Colonel BergerDriven
Pour la France !
Colonel Berger is driven by his task, he will not offer service freely and he doesn't care about nuyens, if you want help for him or he owe you one or you'll owe him one. And he'll make sure that you pay back one day.
Colonel Berger work for the DGSE (French Equivalent of the CIA) if runner could be a threat to the French Interest not only he would burn them but it will make sure that they don't stay a threat for too long. He will do so by using all tools at is disposal.(Placing bounty, using dirt and so on.)
Spy Overwatch OfficerNetworking91
CommanderOld-School OperativeWhile he can no longer escape it, the Commander still distrusts the Matrix. Anything even remotely related to what he considers sensitive information (GM discretion) must be handled via in-person meets. The stores such data in paper files only. No matter how high Loyalty you have with him, he won't budge on this. It's for your own good.Black Ops VeteranNetworking512
ConcreteSometimes Maybe AlwaysConcrete's not always been solid, loyalty speaking. When working with Concrete, GMs may perform a loyalty test. If the runners lose, there are run complications due to working with her.CONCRETE COMPATRIOTNetworking30
Corf is just a minecart. He can't take much more than 3 or 4 runners and their gear, and even that seems like it shouldn't fit; he's already bigger on the inside. Magic, man, it do weird stuff.
While Corf is Awakened, he is also a minecart. He can only travel via rail and ley lines (he manifests spectral rails when travelling via ley lines that don't follow railways)
Helpful Lil' MinecartService18
Cornelius MortonNo Chains, Only Contracts
NoLa Life
Cornelius has many friends on the otherside and does not deal with those who would force anyone to do anything against their will. If Cornelius learns of any Bias against race or metatype or that a runner has negative astral rep then he will refuse to make deals with them until they lose their Bias or are able to heal their astral rep.
Cornelius lives in New Orleans and his cartel is based with the Southern CAS and Northen Atzlan. Any services or gear aquistions out of these regions will take twice the time to complete outside of the CAS as Cornelius has to send the gear from New Orleans to Seattle.
Cartel HeadGeneralist50
Cpt. Lem SpringthunderBurden of the Many
Prayer of the Meek
Lem has no loyalty to the Haven. She's got better things to do. She never offers a service for free or reduced price. If you need it faster or better, you pay more--it doesn't matter WHAT you're doing or what your loyalty is.
Loyalty can only be raised 1 at a time, and each raising requires the character to first complete a run on her behalf.
Ship CaptainService20
Crazy OtterDefinitely MundaneCrazy Otter will not admit to being awakened even if you successfully assense him, and will not provide direct magical support from either sorcery or conjuring - that is unless your have Loyalty 5+ with him. He's constantly masking as mundane with 18 dice (6 magic, 6 initiate grade, 6 power focus).Crazy OtterGear34
CreerAttention, Attention, AttentionCreer, despite all his genius suffers in relation to attention: He needs to be the center of it, has very little of it, and is willing to throw money at his current obsession. If he finds out your job is related to his current obsession (6 on 1d6), he will be eager to assist, but he will want every scrap of information. Failure to uphold this will result in the contact being burned.Club OwnerCustom(K,N,G,A)40
Crew of the Lady TheodoraBig ProjectsThe crew are constantly in need of funds, and just don't have time to help if they aren't making money. Every time this contact requests payment in nuyen, the price is doubled.Salvagers with a DreamGeneralist30
Cynthia RochetteSelect ConnectionsOnly characters infected with HMHVV Strain I can raise Cynthia's loyalty past 2. Increasing loyalty on Cynthia costs twice as much.
Cyryl "Jazzy" JaźwińskiGłośnyJazzy talks and acts quite loud. If, on a run where you used Jazzy's help, you would gain one or more points of Notoriety or Public Awareness, you instead gain that many points plus one.Gun smugglerGear40
D'ArtagnanResistance MemberD'Artagnan is particulary hard to reach due to the overseeing might of Marianne in France, as such consider him as a contact of connection rating 9 when trying to reach him.Resistance LeaderNetworking63
DC Harry MetzgerHates Himself
I Am Not Here To Make Friends
DC Metzger is a new man, and not a better one. The self-destructive side may push him into the shadows but like a frightened animal he’s desperate not to get himself into a trap. Loyalty can never be raised above 1 without a special run, and can never be raised beyond 3. Metzger isn’t in this dirty business to make friends.
DC Metzger is spiraling emotionally but he’s no idiot. He leads the Division of Investigations for frag’s sake. Metzger will never, ever meet a character in person and will only connect if the character contacting him is using a burner commlink. And he can tell. Don’t ask how.
Metzger might be spiraling when you call. He's got a lot of sick days and plenty of reasons to take them. Roll a 1d6: on a 1, he's not contactable for 24 hours.
KE Seattle Metroplex Divisional ChiefGeneralist61
Daisuke WatanabeFaction Loyalty, ShiawaseDaisuke is still a corpo, and that means he won't issue runs that go against Shiawase's wishes. If you go in a run that hinders Shiawase in a purposeful way, roll a 1d6 subtracted by how public the run is (to GM's discretion); if you roll a 1 or below, he will remove you as a contact.Nuclear Engineer/Corporate ManagerFixer (Generalist)40
DakotaLoyalty to the NaN
NaN Pride
Dakota hates the UCAS. She will interface with UCAS Corps and UCAS SINners on a professional level, but it never goes beyond that. For anyone with a UCAS or Ares SIN Increasing Loyalty with this contact requires the following equation: New Rating x 4 CDP.
Dakota won’t work against any members of the NaN.
SSC RangerFixer(A,N,K,G)62
Dana Jessica BoatmanUnreliableThe GM rolls in secret a 1d6. If they roll a one the contact will say, with complete confidence, that they will do the request or that they have the right information. They will then flake out or their information will be wrong. They will say they got the gear then accidentally sell it to another person.Talismonger (Burnout)Custom (G,K,A,N)21
Daniel WatkinsEast Coast TimeTranslate the current time to EST. If you are attempting to call him in the middle of the night (11PM to 5AM, EST), increase the threshold of his availability check by 6.Professor of LawLegwork22
Danielle DaggettExtortedThis contact has an overriding obligation to its faction, and cannot act against their interests.Face ShadowrunnerCustom(A,N,K,G)30
Danny HoffmanCompany ManDanny is an Ares man through and through. His primary focus is the success of his company and his work. He will not accept requests that work against them, and he may request "favors" in return for his help.
Special Operations Coordinator
Darla GeasYou're so... UninspiredDarla has the heart of an artist, and can't really vibe with anybody who doesn't. The cost to upgrade this contact's loyalty is doubled unless the player has either visible cyberware or the "distinctive style" quality.Techno Adept SculptorGear21
Dave Davis10-4!Dave is normally willing to show up, but MAY have outstanding warrants. Roll a 1d6; on a 1, law enforcement will discover this at some point after he's called. You may choose to buy Dave a burner SIN appropriate to the run, (Rating 1 for a milk=>6 for a prime) to avoid making this roll.DriverService20
David SquireBy The BookCaptain Squire will refuse to assist crimes against law-abiding target. Even if that target is an MCT building that is allegedly performing unethical extralegal experiments - the heat on Squire isn't worth the trouble.KE CaptainCustom (K,N,A,G)41
Decoy-5SOX ExplorerDue to usually being in the SOX on the Charognard jobs, Decoy-5 is often difficult to reach when you need him from outside. Always make an Availability Test for him with his Connection 3 higher than normal. That doesn't apply in the SOX, of course.SOX GuideCustom (A,K,N,G)21
DefragNational SINnerDefrag is lawfully licensed as a technomancer and psychiatric healthcare professional by the UCAS government. She cannot be depended upon to do anything illegal, as it will be traced back to her.TherapistCustom(K, N, G, A)51
Der OpaA Man of Principle
Early Riser
Family Man
Der Opa has his principles, as convoluted as they might sometime seem: Loyalty may never be increased above a character's Notoriety score. If a Notoriety score jumps above the Loyalty rating, Der Opa will stop taking their calls until something is done about their wicked reputation.
Der Opa is up at 5 am each day and in bed by 9 pm each night. Do not try contacting him outside that time frame: he will not pick up your call.
Der Opa loves his grandkids, and his husband, and will not drop his family commitments for anything short of the end of the world. Roll a 1d6 when contacting Der Opa: on a 1, he is unavailable for the next 1d6 hours.
Dial-UpInvoluntary Program Updates
Dial-Up is a sentient AI, and as such cannot provide physical active checks or legwork.
While quite excited to work with runners, it tends to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of it might "evolve" in a direction that it feels is either more effective, interesting, or profound. Sometimes it even remembers to call back to update the team.
Ex-Renraku Artificial Intelligence
Diego and Justine JacintoAsk Forgiveness, Not Permission
This contact is in another country, with all the difficulties that would entail. All relevant wait times for this contact are increased by another 50%.
This contact will not knowingly aid you in any illegal activities before they happen. They will, however, bail you out of a bad situation, at the additional cost of one Loyalty point. They definitely won't help you get any Forbidden gear.
Board Members, Doting ParentsGear41
Dietmar BargleHard to ReachThese band guys are busy. Always make an Availability Test against connection +4.MusicianCustom(A,G,K,N)40
Dietmar Bargle (bass)Hard to ReachThese band guys are busy. Always make an Availability Test against connection +4.MusicianCustom(G,A,K,N)40
Dietrich-Friedrich BargleHard to ReachThese band guys are busy. Always make an Availability Test against connection +4.MusicianService40
District Attorney Mark DonaghyHe is the Man.DA Mark Donaghy is as straight an arrow as they come and vitually uncorruptable. Each time you call on this contact, make an Edge + Loyalty test vs the number of calls since you first gained this contact or last lost a point of loyalty with this contact. If you fail, decrease loyalty by 1. Once the first point of loyalty is lost in this manner, loyalty cannot be purchased with karma, rvp, gmp or cdp. It can only be increased by providing evidence of a crime which occurred during a run in which your character participated or as reward issued by the GM during a run in which Mark made an appearance. If Mark's loyalty ever reaches zero, Mark realises you are a runner, cuts you off, and begins an investigation into your background. Increase your character's notoriety and public awareness by one and burn this contact. Mark will not perform an illegal act for a runner under any circumstances. Any attempt to make him do so immediately reduces his loyalty to zero and triggers the consequences outlined above.District AttorneyNetworking51
Doctor O+Ghoul Organlegger-4 to Networking checks among non-Infected, +2 to Networking among Infected. Cannot deliver goods during daylight hours. Will require flesh as part of the payment from anyone with Loyalty 2 or less.Street Doc/OrganleggerCustom(G,A,N,K)411
Doctors Malcolm & Ian CrichtonTrashed LabLook, man, things've been rough for the Crichtons recently. They're doing the best they can. The maximum value of gear they can lend on a run is halved.BioengineersCustom (K,G,A,N)31
Dominus FaustCyberpsychoticEach time a runner asks Faust for their services, roll the runner's Edge in secret. On a 0, Faust will speak in binary. If the roll is a glitch, he flies into a rage and hangs up, not responding to further attempts to contact him for the remainder of the run. A critical glitch will have him attempt to hack and format the runner's commlink, utterly convinced that the runner is in fact a hated foe. They won't apologize afterwards, either.Data ArchivistService10
DottieAt Arm's Length
Dottie is reclusive to a fault, she will happily video call at all hours of the day, but never meet up directly. Only those with a Loyalty 5+ can physically visit her. Technomancers are an exception and can do so with Loyalty 4+. Gear is delivered via dead drop or subtle drone (if discrete delivery is available).
Every time the contact provides a service, roll 2D6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.
In terms of Runner clientele, Dottie is fairly selective. She despises the wealthy and aristocratic, and is loathe to work with anyone so bland and spineless. The cost to upgrade this contact's loyalty is doubled unless the character has either visible cyberware or the Distinctive Style quality. Loyalty costs are also doubled for any character with a Corporate or Corporate Limited SIN.
Mechanic Custom(G,A,K,N)41
Dr Urist MilgramBiosnob
Dwarfish Temper
When you reach Urist roll 2d6. If both dice show the same result, then you've called him on a bad day and he'll spend at least a whole minute yelling at the runner who called him. However, any insults are laid out in very elaborate fashion. (He would not call the runner a rat but a "Rodent Analogue"). Following this dressing down, he will be unreachable for 1d6 hours.
While he provide some service on Cybertechnology to not ruin is clinics, Dr Urist will never offer anything over the 12 avail range.
BiotechnologistCustom (G,K,N,A)50
Dr. Aditya PalBurning the Midnight DeepweedHard to reach - Always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal. He's often too high to notice he's being called when he's not studying.Study of Religion and Awakened Individual at UWFixer(N,K,G,A)20
Dr. Andrei CulaCreature of the Night
Manners Maketh Man
Dr. Cula is a gentleman, first and foremost, and will not tolerate breaches of common courtesy or hospitality in his presence. When attempting to contact the good doctor, make an etiquette test. On no hits OR a glitch, Dr. Cula will refuse to work with you until appropriate amends have been made, subject to GM discretion.
In addition to the odd hours required of a doctor, Dr. Cula suffers from a mysterious skin condition exacerbated by harsh sunlight and may not always be available during the day. When attempting to contact him between the hours of 6am and 6pm, roll 1d6. On a 6, Dr. Cula is available. Otherwise, he is asleep, and cannot be reached until after sundown.
Shamanic Street Doc
Dr. DaviesParasiteDavies can loan shark with the best of them, and loves nothing more than holding debts over people's heads. Any chip costs incurred from favors are doubled.Director of Billing at UW MedicalFixer40
Dr. HansonNanocybernetics ExpertHanson cannot provide bioware or new cyberware. She can upgrade existing cyberware by calibrating it and changing components, but she can only acquire fresh nanoware.
Dr. NightshadeSleep is For the WeakDr. Nightshade is used to being the only doctor on call for the gang's local chapter, and has to be available to serve her patients. Long Haul helps with that--except when it doesn't. When contacting Dr. Nightshade, roll a d6. On a 1, Nightshade is sleeping off a Long Haul crash and will respond to your message when she wakes up in 8d6 hours.Ancients CyberdocCustom(G,A,N,K)40
Dr. Nina FarradayCereprax OverdoseDr Farraday overdosed on Cereprax in medical school. This has caused him to only be able to portray a positive outlook and attitude. As such, he suffers a -2 penalty to intuition based checks. However, players have a -2 dice pool to attempt and judge his intentions.DoctorService55
Dr. Noison GayleHe's Heard Of Hippocrates
Short On Cred
Dr. Gayle isn't exactly religious about the Hippocratic Oath, but he remembers it. Loyalty may never be increased by a character with a Notoriety score higher than his current Loyalty. If a Notoriety score jumps above the Loyalty rating, Dr. Gayle will stop taking their calls until something is done about their wicked reputation.
Dr. Gayle’s clinic is in a bad place after his partner screwed him over, his most expensive equipment was shot up, and his move valuable assets stolen. Debt collectors and minor investment solicitations are always on his mind. Sometimes, he needs cash to make ends meet. (Roll a 1d6. On a 1, he will ask for 1d6 x 50 nuyen more for his services than normal.)
Medical Researcher, SurgeonService23
Dr. RamirezAll Work and No Play
Manners Maketh Man
Dr. Ramirez has studied and worked hard his entire life, he is ready to treat similarly serious people with respect, but has no time for 'troublemakers'. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with him: subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check he is asked to do.
Dr. Ramirez is a well established Street Doc, but his real passion is his biological research. He puts in 8 hours a day paying the bills and is otherwise occupied with personal projects. Add +5 to the threshold of the contact availability test if trying to contact him outside of normal hours (8am-4pm PST).
Biologist Custom(G,K,A,N)40
Dr. SchwartzStreet DocCustom (A,G,K,N)20
Dr. Shiro YumeCalculatingDr. Shiro is no fool and she will not do anything to jeopardize her standing in MCT. When and if she lends aid it's because she believe she can get something out of it, either for MCT or for her own work. It helps to know how what you want can benefit her before you call. You may not use her to roll for gear off table unless you have one of the SINner qualities with an MCT SIN and are in good standing with the company. Oh, and she will definitely let the security forces and HTR teams know where you are if you call her with less than 6 loyalty while wanted by MCT.ScientistCustom(A,G,K,N)50
Dr. Tony HanksOverworkedServices may take longer. Every time the contact provides a service, roll 2d6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.Charity Clinic DoctorLegwork26
Dr. Velo Clementine RaptorDweller DwellingDr. Velo C. Raptor is currently trapped in the tunnels under Seattle, under the protection (read: jail) of The Dweller of the Tunnels. As such, he cannot make ANY active checks, except those expressly within the Dwellers domain. Contacting him in meatspace is functionally impossible without running into the Dweller.Velociraptor Mad ScientistCustom(K,G,N,A)40
Dr. WellsNumbers, not namesDr. Wells considers topics based upon how captivating they are. He will gloss over information he finds uninteresting, even if that lack of information may endanger the runner contacting him in some way. GMs have final say over what Dr. Wells may find uninteresting.ProfessorFixer(K,N,G,A)20
Dylan MontgomeryRehabilitation not Co-ConspirationDylan is more than happy to try and help people rehabilitate into polite society however he absolutely refuses to be party to criminals not looking to reform. Contact is lost if any heat is brought to the Diner by a runner he is attached to or if he learns of a criminals active dealings.Service10
Edouard Napoléon BonaparteFrench Nobility RivalryAs one of the claiment of France, Edouard Napoleon Bonaparte will not give trust to any runners that work for any of his rivals. As such if a runner picked him as a contact he cannot have any tied with any other of the claiment (Marie-Claire d'Orléans or Louis XXII de Bourbon) without burning Napoleon as a contact.Heir of the French EmpireGeneralist62
Edrahil StarflowerHard to ReachAlways make an Availability Test for this Contact with their Connection +3 than normal.DocWagon Contract ManagerFixer32
Efim AmirovA Matter of Respect
Fear the Suka
Russian Only
Efim has a very specific way he expects things to be done, and for people to behave. A smart runner will behave accordingly. Any interaction with Efim or gear acquisition request requires an Etiquette Test (1) to conduct business. If an Etiquette roll fails, a player must pay to make amends. If they have a critical glitch, they can only redeem themselves with the contact with a private run.
Efim has his goons to run the low-levels of his operation with the locals which is great, because he will only conduct business in Russian. Contacts with Loyalty 5+, he’ll care enough to speak in (somewhat broken) English.
Efim is a thief with honor but he cannot rely on those around him to be the same. Afraid of bringing a suka into his close confidence, characters will have to take a run to raise Loyalty above 2 and Loyalty can only be raised by one point at a time.
Eithne CynerasAncient Ties
My Assistant will Take Your Order
She is still light on staffing unfortunately. Eithne can only split her attention so many ways. If the Express Order aspect is not used, take a -2 penalty on all Gear Acquisition tests.
While not a member, Eithne and her business has a steady and profitable relationship with the Tir chapter of the Ancients. She will not work with players with a known negative relationship with the Ancients. She also will not perform services that she thinks will harm this relationship, or that would cause undue attention from law enforcement around her.
Black Market TalismongerGear52
El-AhrairahFamily BondsThe GM rolls in secret a 1d6, if the roll is a one, El-Ahrairah will tell the player they are busy taking care of WRN3. They may even get invited to dinner at their familial home.Ex-AssassinFixer53
Elias WendellBig 'Ol Bug
Early Riser
Elias is a SURGE, appearing as a horrific hybrid between an Orc and a Termite. As such, going outside poses incredible risk. He will not even consider leaving his Sonomish safehouse for anyone below loyalty 4, and even then only for a very good reason. In addition, the need to conceal himself gives him a -4 to checks made outside the safehouse, unless the runners can provide an adequate disguise.
Elias is, at his heart, a cranky old man. He sleeps from 7pm to 5am, during which time he shuts his commlink off completely. If the player has made previous arrangements to meet within that time, they will roll a number of dice equal to their loyalty. If there are no successes, Elias will forget and go to sleep anyway.
Elijah RosewoodLow CredentialsElijah isn't exactly the most influential man in his worklace, and rarely has access on classified informations.Corporate HeadhunterNetworking10
Eliza IrvingShort Attention Span
Work, Bitch
It's a common trope for the bartender to remember every average looking person who sits down for a beer. That isn't the case with Liz. If they don't catch her attention in some obnoxiously flashy way, her eyes glaze over and their name goes right through her brain. Liz takes a -4 to any networking checks made for people she'd consider boring (GM fiat). This typically means people with unremarkable appearances, muted personalities, and those who deliberately try to keep a low profile.
Liz is in a lot of debt, and works two full time jobs in order to pay it off. Connection tests for this contact ignore loyalty, and any time they're called the GM rolls 1d6. If the dice lands on 3 or above, Eliza is at work and unable to perform active checks for people below loyalty 5.
Nightclub Bartender and Bubblegum GothNetworking20
Elizabeth ClementLives at workAny time, day or night, she may be dealing with something that takes all her attention. Roll 1d6, on a 2 or less, she's in the middle of something or too exhausted to answer.Nun, Operates a charity shelterFixer50
Elizabeth De Farnesse"Do not fail me again."
"What's a few more years?"
Elizabeth views time differently and has no problem laying low for a long time. Rushing things will require sufficient leverage.
Has a very dim view on those incapable of serving her. Losing loyalty easy if demands are not met.
Ella "Unraveled" WyattRecovering Chiphead
Ella is a recovering chiphead who is battling depression. This may cause additional complications for her, making it even harder for her to offer help. On an Unreliable result of 2, Ella's has complications preventing her from helping which may be addressed by the runner with the additional investment of time, NuYen, or favors.
The GM rolls in secret a 1d6. If they roll a one the contact will say, with complete confidence, that they will do the request or that they have the right information. They will then flake out or their information will be wrong. They will say they got the gear then accidentally sell it to another person.
Recovering BTL AddictLegwork11
Elle PalmsWorking HoursA healthy balance between work and private life is paramount if you don't want to burn out. Elle doesn't, so she tunes out of business matters outside of normal PST office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of her contact availability test if trying to contact her at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).Freelance Aware Security ContractorCustom(A,K,N,G)41
Ellen "Sister" SharpsFreaky-Looking, also Actual FreakEllen is not one of the lucky changelings, and she wasn't particularly well-adjusted before the SURGE. Now that she spends all day hanging out with bug spirits, things are worse. Ellen cannot network with contacts who are not cockroach spirits or cockroach shamans.Insect ShamanCustom (K, A, G, N)20
EmelieFind me if you canEmelie can always be found somewhere in a club, you'll just have to find the right one. When looking for Emelie you'll have to actively search for 6+1d6 hours in the clubs of Downtown and Renton. An edge test can reduce that time by one hour per hit.Decker and ClubberCustom(A,N,K,G)22
Enigma The BoggartEnigmatic Exposition
Enjoyer Of Entropy
As a boggle spirit, Enigma's very presence causes inanimate objects to degrade and fall apart. Entrusting it to stay in a location, hold onto gear or deal with physical items will result in them having all of their numerical statistics reduced by 50% until repaired.
Enigma speaks Apsáalooke, the language spoken by the Cascade Crow tribe of Native Americans. Unfortunately, it only speaks a bizarre variation of it that has the Enigma cipher applied to it. As a result, communicating with Enigma requires not only the linguasoft or learned language of Apsáalooke, one must also have ready access to the Enigma cipher. CarnivoreGold or two knowledgesofts running parallel guarantee reasonable success.
Eric FiengoldBusy ManFeingold is a very busy man. Getting him on the phone can be an exhausting effort. If loyalty is less than 5, roll a 1d6 to determine when the phone call will be returned - on a 1 or 2, 12 hours, 3 or 4, 3 hours, 5 or 6, fifteen minutes. Fiengold always picks up immediately for those of loyalty 5 or more.Vice President of Finance of Red Star ClinicsNetworking80
Erica ClementsPraise the Shining One
Erica is an acolyte of a radiation cult. However nice she may act, that has consquences. When you take Erica as a contact, gain one notoriety. Magical gear purchased from Erica will show faint traces of toxic magic with a threshold 3 assensing test.
Erica is devout, a true believer. While she doesn't require those she works with to follow her path, she will not work with runners who actively oppose her cause. If characters work against the Followers of the Light and are positively identified, make a Test of Loyalty (contact rules). If failed, burn this contact. If it is passed, lose a point of loyalty instead. She likes to think the best of her friends, so the proof needs to be non-circumstantial.
Estelle ValkaThe Grind Never StopsEstelle has a half-dozen side hustles going on at any given time, which keeps her very busy. Always make an Availability Test for this Contact with her Connection 3 higher than normal.Military ContractorFixer(G,N,A,K)20
Etain DarejanBlackmore Family Loyalty
Ghost of a chance
Etain was once a Tir Ghost and still has the reputation, she is known to communities both legitimate and criminal, and she scares them all. When having Etain show up or take an active role in dealing with a target or group, roll 1d6. On a result of 1 or 2 the person or group would rather flee than deal with one of the most feared security services on the planet, believing their lives are at risk
For whatever reason Etain is completely loyal to Jeremiah and the Blackmore family as a whole. Trying to act against them or their allies will immediately draw her ire and cause her to treat you as any other hostile force, including informing the family and possibly other forces about your dealings.
Paladin and Bodyguard of Blackmore familyCustom(A,K,N,G)40
Etrius's TeamHard To reach
Wanted by SK
Actual members of the Task Force are tracked by SK since they want to hurt N-51 capability by taking out some of their top notch operative. Runners who call Etrius will get attention from S-K and get Record on Files until they dropped their contact with Etrius
The Elite Team is very often already on mission on the behalf of the N-51 due do their qualification, this make them potentially hard to get on a job. (+3 to connection when trying to join them)
Special Operation TeamService12
Evaan TalosLack of Care
Lack of Consideration
Evaan has very little loyalty to anyone outside of MCT. As such, the lives and contrivances of runners matter little to her. Evaan's loyalty can not be raised above 3, outside of a private run.
Evaan is not known for her subtlety, nor does she have concern for runners. When utilized, roll a 1d6. On a 1, the actions Evaan takes are obvious and are easily traceable back to you.
MCT EngineerNetworking60
Eveline PowersEvo LoyalistEveline will absolutely not assist runners whom she knows to be acting against Evo, or whom she knows to have acted against Evo corporation in the past. Should she become aware that her PC contact is actively running against Evo or has done so in the past, reduced her loyalty to 0 immediately.EVO Security ExecutiveLegwork30
Everest PikeEveryone's gotta make a living.Pike never, ever works for free. Even the smallest of favors will incur at least a 'standard fee' of 500 nuyen, but he strongly prefers connections or chips. Time is money!Fixer/J for hireFixer(A, N, K, G)51
ExeuntPast ParanoiaExeunt will not work with gang members, full stop. Even then, he sometimes feels the need to do extensive background checks. Whenever you reach out to him, the GM rolls 1D6 in secret. On a 1, he's unavailable for 24 hours while he digs up everything he can on you.Street DocService12
ExpedienMatrix EntityExpedien is a free sprite, a creature of the Resonance. They do not understand the non-matrix world and refuse to interact with it. They are unable to aid in gear acquisition, and can only network with other Matrix or Resonance related entities/individuals.Free SpriteLegwork21
Ezekyle BurtonGhoul DropoutKicked out of med school for turning into a ghoul, Ezekyle knows sterile protocol and avoids direct contact unless necessary. He won't show up in person anywhere that isn't his clinic, and even then doesn't interact with people directly unless he has to. If you want his services, you go to him and do it at his time. Rushing safety measures only leads to disaster.Custom(G,K,A,N)23
F1ZZExclusive Access
Sit Down, Have a Drink
Everyone's in such a rush these days. F1ZZ is far too old to be running back and forth across matrix; if you want to talk to him, you come to the 3w1g and sit down for a spell. Any knowledge or networking checks made by this contact must be accompanied by at least half an hour of drinking and small talk at the bar. If you wish to try and hurry the process up, make a test of loyalty with a threshold of 2. On a success, F1ZZ will begrudgingly make the check with a -4. On a failure, he will angrily inform the player that they should do it themselves if they're in such a hurry.
The 3w1g is a hangout of the Walking People, and thus not particularly accessible to outsiders. In order to take this contact you must either be a member of the tribe or have at least 10 positive reputation with them. If this membership is revoked/positive rep drops below 10, the contact cannot be used again until your reputation has been restored.
The Walking Peoples' Favorite BartenderCustom(K,N,A,G)51
FaithCAS LoyalistFaith will not help with jobs in or against the country of CAS.MercenaryCustom(A,G,N,K)31
Father UrielThe Light of the LordWhile Father Uriel is understanding about the kind of work that happens in the shadows, he will not tolerate monsters, -2 to any roll done for an Infected PC, and -2 for any runner with a reputation for undue violenceOrder of the Temple SpymasterFixer52
FaultyReal-World NaivetyFaulty doesn't understand the real world, only the Matrix, Foundations, Resonance, and Dissonance. All checks related to a topic other than those automatically gets 0 hits.Fault SpriteService43
Felix "The Owl" SmithWantedStole from Wuxing in Hong Kong and was able to escape to Seattle and is being actively hunted.AlchemistService10
Ferris NearlWife GuyFerris gets excited about her wife and will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting her, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, Ferris gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.Kon-SultantFixer20
FiendestWantedFie may or may not have eaten her former boss alive as a form of resignation. As a result, there's a 75,000 Nuyen bounty for her head by Lone Star.HMHVV FanaticFixer25
Fire MageBlack Lodge LoyalistMore out of necessity than personal choice, he won't work against his lodge and will try to capture any runners who have a bounty with the Black Lodge. If you contact him during a run and use the information provided to work against the Black Lodge, roll a loyalty check. If it fails he immediately burns you. If it succeeds you owe him a chip to re-earn favor with him.Black Lodge Network SpecialistFixer52
FitzHughOn The Team!While quite excited to work with runners, FitzHugh tends to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of him might "evolve" in a direction that he feels is either more effective, interesting, or profound.Republican Party FaceService31
Flavia RodriguezAt Arm's Length
Company Woman
Working Hours
Flavia is an Aztechnology yes-woman through and through. She will not accept requests obviously against Aztechnology, Trés Chic or Armanté (GM discretion), and might request "favors" (chips) in return for her help if your Loyalty with her is 3+.
Flavia just doesn't care about most runners enough to risk a healthy balance between work and private life as it is a paramount thing to maintain if you don't want to burn out. She tunes out of business matters outside of normal CDT office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of her contact availability test if trying to contact her at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).
She's not interested in "fraternizing" with runners, viewing most as just business. Good they buy her armors, she doesn't mind selling them even forbidden ones as long as they pay, but more? Try harder, chummer. Her Loyalty cannot be raised above 3 outside of a private run advancing her career or getting her an interesting outfit.
Armanté Dallas-Fort Worth R&D Executive OfficerGear60
FonzNo Pomp, No Style, No ServiceRefuses to assist any individual without style as well as anyone associated with them during a job in which one of his runners is involved.Owner of the Vintage Styles Hair SalonFixer51
Fourty-FourI Was Worked RaggedDue to the intensive Merc Life Fourty-Four has several chronic issues that could prevent him from appearing when requested. Roll 1d6 when the contact is asked to make an Active Roll and on a 1 he is busy at a chiropractor or doctor having his body taken care of.Gunman for HireService20
Francesco di GangiHard to ReachAlways make an Availability Test for this Contact with their Connection +3 greater than normal.Finnigan CaporegimeCustom(K,G,N,A)50
Frank CostelloNight AnimalFrank will never be available during the day due to his severe sunlight allergy caused by his vampirism. His waking hours are 8 PM and he goes back into dormancy at 5 AM.TreasurerFixer60
Freda KeyUnreliableThe GM rolls in secret a 1d6. If the roll a one the contact will say, with complete confidence, that they will do the request or that they have the right information. They will then flake out or their information will be wrong. They will say they got the gear then accidentally sell it to another person.HedonistCustom (G, A, K, N)11
Frederik KowalskiDragon SwornHe is fully sworn to advancing the bottomline of Saeder-Krupp and any action taken against Saeder-Krupp as a personal slight. He will not actively work against Saeder-Krupp and if he hears of any word of runners working against S-K he will actively work against them.S-K Manager and Asset HandlerFixer53
Fuego Fieri Firebrand the FourthWATER BADIt's hard being a fire spirit in Seattle, the place of the constant falling of water death from the sky! Fuego is impossible to find in the physical and very hard to find in the astral when it's actively raining. You're just going to have to wait until the bad water goes away.Free SpiritLegwork20
G-OldHeart of G-OldWhile G-Old understands runners do need to kill in their line of work, the deaths of civilians or innocents is unacceptable. G-Old will refuse to work with runners if he finds out that their actions directly lead to the deaths of innocent lives while on a run. The only way to atone is to do "community service" in the form of hooding for him.Ex-Knight Errant CaptainFixer50
G01bez and 0-MUSOverprotectiveg01bez is very protective of 0-MUS, and as such will not place her in unnecessary danger. If asked to perform a task in an unusually dangerous situation as determined by the GM by a runner with loyalty 3 or lower, it is refused with their apologies. As a baseline, assume the threshold is something that would put the pair in direct contention with an organization of Connection 2 or higher, although other situations may also apply.Matrix Siblings
Decker and Technomancer Tag Team Duo
GREY-1483MCT ControlledDue to being an MCT asset, the corp almost always has their eye on GREY-1483. It's extremely risky for her to leave her host, and usually can't for long. GREY-1483 will not leave her host unless her contact is loyalty 3 or higherMCT DiverService20
Galina AmirovAlways Working
Arm's Length
Between 10am and 10pm, Galina is unavailable to answer your comm call. You could always head over to her corporate office in Seattle, or wait a while and see if she calls you back on break.
Galina’s Loyalty can not be raised above 3, outside of a private run.
GatorLearned From The Best
See You, Swamp Cowboy
See you later, Alligator
Bayou Bill died fighting Horizon. As such, if you are working a job that brings good things to Horizon, Gator WILL NOT HELP you. If you have called or used a Horizon affiliated contact in the last week, Gator will take a -4 on any checks to assist you. He can smell the suit on you.
Bayou Bill taught Gator everything he knew. Including combat tactics. When Gator is called for job, roll 1d6 in secret. On a roll of 5 or 6, Gator will fight like Bill did. That means violence, explosions and collateral damage galore. You think you brought him on for a distraction and expect it? Oh no, he went even bigger. This violence may or may not be able to be traced back to you, depending on how evil the GM is feeling.
Gator is an alligator. While he’s awakened and sapient, it doesn’t instantly mean he has a full understanding of English and societal norms. Getting this contact to DO things may require an animal handling check or a bribing with appropriate snacks. Gator DOES understand limited English from his training with Bill (and understands it BETTER if delivered in a Louisiana drawl) but usage of complex terms and ideas may not go over well. Also, because he is an alligator, he cannot speak.
Biggest, Baddest Alligator this side of the EquatorCustom(A, N, K, G)43
General ForbettMy Blood for the AGS
S-K Loyalist
Will never work against AGS interests and will refuse to work with any runners who have a bounty from any AGS State. If you contact him during a run and use the information provided to work against AGS interests roll a loyalty check. if it fails he immediately burns you. If it succeeds you owe him a chip to reearn favor with him.
Will never work against S-K and will refuse to work with any runners who have a bounty with S-K. If you contact him during a run and use the information provided to work against S-K roll a loyalty check. if it fails he immediately burns you. If it succeeds you owe him a chip to reearn favor with him.
GenevaRed District SinnerLocked in the spire, there's not much she can do to get gear out of it. She cannot be reached if you are not in the spire.Ganger BossGear33
Gertrude "Five-Star" JuarezI'm Not Your Fragging Party Bus
Must Be This Tough To Ride
Five-Star is a pretty talented wheelwoman... as long as you're talking about trucks and vans. Motorcycles? Nah. Rotorcraft? Don't make her laugh. Even normal cars are generally too fragile for her liking; she works best with vehicles that can take a licking and keep on kicking. Active checks to deal with vehicles that are not trucks or vans take a -2 penalty, if she deigns to work with them at all.
Five-Star isn't especially keen on being used to ferry around a bunch of idiot criminals she doesn't know - at least, not without financial incentive. For every person below Loyalty 4 that she's asked to drive around, she'll charge a minimum of 1000 nuyen. Rates go up if they're known to be infected ("I'm NOT getting ghoul blood on my fraggin' upholstery.") or a rigger ("Fuck you need me for? Get your own ride instead of a bunch of toys.").
Chronically Paranoid WheelwomanService11
GestrüppDemanding of service
Wild Spirit
Gestrüpp is a Wild Spirit, with his domain in Carbonado, Puyallup. He can not be contacted outside of that area, and he can not leave it.
If your Loyalty with Gestrüpp is lower than 4 he will ask you for a favour one tier higher on the service table (FA 178) than what he is offering in return. Alternatively you can give him 5 karma per tier on the service table. If your Loyalty is 4 or higher it will cost as normal.
GoalmasterOne Rink To Rule Them AllGoalmaster is reliable when it comes to actually supplying materials, but... well, getting to the actual bartering process can be an exercise in frustration. His hallucinations and creative imagination take firm hold of him whenever his long-term brain damage flares up, and it becomes nigh-on impossible to talk over how much a shipment of scrap steel will cost when he's more concerned about slaying the ruddy-furred chimera for the good of his kingdom. Blowing up whatever rusted-out old truck he's obsessing over this time tends to snap him out of it long enough to talk. When you attempt to tap this contact during a run, the GM should make a roll to determine his mental state at the time. On a 4, 5, or 6, he's stable enough to make a deal or provide information. On a 1, 2, or 3, he'll answer the call, but will require the runners to complete some inconvenient, ridiculous job out in the worst parts of the Puyallup barrens before he's willing to talk shop.Scrapper Knight of the Stanley CupCustom(G, K, A, N)31
Gord "Twitch" RodneyAbrasive Doesn't Begin To Cover ItGord is a mean slitch at the best of times, even to those he considers his friends. If he doesn't consider you his friend, you can expect him to be that much more obnoxious. He's even more sensitive to any slights than a normal hobgoblin. Unless the character in question has at least Loyalty 5, whenever this contact is called upon, the runner tapping him for help needs to be as conciliatory and pleasant as possible, no matter how acerbic his insults become. If they return the venom in any respect, Gord will be more than happy to come up with a suitable way of getting even - whether it's "accidentally" leaving one of his traps armed when someone comes to visit, or forcing them to go handle someone else on his shitlist to get off of it themselves. The GM is encouraged to make the revenge obnoxious, unpleasant, or demeaning, but never quite dangerous enough to get the runner killed.DIY Survivalist and Obnoxious Attic GremlinCustom(A,G,K,N)16
Gran NYA Woman of Principle
Family Obligations
Manners Maketh Man
Temperance Is a Virtue
Gran NY is an old-school lady, first and foremost, and will not tolerate breaches of common courtesy or hospitality in her presence, real or imaginary. When attempting to contact her, make an Etiquette test. On no hits OR a glitch, she'll refuse to work with you until appropriate amends have been made, subject to GM discretion. Warning: her preference for drek jobs involving cats is infamous.
Gran NY is extremely disapproving of addictive substances. Exactly why she's allergic to the non-teetotalers. If you are under the influence while talking to her (even something like Psyche or Long Haul), you must get at least three successes on a Con check. If you fail, she'll launch into a rambling sermon on the corrupting poison you've put in your body. If your loyalty is below four, she will refuse to talk to you until you're sober. If it's four or above, she'll listen if you can convince her that it's a matter of life and death. In order to keep the contact, you must spend a week volunteering at the tea shop, usually around her posse of cats.
Gran NY is fussy, ahem, "selective", about who she works with. She fancies herself the guide for those lily-livered whippersnappers, err, the next generations of runners. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check she's asked to do.
To Gran NY, after being widowed by Sile - the late Mr Yang - her posse of cats became her family. The GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, Gran is busy taking care of the critters, which means absolute focus and no time for anything else.
Owner of the Comfy Teacup & FixerFixer61
GraniHiding from Saeder-Krupp
Not Supposed to be here
Grani is selective about who he works with. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with him: subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check he is asked to do.
He believes Finland has enough problems without the Saeder-Krupp sniffing around his business. Treat his Loyalty as two lower if you have a positive rep with the corporation. If this would drop Loyalty below 1, you cannot take him as a contact. If you develop a positive rep with those circles after buying him, he isn't lost, but will not answer your messages unless you lose your rep.
Erika RetainerService21
GravelPrejudice: Law EnforcementIf you have positive rep with law enforcement or were ever part of it, for example KE, checks Gravel does for you - begrudgingly and with distrust - are at -2.CONCRETE COMPATRIOTFixer30
Greasy EddieLook pal, this ain't my stuffGreasy Eddie isn't an expert in magical stuff, nor cutting edge brain bioware, nor much else really, and he doesn't lie about it. He suffers a -5 to all gear checks that are not covered by his aspects.MechanicCustom(G,A,K,N)21
GregOrc Family ManGreg is community minded first and foremost. If you want to become closer to the man you’ll need to prove your character. Loyalty can only be raised 1 at a time, and each raising requires the character to first complete a run on his behalf.Skraacha GumshoeFixer31
Guillermo RodríguezAztechnology LoyalistWill never work against Aztechnology and will refuse to work with any runners who have a bounty with Aztechnology. If you contact him during a run and use the information provided to work against aztechnology roll a loyalty check. if it fails he immediately burns you. if it succeeds you owe him a chip to reearn favor with himAztechnology Asset Recovery Team Leader/HTRNetworking41
Gus From MarketingRomantically Desperate And CreepyWill try to date anyone who calls him. ANYONE.Marketing SpecialistNetworking10
Halvor IngvarssonWantedWanted in the Scandinavian Union.TalismongerCustom(G,K,A,N)42
Hamamoto AkiUnder the BusIf Aki thinks talking to you will make her look uncool, she'll laugh at you like she doesn't know you and hang up or walk away. Roll Etiquette (with no bonuses from the table, this is about her friends, not her) with a threshold of 2 + connection and a bonus equal to your loyalty to get her to engage in the conversation. Failing this check ends the conversation. If you have loyalty of 3 or more, she will call you back within 24 hours when she is alone.College StudentCustom(N,A,K,G)10
Hanako ShinodaTerrible VisionsHanako is haunted by visions of many possible futures due to the strength of her gift. When contacting her, the GM secretly rolls 1d6. On a 1 Hanako may have information for you, but it is cloaked in prophecies about destruction and terrors soon to come.Shiawase SeerLegwork62
Handrian GraysonCurse of the dragon's hoard
New York to Seattle
+1 noterity for taking Handrian as a contact. Even though he is kinder and nicer than most draconic folk, he still is a dragon.
Handrian's primary office and home is in New York but he makes consistent trips to Seattle. When contacting Handrian roll 1d6, on an even he is New York for that many days.
Corp executiveGeneralist60
HankLone WolfHank don't like to work alongside peoples, he is up to help in a lot of case where he could do job on his own. (Distraction, infiltration and such). Players need to succeed a negotiation + Charisma (Threshold 6-Loyalty) to convince him to go with the team.Spec Ops PTT Killing MachingService15
Hanzō FurukawaThe Ordo WatchesHanzō won't interfere with work that goes against the Ordo Maximus - that would be too obvious. However, anything he learns should be considered also learned by the Ordo Maximus, which may influence reputation with them. Additionally, characters with Hanzō as a contact are considered marked for burning while their reputation with Ordo Maximus is below -5 and they are not currently actively working to raise that reputation. While so marked, if Hanzō has the opportunity to sell the character out in a way that will potentially neutralize them, he does so: his Loyalty is reduced to 0, he is removed as a contact from them, and his previous Loyalty is added to the approximated Professional Rating of the danger/opposition the character will face as a result.Arcanotronics ProfessorLegwork61
Harold J. RutherfordRace Traitor
Working Hours
A healthy balance between work and private life is paramount if you don't want to burn out. Harold doesn't, so he tunes out of business matters outside of normal PST office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of his contact availability test if trying to contact him at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).
Many dwarves stick to the general set of stereotypes that is the overarching tightly-knit, tradition-bound mainstream community most maintain. Harold went against the mold of the stubborn, insular, technically-minded dwarf. He's the life of the party, doesn't discriminate based on the metatype and hasn't held a tinkering tool once in his life. After being taken into the Horizon fold, he was essentially disowned by his highly traditional father he's got Daddy Issues with, something marriage to his wife Lois, a human, only exacerbated. As a result, he's disconnected from his extensive family and the old community he grew up in. Most dwarves take offense at this kind of betrayal, resulting in him being hated in those communities.
Pathfinder Multimedia ManagerNetworking61
Harvey SandersPicky Dissemination of InformationRequires a negotiation check to gain information, depending on how it affects criminal organizations and/or law enforcement. Thresholds start at 2 and are modified by how they affect gangs/syndicates (major damage, -2, mild/moderate damage -1) and law enforcement (mild threat to LE +1, moderate +2, major +4). He will refuse to give information that directly target law enforcement. See examples below.InfobrokerLegwork40
Hassan BahreiniA Man of PrincipleHassan has his principles, and they're straight forward. Loyalty may never be increased above a character's Notoriety score. If a Notoriety score jumps above the Loyalty rating, Hassan will stop taking their calls until something is done about their wicked reputation.Political NetworkerNetworking42
HathorBehind the CurtainIs either a member of a secret conspiracy or could not even be real, either way, has Machiavellian plans far beyond your run. When Hathor is used, roll a 1d6, on the roll of a 1, they will mock you and hang up, or give subtly adjusted information that, while true to what the players wish to do with it, may have unforeseen side effects. They will not return your calls for the rest of the run if this happens.Argus Operative and DatabrokerLegwork50
Heavy MetalOn Assignment to Mother KomodoNow that Heavy Metal is bodyguarding Mother Komodo, his time is more limited. Any request for an active service support requires a contact availability test. GM may apply penalties to test based on time of day, or duration of time needed.BodyguardService10
Hector WellsAres Macrotechnology Loyalist
Dislike Awaken
Hatred Infected:
He has a low view of Awaken individuals and treats them with disdain. Treats his loyalty as one lower if the Runner is awakened
Will never work against Ares Macrotechnology and will refuse to work with any runners who have a bounty with Ares Macrotechnology. If you contact him during a run and use the information provided to work against Ares Macrotechnology roll a loyalty check. if it fails he immediately burns you. if it succeeds you owe him a chip to redeem favor with him
Will never work with infected characters and if finds out that a runner is infected, he will immediately burn them. If on the other hand, they are carriers treat his loyalty as 1 lower and will never meet them face to face.
Middle ManagerFixer20
Helena IscariotCursed LuckIf Helena has to perform a check, roll a secret 3d6. On a glitch, the opposite result occurs. On a critical glitch, the runners' opposition somehow gets a leg up on whatever it is they tried to have Helena help with.
Dante's Inferno Employee
HenryThere's No RushThere's no such thing as getting a weapon delivered by Henry through a quick phone call. At a minimum, he'll give you priority as a customer if he likes you. If he doesn't like you... well, better hope you've got a few hours to burn. Even if you need to talk to him about something unrelated to his arms dealing, Henry will refuse to discuss things over a commcall; you'll have to wait 2d6 - Loyalty hours for him to open up shop and get you in to see him in person. If you're trying to get ahold of something with over 12 availability, increase this to 4d6 - Loyalty hours.Discreet Weapons DealerFixer(G,K,A,N)21
Hez-kukraAnger Issues
Once Burned, Twice Shy
Us or Them
Hez-kukra is easily insulted and generally abrasive, so if he detects even the hint of a slight against his business, his face, his family, his dog, you name it, he refuses to deal with you until you apologize and make some form of amends. Worse yet, even the slightest hint of bigotry against any marginalized group will put you straight in his dog house. A slight against Hez-kukra or his kin requires a favour or a monetary gift to make amends and any instance of bigotry will require double the effort.
To raise Loyalty past 2, a run is required. The run needs to show a real, meaningful reason for Hez-kukra to trust the character. Loyalty can only be raised one rank at a time.
Under no circumstances will Hez-kukra do anything they believe will harm metahumans (elves excepted.) If they learn that a character has dealt a significant blow to a majority non-elf metahuman group (gang, policlub, place of business, et cetera) decrease their Loyalty by 1. If Loyalty ever drops to 0, Hez-kukra will consider the character as an enemy. If they find out that a character has assisted with the targeted killing of metahuman civilians (even elves!) the contact is immediately burned and becomes actively hostile.
Sons of Sauron Fixer and Black ClinicianFixer(G,N,A,K)50
His Beardliness Belegar son of Gotrek son of ThorMagnificent BeardWhenever you call His Beardliness, make a Loyalty + Edge (3) Test. On a failure, he is too busy taking care of his magnificent beard to be helpful.TalismongerCustom(G,A,K,N)31
HollidayPatience for PerfectionDue to her want to create only the best possible magical compounds and items Holliday can have a difficult time settling for less than the best components. Double the wait-time for failed item acquisition rolls.Roving TalismongerGear50
Holly GardnerGhoul Organlegger-4 to Networking checks among non-Infected, +2 to Networking among Infected. Cannot deliver goods during daylight hours. Will require flesh as part of the payment from anyone with Loyalty 2 or less.Ghoul OrganleggerService31
Holly Rogers And CrewDrunken Pirates
Before noon, they're sleeping off their hangovers.
Everything will have a pirate theme, whether you like it or not.
Pirate ShadowrunnersService52
HollyhockVisions Within the SmokeHollyhock is addicted to both Oneri and Deepweed and is almost constantly using them. On calling this contact roll a 1d6 and on a 1 she is high and seeing visions that are useless to both her and the runners. That does not mean that she doesn't think that the visions are incredibly important and will explain in detail what she is seeing in the visions to the runner. (Up to GM Discretion)Infected Community LeaderService20
HoneyBusy BusinessWho knew that baking baked goods and baking "baked" goods took so much time, roll 1d6 and on a 3 or higher Honey will prioritize your call, on a 1 or 2 she's too busy baking and prioritizes her business' clientele for the duration of the run.BakerFixer20
Honnie "Hun" RoganIterative Collaboration
Of the People
Rambling Study
Hun gets excited about most of her cases and will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting her, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, she gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.
She will not knowingly aid anyone going against her neighbors, including those in local gangs or syndicates.
While quite excited to work with runners, she tends to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of her might "evolve" in a direction that she feels is either more effective, interesting or profound. Sometimes she even remembers to call back to update the team without needing to be called back.
Private Eye & Wannabe FixerFixer(K,N,A,G)10
Hotah MahkahWhiteclay Made ManAs a trusted Whiteclay mob member, Hotah will not move against his syndicate knowingly.Whiteclay Mob FixerFixer64
Howard SawyerHeadbutting the Bull MooseDealing with Howard and the Union can be bad for business for those who intend to work with the corps on the regular. Treat your loyalty as 1 less with corporate contacts if you've called Howard on this or your last job.Moonshine SmugglerNetworking40
Huli JingI am your worst nightmare
I'll watch you sleep
Anyone who takes the contact Huli Jing must be wary of them, for they will never trust you or be your friend. for loyalty, it is treated as always being 1. unless it's a roll link to one of their aspects.
Anyone who uses Huli Jing's safe house aspect, must roll edge (2 hits) or have him mind probe them for information to blackmail them later on(Hull JIng gains a chip against the runner).
Wuxing Mind MageService40
Huugo PitkannenBut my specimens...Due to a form of OCD, Huugo deludes that his multitude of viral and biological samples will spoil or get lost or something if he doesn't check on them regularly. -2 on all rolls that require him to physically leave his lab.Medical StudentService10
Hyden JonesConscientious ObjectorHyden isn't exactly a pacifist, but he doesn't like violence. If you use information or services that he grants you for wetwork or other violent acts (including unnecessary violence enacted on a job), reduce Hyden's loyalty by 1. If this would reduce Hyden's loyalty to 0 or below, you instead owe him +1 chip.Casino Floor ManagerLegwork40
IktomiI got a Life, yknow?Iktomi will not be available on specific days of the week, those being Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 2 PM to 7 PM. If you call him during those times, roll a 1D6. On a 1-2 he will simply not respond. On a 3-4 He will answer only if you have a loyalty 2 or higher but will give you less info than normal, on a 5-6 he will respond and abandon whatever he's doing only for the time needed to help you out. You can only call him once unless you call him outside his schedule.DeckerLegwork41
Ina LiuArm's LengthIna’s Loyalty can not be raised above 3, outside of a private run.Shark LawyerNetworking61
Inari ŌkamiOverworkedServices may take longer. Every time the contact provides a service, roll 2d6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.Emotional Support FoxFixer51
Irena TachikovWorkaholicIrena doesn't have time for nonsense, attempting to contact her requires a loyalty check with a Threshold of 2 for her to pick upEVO Acquisitions ExpertGear63
Isaac DanielsTough Times, Tougher HistoryIsaac is brash and has little respect for those who abuse power. If a character has a strength of 4 or higher and has the is considered by Isaac to be a bully (term applied liberally), they take a -4 to negotiation pools and a -2 to rolls having to do with loyalty.Fixer40
IsisAstral BeaconThe astral signature of a character with the Astral Beacon quality is like, well, a beacon—highly visible on the astral plane. The signature also lasts twice as long as it would without the Astral Beacon quality and others assensing it receive a –1 to the threshold of their Assensing Test for gathering information about it.Book RestorerService10
Jack RodriguezHard to ReachAlways roll an availability test on this contact with their connection 3 higher than normal.MechanicCustom(A,G,K,N)30
Jack SteberBlissfully UnawareThis contact doesn't know about your shadowrunner status. If they find out that you are a shadowrunner, run a Negotiation check with a threshold of 6-Loyalty with your social limit. If failed, this contact will proceed to call the authorities and you will lose this contact. If passed they will allow you to explain and possibly accept you, this aspect can only activate once.Corporate Wage SlaveLegwork20
Jack da RabbitUnreliableThe GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. If the roll a one, Jack da Rabbit will say, with complete confidence, that he will do the request or that he has the right information. He will then flake out or their information will be wrong. They will say they got the gear, then accidentally sell it to another person.Drug CookCustom(G,K,N,A)10
Jackie JackDon't sell your soul kid.While in his years he has grown more lenient in his morals and values. He can't help but look down upon and slightly scold those that work for or aid megacorporate entities. -2 to any check made for anyone with the corporate SINner quality or are known to work closely with a corporation.
Retired Prime Runner and Therapist
Jackson LeeCAS VeteranJackson retired from the CAS Navy. He doesn't have blind loyalty to them, but would prefer not to work against his home. Jackson Lee will not work against the CAS unless your loyalty is 4 or more.Salvage Yard OperatorCustom(G,N,K,A)31
JadeActor LifeAs the main actor in a Trid Series that is working pretty well, Jade is often unavailable. When you try to contact her roll the contact avaibility like she had a connection rating of +2Actress/TechnomancerCustom (A,K,N,G)41
Jake "The Captain" ElliotOn The Far SideAs Jake is the captain of a vessel on the Atlantic, getting goods to or from Seattle directly can take some time. Add 1 day to the base delivery time for any goods, on or off table. (Notably this means if he fails to acquire something for you, add one day and then double the time before you can have him try again if it's off table.)Ship CaptainCustom(G,A,K,N)21
Jane FosterPoor Networker-2 to Networking testsStreet docCustom(A,G,K,N)40
Jar Jar BinksAlbinismRefuses to go outdoors personally during sunny weather and will only go outside during daytime whatsoever if your loyalty is 4 or above.TalismongerGear30
Jayden AndrewsYoung Children: TwinsWhen attempting to contact Andrews, roll 1d6. On a 1 he can only talk for 5 minutes to help with Knowledge skills as he is actively caring for his children.Security Guard/MuscleService22
Jea Eun Red-DeerHard to ReachAlways roll an availability test on this contact with their connection 3 higher than normal.FixerFixer62
Jenny RiversMeatheadIf jenny meets you in person, she will challenge you to an arm wrestling contest. Roll BOD+STR, if you fail to meet a threshold of 3, she charges a favor for her services and embarrasses you for having noodle arms.Construction WorkerService11
Jenny SmokesSmall-TimeBecause she is relatively unknown she has a hard time connecting to hob-nobbers and prissy corporate types. -2 for Networking checks involving high-society.Small-Time ReporterLegwork12
Jet SetTime/DistanceJet Set is normally not one to stay idle, especially considering the upkeep costs for his ancient C-5 Galaxy. Most of the time he's running long distance routes in the Pacific. He is easy to contact at all times via satellite uplink but active and gear checks require a minimum 24 hour lead.C-5 Galaxy Owner/OperatorCustom(A,G,K,N)66
JewelsProfessional People Stabber, Unprofessional People Pleaser.Jewels is a nice guy, but often misunderstands their goals. When called, roll 1d6, on a roll of a 1, Jewels will do his best to do what you ask, but will do so with violence and intimidation at best, and deadly force at worst.People StabberService23
Jimmy TwoTones"I'm a freebird baby!"Jimmy is a free spirit, bound by no one but his own desires. Being an Anarch from Zeco-corporatum he desires chaos and explosions and the downfall of the megacorps.Service20
Joe "Chops" BurtonUnreliableChops is pretty much always at work on something, so he tends to get a little frazzled. Being stuck in a smelter all day probably isn't good for your brain cells.Modern-Day BlacksmithCustom(K, G, N, A)10
Joe Cool"Your reputation precedes you."
Man of The People
Joe is always working, if not for him, then for the people of Redmond. Always make an Availability Test for this Contact with their Connection +3 than normal.
The Sprawl is tough, but we'll get through it together. Joe may have a runner's discretion, but he knows where he lays his head at night. He will never go against the people of Redmond, this includes local gangs and syndicates (Red Hot Nukes, The 162s, Rusted Stilettos).
The Street has a long-term memory, chummer. When you flubbed that job or got hooked on nose candy, someone took note, of that you can be sure. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with him: subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check he is asked to do.
Plug Custom(G,K,N,A)40
Johan LiebertPrejudice: Mundane
Sociopathic Tendancies
He doesn't care for small talk or you. Runners suffer -2 dice pool to etiquette tests with this contact
With a prejudice against mundane characters, all checks with Johan are made at a -2
Johnson the JohnsonNot Above the LawThis contact refuses to do anything illegal. Anytime she is asked to, make a Negotiation check with a Threshold of 6-Loyalty (minimum 1). If failed, this contact proceeds to call the authorities discreetly and you lose 1 Loyalty. She still won't help if you pass, but she at least won't call KE. This aspect does not trigger if Humanis Hunter applies.KE Investigator (Possibly?)Generalist51
Jonáš Brož"Should've Said No"The very public position the Jonáš Brož are in makes it difficult for them to help you without notice. If you would gain public awareness after a run in which you used the aid of The Jonáš Brož, you gain an additional point of PA.Networking30
Jorgy PetersonProsperity GospelThe Lord provides to His faithful, granting wealth and success. For those who lack, well... It doesn't send a good message. Jorgy requires payment in nuyen for all services.Evangelist Car SalesmanGear31
Joseph JacobyA Man of Principle
My Grandkids Were Visiting
Team Tusked
As a key community figure for orks and trolls, but also metas prejudiced against as a whole, Joe not only won't move against them, with exceptions like Sons of Sauron, the Spikes or the Mistish Farad, but he'll also immediately burn whoever develops positive rep with Humanis Policlub, the Night Throne, Winternight etc.
He's got standards. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check she's asked to do.
The GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. If the roll is a one, Joe will not answer the call immediately. When he calls you later, he'll explain that he and his wife were busy babysitting their grandkids.
University Professor and Political ActivistLegwork62
Joshua CalvertEx Agent of the Federal Office of Homeland SecurityGiven his past and as a former intelligence officer, Joshua finds it very difficult to maintain friendships beyond a certain level. Loyalty higher than 4 costs triple with this contact.Ex Spy and Special ForcesLegwork60
JoyrideWe Like to PartyThe "Vengabus" (a modified omnibuss) is permanently blaring the Vengaboys famous hit, "We Like To Party". As such, Joyride cannot stealth. Literally anyone in the immediate vicinty will hear "We Like To Party" at full blast. If you are in the Vengabus, everyone is looking at you.Party Bus DriverCustom (A,N,G,K)50
Juan "Guapo" ManuelNot a morning personJuan likes to sleep in and is rarely up before noon. Don't expect him to pick up his commlink between 4:00 and 12:00 after a big job or a night on the town. If you insist on meeting with him in the morning, bring soykaf, and make it a double.Service10
Julie d'AubignyFrench PatriotJulie is a true patriot of her home country. She loves France and all of its culture, and will not tolerate any form of dismissal or disparagement of France or its people. Any act that goes against France or its people will result in her immediately burning a runner.Noble Woman & DuelistGeneralist30
Juliette BartletBlissfully UnawareJuliette knows her sister's a reporter, but not that she routinely puts herself in danger and is also a runner.StudentGeneralist10
KAPTAIN KILLDOZERRAISE THE FLAG!KAPTAIN KILLDOZER does not know the meaning of the word "subtle." He's a crazed troll ganger dressed like an Age of Sail-era pirate who drives converted boats through the street. When utilized, roll a 1d6. On a 1, the actions KAPTAIN KILLDOZER takes are obvious and are easily traceable back to you.Street Pirate KaptainService20
KalanyrNot Worth His TimeIt's practically impossible to raise Kalanyr's Loyalty above 1. He just doesn't care about runners that much.
CEO of Stonehome
KanaOath BoundThis contact is bound by an oath of secrecy and will not reveal important information about the Kenran-Kai or assist in anything that might harm them, on pain of death.YakuzaLegwork40
Karahashi AtsutadaMita-Gumi LieutenantKarahashi will not work against the Mita-gumi Clan.Mita-gumi LieutenantFixer(G,N,K,A)40
Kate 'Lanza' MarksonI believe in usKate can't work with players with a known negative relationship with S3I. He also will not perform services that he thinks will harm this relationship, or that would cause undue attention from law enforcement around him.InstructorGeneralist60
Kathryn "Aphrodite" RivieraAbrasiveKathryn has never been the most social of people, and given recent hardships that's only gotten worse. When making a Contact Availability test to determine if she is available treat her Connection as 2 higher after adding any other modifiers.DeckerCustom(A,K,N,G)40
Katrin MorgentauI have work to do
On the Watch
S-K Loyalist
You are only business
Katrin is a very busy woman. Getting her on the phone can be an exhausting effort. If loyalty is less than 5, roll a 1d6 to determine when the phone call will be returned - on a 1 or 2, 12 hours, 3 or 4, 3 hours, 5 or 6, fifteen minutes. Katrin always picks up immediately for those of loyalty 5 or more.
Katrin rarely leaves anything to chance and is very careful with all her contacts. Whoever chooses her as a contact automatically receives the negative aspect "Records on File (S-K)" and cannot remove it as long as he holds this contact.
Katrin's loyalty can only raised above 2 as a run reward from runs with a threat level of extreme or above and increased by only one per run.
Will never work against S-K and will refuse to work with any runners who have a bounty with S-K. If you contact her during a run and use the information provided to work against S-K roll a loyalty check. if it fails she immediately burns you. If it succeeds you owe her a chip to reearn favor with her.
S-K Prime Senior ExecutiveCustom(N,G,A,K)102
Katrina Smythe-JonesHard to ReachKatrina is a busy professor. Between research and teaching she's hard to reach during normal work hours. Always make an availability test for Katrina with her connection +3.University ProfessorLegwork61
KeiAt Arm's Length
Deep-Entrenched Grudge
Iterative Collaboration
Pro-Techno Crusader
Rambling Study
"Not all those who wander are lost." Kei shamelessly abuses this Tolkien quote to wander off the topic you want him to talk to you about in favor of what interests him (conspiracy theories, all things technomancer, indie game design, anime and manga). He will talk your ear off at any opportunity and be offended if you don't share his proclivities. When contacting him, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, he gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.
A survivor of an EVO technomancer experimentation black project "White House", he doesn't forgive those who would take advantage of "his people" (the Emerged). Treat his Loyalty as two lower if you have a positive rep with EVO (one if it's with a Japanocorp - Renraku, MCT or Shiawase - or with Wuxing). If this would drop Loyalty below 1, you cannot take him as a contact. If you develop a positive rep with those circles after buying him, he isn't lost, but clams up and ignores you until you change your bedfellows.
It's not that he knows what's best for you: him believing he does is enough. He tends to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of him might "evolve" in a direction that he feels is either more effective, interesting or profound (almost always with some tinfoil hat theory, bonus points for involving technomancers against all good reason). Prepare for a great deal of long-winded updates, whether the contents are actually useful to you or not.
Kei will not move against any technomancers or even technocritters knowingly. Ghost help you if you manipulate him into it and he finds out. (Let's face it: sooner rather than later, he will.) Better prepare for living in a Faraday cage, because he's a man on a crusade and cares more than enough to troll you forevermore.
Of the opinion paranoia means survival, he prefers to cover his tracks on the Matrix and in meatspace. Only those with a Loyalty 5+ can physically visit him. Technomancers are an exception and can do so with Loyalty 4+. Use the Matrix, chummer.
Chicago State Hospital Head of Matrix SecurityLegwork51
Keisha JacksonHyperfixation
Passionate and Rambling
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria
Woman of Principle
Keisha gets very excited by her current hyperfixation, which will usually be the story she's working on or the leads she's chasing or the archives she's rummaging through. She will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting her, roll a d6. If you roll a 1, Keisha gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test. If an Intimidation test is used, regardless of failure or success, an Etiquette (3) test must follow to make sure she doesn't have a flare up of rejection sensitive dysphoria or she will take a -4 dice pool penalty on all checks for the seven days it will take to see her therapist.
Keisha has ADHD and is energized when pursuing her passions and current hyperfixations. Roll a 1d6: on a 5 or a 6 she is hyperfixated currently on the topic and will gain +2 dice on any related skill check. On any other number she takes a -2 die penalty due to lack of personal interest. She'll still tackle the topic but won't do so with her usual gusto.
Keisha is by nature too trusting so to compensate, she tries to be selective over who in the shadows she will work with. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check she is asked to do.
Keisha is constantly chasing stories down. Out in a warzone, down in the slums, getting herself temporarily kidnapped (only temporarily!)...she's always on the go-go-go. When contacting Keisha for the first time in a run, it may take up to 24 hours for her to initially respond. Roll Edge + Loyalty with each hit subtracting 2 hours from this time. This can always be avoided by taking on an automatic chip (she's not going to turn someone away in a crisis.)
Keisha manages her ADHD very well. Sometimes, though, she doesn't take her meds and her emotions can run away a bit away on her. If Keisha fails an Active check on behalf of a player, or a player rejects her advice/disagrees with her assessment (Legwork checks) or doesn't follow up with a shared contact (Networking check) there's a chance her feelings are hurt in a way that just won't fade. A player must make an Etiquette (3) check after any of the above scenarios or she'll become wracked with feelings of inadequacy and uselessness. On a failed Etiquette check, she will take a -4 dice pool penalty on all checks for the seven days it will take to see her therapist.
KSAF JournalistCustom(K,N,A,G)41
Kenneth "Flamesaw" MurphyNot the Brightest BulbIf you're not very, VERY explicit, Kenneth is likely to do the wrong thing. If possible, Kenneth will complete the action as requested, but not as intended. Additionally, if you don't meet the required hits for an active check, he may--at GM's discretion--botch the action entirely to the detriment of the players. When possible, this should happen in the least opportune, and most hilarious, manner.Ganger / Tough GuyCustom(A,G,N,K)219
Kensei-SenseiMeasure Twice, Cut OncePatience is a virtue. At least, so Kenzo keeps telling you. Everything this contact does is undertaken with precision and care, meaning it takes twice as long. If you try to hurry him along, he'll reset the timer.Yakuza Patriarch (Retired)Fixer (N,K,G,A)41
Keora PuccaPlease, No More Killing!Keora hates seeing people get hurt over a big misunderstanding and has became a pacifist despite her fellow changeling friends with a strong hatred against the humans and metatypes. Whether you stand her beliefs or not, her intentions to defuse the situation between peace and violent acts (whether you choose to kill them or not) she would prefer ask you to let them live.Accountant & Info BrokerLegwork21
Kiefer BargleHard to ReachThese band guys are busy. Always make an Availability Test against connection +4.MusicianCustom(A,G,K,N)40
Killa QuispeFor The Cause: OHK
Hospitaller Errant
Unbending Morals, Trying Times
Killa travels aboard the New Rhodes - a former aircraft carrier turned home base for the Knights. As such, she may be anywhere in the world serving their interests. Every time Killa provides a service, roll 2D6, then subtract loyalty. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number (minimum multiplier 1). Note: This aspect may not apply when performing services on behalf of the Knights at GM discretion.
Members of the Order of Hospitaller Knights have earned their place in the organization through unflinching moral character. Learning that their work has been turned to evil ends or that they may have made an enemy of a major faction decreases any member's Loyalty by 1. If Loyalty drops to 0 in this way, the member will burn the runner in question. The contact is lost, and they will take -5 reputation with the OHK.
The Knights are nothing if not dedicated to their cause. While charitable and happy to make friends, their resources are limited, and strictly allotted to those who contribute in turn. This contact's Loyalty cannot be raised manually. The maximum loyalty upon purchase or reward of this contact is 2. Loyalty can only be raised 1 at a time, and each raising requires the character to first complete a run on their behalf.
Medical ResearcherCustom(K,G,A,N)50
Kiri NikoraBuild-your-own
Draco Foundation Loyalist
Everybody gets one. Only one
Kiri gets bored working on the same things over and over. Once she has made a focus of a given type for a character, trying to get her to make a different focus of the same type requires the Availablity Roll to be treated as 4 higher. (This does not count for upgrading an existing focus, but will for replacing a lost focus)
Kiri owes the Draco Foundation a lot. If you contact her during a run and use the information or gear provided to work against them, roll a Loyalty check. If it fails, she immediately burns you. If it succeeds, you owe her a chip to re-earn favor with her.
Most of the resources that Kiri has access to are earmarked for existing or future projects for the Draco Foundations. If you want a focus or imbuement above Force 3, you will have to provide your own reagents to her. This also helps give the focus a personalized touch.
Draco Foundation ArtificerCustom(G,A,K,N)60
KnifeA Healthy ParanoiaKnife will never meet with a runner in-person, unless they have a loyalty of 5 or more with him, or unless he is absolutely required to by Black Lodge mandate. Additionally, measures to reduce traceability inhibit communications. When contacting Knife for the first time in a run, it may take up to 12 hours for him to initially respond. Roll Edge+Loyalty, each hit subtracts 2 hours from this time.Black Lodge InitiateFixer71
Knight ErrorFresh Faced CorperHe desperately wants to make a good impression toward his new employers. If you're working against Ares, best not let him know about it. When asked to perform a task or provide information that may hurt Ares Macrotech, Knight Error will outright refuse the request.Student Hacker at Ares MacrotechnologyLegwork12
KoggiSensitiveKoggi is thin-skinned and always looking for an excuse to quarrel. If he detects even the hint of a slight against him or his "tribe", he refuses to deal with you until you apologize and make some form of amends. A slight against Koggi or his kin requires a favour or a monetary gift to make amends.Go-Ganger LieutenantLegwork20
Kon KonKon Kon! Konection!She never offers a service for free or reduced price. If you need it faster or better, you pay more--it doesn't matter WHAT you're doing or what your loyalty is.Kon-Sultant!!!Networking60
KrimelinAlbinismKrimelin refuses to go outdoors personally during sunny weather and will only go outside during daytime whatsoever if your loyalty is 4 or above.FBI's Most WantedCustom(K,A,G,N)33
Kyoko "Wholesale" Nakajima"Booooriiiing"Kyoko has a difficult time caring about the mundane, the low-key, or the squeaky-clean professional. She's after the excitement and adrenaline of infamy, and unless you've got it, she's not interested. Characters without Notoriety points cannot take this contact, and if your Notoriety ever reaches 0 while you have her as a contact, immediately drop her Loyalty to 0. Additionally, if a roll calls for Kyoko to handle a request for particularly dull information, gear, etc., the GM may apply penalties to the roll as they see fit.Totally A Professional ThiefCustom(K,G,N,A)14
Kyra SamarasCollaborative IterationWhile quite excited to work with runners, she tends to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of her might "evolve" in a direction that she feels is either more effective, interesting, or profound. Sometimes she even remembers to call back to update the team.Spinradical ScientistGeneralist56
L0W-K3YAngeli Populi, Mitis SalvatorisDeszcz refuses to do anything that would benefit the N-51. If she is deceived into doing so, immediately lose a point of Loyalty. If this reduces Deszcz's loyalty to zero, permanently lose her as a contact.DeckerNetworking20
LAURAMatrix-MadLAURA, as both a poorly-socialized AI and a barely sane one, has understandable difficulty communicating with 'normal people', even those who are fairly well-experienced with the matrix. As a result, she cannot get in contact with individuals who are not AIs, for the sake of Networking or otherwise.Manic AI Dream GirlLegwork10
LBGoes Loud
Tamanous Made Man
For each -5 rep your character accrues with Tamanous after taking LB, reduce LB's loyalty by 1. At 0 loyalty, you may choose to burn this contact. If your loyalty becomes negative, not only will LB not help you, but he will actively attack you on sight.
LB is not known for his subtlety. When utilized, roll a 1d6. On a 1, the actions LB takes are obvious and are easily traceable back to you.
Tamanous Dumpster FireCustom(A,N,K,G)23
LachanceNocturnalHe is neither available, nor will he do any tasks during the day. Treat it as if the contact does not exist during the day.Hitman TrainerLegwork51
Lacy, the Worst Employee EverI'm on my breakIf you call when lacy is not working, roll a 1d6. She will not answer on a 1-4. You may try this check twice per run. She will always answer at work because she is the worst employee ever.Stop Quick CashierGear12
Lady of PainHonor First
Matrix Offline
Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact.
This character cannot be reached via the Matrix. She must be visited in person in Everett for any contact checks or interaction. The Astral Message spell is ignored.
Death God
LamashtuAny Means Necessary
Hard To Approach
Highly Flammable
If your Loyalty with Lamashtu is 1 or 2, asking for her help during a run and not doing what she wants is likely to make her tip off the op-for or KE to curry favor from them instead.
Lamashtu is hellbent on surviving after betraying Ghostwalker. Roll Loyalty + Edge (1) if you contact her during a run for help. Failing the check means she has something to gain by working against you and will tip off any potential opfor of your involvement in order to gain further security herself.
Upgrading Lamashtu's Loyalty costs twice as much.
Ex-Prison Warden DrakeGeneralist62
Lectric Kate"I hate Aztechnology"
"The Corporations want to control you, Man..."
If you are on a Run sponsored by a Corporation in some way, there is a chance Kate will find out and mess with you. Roll 2D6 - Loyalty. If the result is 7 or greater, Lectric Kate finds out you are working for "The Man" and will Prank you (as per the Prank Warrior Negative Quality) as she wants to teach you a lesson about working with Corporations, but not actually completely ruin your day. The only way to avoid this is if you are on a Run that that is not for Aztechnology and that has the goal of messing with a Corporation in some way even if it is a job given by a Corporation (the irony amuses Kate).
Of all the Corporations, Aztechnology is the one that pisses Kate off the most. As such, even if the pay is good, Kate will never help find gear of the Aztechnology Brand even if it is related to Deckers. Additionally, while you are on a job for Aztechnology, all Rolls that Kate makes for you during the job take a -2 penalty.
Leonard MacLainnFinancial InstabilityLeonard values his job above all else. Attempting to have him do anything that might put him or his employer at risk (regardless of loyalty or chips) will require a negotiation or intimidation roll with a threshold of 5-loyalty.Legwork and InformationCustom(K,N,G,A)31
Lewis FryIterative Collaboration
Maleficarum Phobia
Untimely Joke
Working Hours
A healthy balance between work and private life is paramount if you don't want to burn out. Lewis doesn't, so he tunes out of business matters outside of normal PST office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of his contact availability test if trying to contact him at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).
He's got a serious fear of magic. While not hateful, he panics around displays of mojo. If on a job, treat this as the Common Moderate Phobia quality. If you're Awakened and loyalty is not 2+, treat it as one point lower for the purpose of rolls and one point higher if you need to roll a test of loyalty as he's distracted by worrying when a stray Flamethrower hits him.
Lewis is no social butterfly - he's got the unfortunate habit of making nerdy jokes at the worst of times. Lower the amount of 1s required to glitch or critical glitch when applicable by 2.
While quite excited to work with runners (it makes him feel like a vigilante who can actually make a little difference for the better instead of a beat cop with the label of "that <REDACTED> trog lover"), he tends to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of him might "evolve" in a direction that he feels is either more effective, interesting or profound. Sometimes he even remembers to call back to update the team without needing to be called back.
Lone Star Beat CopCustom(K,A,G,N)30
Liam BorrineaS3I CEOLiam is always, always busy. Weather its inspections of the facility or government meetings or staff meetings, Liam never has a moment to rest. Always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.Private Security ContractorService50
Liam MontgomeryCui BonoLiam will not litigate or make connections for a player unless it is to his benefit or the benefit of his wife. Unless the action otherwise assists Sarah Snow or himself, Premium (50% higher) payment rates or favors are required for Liam's assistance.LawyerService40
LiandraNerdrageLiandra will NOT shut up if you fuck up on your manga facts. (this is not a real flaw and no Positives were taken for it)Head Maid for the Corgington Estate.Custom(N,A,K,G)31
Lieutenant-Colonel Chantale DutreilFavors onlyYou want a service from Chantal ? Good that will always cost a chip, you can take as many chip as you want until her loyalty reach 0 at this point, she'll ask a favor right off the bat in exchange of her service.MET2K OfficerNetworking83
Linda DenmanManners Maketh Man
Woman of Principle
Linda is an old-school lady, first and foremost, and will not tolerate breaches of common courtesy or hospitality in her presence, real or imaginary. After all, what example would it set for her students. When attempting to contact her, make an Etiquette test. On no hits OR a glitch, she'll refuse to work with you until appropriate amends have been made, subject to GM discretion.
Linda is fussy, ahem, "selective", about who she works with. She fancies herself the guide for those she teaches. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check she's asked to do.
Mathematics Teacher & FixerFixer31
Lisa "Lady J" JenkinsMy Grandchildren Are VisitingThe GM rolls in secret a 1d6, if the roll is a one, Lisa will not answer the call. Later she may hint that her grand children were in town.TalismongerCustom(G,K,A,N)40
Lisa CuttyA Woman of PrincipleLisa grew up in the business and understands you need personal standards to survive it. The ones she holds herself and her allies to are high. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check she's asked to do.Chicago State Hospital Administrator & FixerFixer63
LoputynBored and bratty
Fixated and faulty
Loputyn get's really excited when people call, and will often beg to be a part of the team. When contacting her, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, Loputyn gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.
While quite excited to work with runners, Loputyn tends to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. She just loves feeling wanted for a change, which she never felt before being stuck in her tiny shop. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of her might "evolve" in a direction that she feels is either more effective, interesting or profound. Sometimes she even remembers to call back to update the team without needing to be called back.
Lord Aubrey DarlingGreenwich Mean Time
Manners Maketh The Man
Unbearably Twee
Lord Darling has been cosplaying as a gentle old blue-blood for so long that he has (mostly) become one. He’s old and sentimental and doesn’t take kindly to rough language or impatience. He operates on his own clock, unless you can speed him along. To conduct business with Lord Darling requires a successful Etiquette (1) test otherwise it takes twice as long as it would otherwise.
Lord Darling is an old-school gentleman, first and foremost, and will not tolerate breaches of common courtesy or hospitality in his presence, real or imaginary. He is a Lord, after all. When attempting to contact him, make an Etiquette test. On no hits OR a glitch, he'll refuse to work with you until appropriate amends have been made, subject to GM discretion.
Without spending a chip or taking on on, Lord Darling can typically only be contacted between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm...local time. Plan accordingly!
Lord EmberrageBY FIRE BE PURGED !Lord Emberrage is having a grudge with Toxic Mage and don't usually like to work with people. As such if it don't owe you a chip he will generally ask if the runners could kill some toxic mage or cultist, if they can't he'll have a tantrum and inflict an unsoakable physical damage. Thought he'll still do what he was asked for.Force 12 Fire SpiritService59
Louis XXII de BourbonFrench Nobility RivalryLouis XXII de Bourbon is not really happy to be in collaboration with the other two claiment, while he host the event he await from runners working with him some kind of loyalty in that regard. (He will burn any runners that work for Marie-Claire d'Orléans or Edouard Napoléon Bonaparte)Heir of the BourbonNetworking61
LoyellCat Nap
Language Barrier
Loyell doesn't speak and has no ability to cast Mind Link or similar spells for communication himself, instead communicating in hisses, yips, coos, and purrs.
Loyell is a Beast spirit, which comes with some animal tendencies that can be inconvenient, such as napping or playing when he should be doing something. When attempting to get Loyell to perform anything that requires an Extended Test (Such as using the Search power), you must make an Animal Handling (3) test to keep him on task for each interval of the test
Spirit PalGeneralist10
MENG XIAOSHUOWuxing AssetUnder no circumstances will Meng take an action that goes directly counter to Wuxing's corporate interests. If such a request is made, immediately make a test of loyalty. If the test fails, Meng will immediately cut all ties with the runner, and notifies her immediate superiors.Wuxing Project ManagerFixer60
Mack and HackThose Two IdiotsMack and Hack aren't the brightest of the bunch, and working together rarely means they'll be any smarter. In fact, they tend to urge each other towards more and more dangerous, stupid behavior - which, while fun to watch, isn't always productive. If the pair is ever called upon to work together at the same time, make a test of loyalty. If you fail, the pair have gotten distracted from whatever task you put them up to. The exacts are up to GM interpretation, but the consequences should always be at least inconvenient for the runners that tapped them. Bonus points if the duo is later encountered doing dumb shit and egging each other on.Halloweener TroublemakersCustom(A,K,N,G)15
MadActor LifeAs the main actor in a Trid Series that is working pretty well, Mad is often unavailable. When you try to contact him roll the contact avaibility like he was a connection rating of +2Actor/VeteranNetworking31
Madame CarmineNocturnal Animal
Predator's Predilection
Us or Them
Madame Carmine is a busy woman and her work mostly begins once the sun has set. She can normally only be reached from 9:00 pm PT to 5:00 am PT. Add +5 to the threshold of her contact availability test if trying to contact her during daylight hours.
Only characters infected with HMHVV Strain I can raise Madame Carmine's Loyalty past 2. Increasing Loyalty on Madame Carmine costs twice as much as normal.
Under no circumstances will Madame Carmine do anything they believe will harm vampires, banshees, or non-feral ghouls. If they learn that a character has dealt a significant blow to a majority vampire, banshee, or ghoul organization (gang, policlub, place of business, et cetera) decrease their Loyalty by 1. If Loyalty ever drops to 0, Madame Carmine considers the character as an enemy. If they find out that a character has assisted with the targeted killing of vampires, banshees, or non-feral ghouls for no reason other than their Infected nature the contact is immediately burned and becomes actively hostile.
Madam of The EmbraceCustom(A,K,N,G)60
Madison MonroeAlways Available (To Everyone)While Madison will always answer a call, treat any task that isn't immediately resolved as taking one(or more) time segment(s) longer.JournalistLegwork50
Maisy GardnerVery OldRoll on the contact availability table (counting connection as 3 higher than normal) to determine if this contact is available at any given time.FixerFixer21
Makhmud KadyrovFor The Cause: OHK
Hospitaller Errant
Unbending Morals, Trying Times
Makhmud travels aboard the New Rhodes - a former aircraft carrier turned home base for the Knights. As such, he may be anywhere in the world serving their interests. Every time Makhmud provides a service, roll 2D6, then subtract loyalty. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number (minimum multiplier 1). Note: This aspect may not apply when performing services on behalf of the Knights at GM discretion.
Members of the Order of Hospitaller Knights have earned their place in the organization through unflinching moral character. Learning that their work has been turned to evil ends or that they may have made an enemy of a major faction decreases any member's Loyalty by 1. If Loyalty drops to 0 in this way, the member will burn the runner in question. The contact is lost, and they will take -5 reputation with the OHK.
The Knights are nothing if not dedicated to their cause. While charitable and happy to make friends, their resources are limited, and strictly allotted to those who contribute in turn. This contact's Loyalty cannot be raised manually. The maximum loyalty upon purchase or reward of this contact is 2. Loyalty can only be raised 1 at a time, and each raising requires the character to first complete a run on their behalf.
Auxiliary Forces LiaisonCustom(G,A,N,K)50
Malia StrongoakHard to ReachLives in the woods, and tends to be difficult to get ahold of as a result. Always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.Wood ElfLegwork31
Manmeet SinghBlissfully Unaware
Date Night
If Manmeet finds out you are a shadowrunner, immediately make a Test of Loyalty. If you fail the Test of Loyalty, they will think you are a terrorist, burn you, and contact law enforcement. If you succeed in a Test of Loyalty they will be willing to listen to you explain yourself and even help you leave the runner life. You may be able to convince them to associate with the shadows. Contact a GM or Thematics if this happens as it may involve the removal of that tag.
The GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. If the roll is a one, Manmeet will not answer the call immediately. When he calls you later, he'll explain that he and Rohit were out on a date.
Investment BankerCustom(G,K,A,N)21
Mano RingoBetrayerThe GM secretly rolls 1d6. On a result of 1 Mano will attempt to betray the person who contacted him, creating a run complication.Shiawase Corporate ExecutiveCustom (N, A, G, K)60
Marie-Claire d'OrléansFrench Nobility RivalryMarie-Claire d'Orléans is not trusted by the others nobles due to her behavior and general disregard of etiquette. As such runners who work for her can't get along the other claiment. (Edouard Napoleon Bonaparte & Louis XXII de Bourbon would burn the runners if they choose to stick around her.)Blue Blood FashionistaCustom (N,G,A,K)60
MarikaPersistent ConditioningEven when you know you've been manipulated and abused, it doesn't stop it from affecting you, from being real. Marika has difficulties working against Saeder-Krupp or any Dragon if she does not have direction from a superior. For her to work against either, make an Edge + Loyalty test. At base, the threshold is 2. Depending on the situation and context, this can be higher though (GM Discretion). This is in addition to any normal considerations about if she wants to do the action.DrakeGeneralist83
Marky MarkNew York Wise Ass, Hates the West Coast, Hates most Corpos, Secretly an Anarchist, probably a racist(Haven't confirmed)Mark loves his Pug and is known for being irrationally angry when people say something about his pug. Coincidentally no one knows the name, save shadowrunners that have been allowed to use his services.Fixer40
Mary ChambersRace TraitorIn order to appeal to a larger audience in her starlet days, Horizon paid for her metatype reduction and trained her to suppress her cultural mannerisms. As a result she appear rather untroll-like, and has become disconnected from her old community. Most trolls and orcs take offense at this kind of betrayal, resulting in her being hated in those communities.BartenderService30
Mary ClaireHard to ReachMary Claire often chooses different locations each and every night, and might have her comm disabled, or unable to hear it. Always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.Fixer/Club Girl That Never Grew UpFixer32
Masuyama KijuroDoesn't Speak The Language
Renraku Loyalty/Fear
Kijuro only speaks Japanese.
Kijuro won't move against Renraku knowingly.
Renraku AwareService22
Matt StrykerPro-MetahumanIf you're going to work for this piece of drek, just remember he does not take too kindly to all metatypes, especially he hates the Frankensteins and Ancients equally. The last guy who tried to kill him ended up sleeping with the fishes wearing cement shoes. -2 penalty to all social interactions with him if you're not a human. If you are human, well you're in luck.FixerFixer31
Matthew ReyesWanted25,000 Nuyen bounty for pissing off licensed Weapons World firearms suppliers.Gun RunnerGear50
Maxwell "Max" MourireIterative Collaboration
Rambling Study
Untimely Joke
Max gets excited about most of his cases and will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting him, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, Max gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.
Max is no social butterfly - he's got the unfortunate habit of making nerdy jokes at the worst of times. Lower the amount of 1s required to glitch or critical glitch when applicable by 2.
While quite excited to work with runners (it makes him feel like a vigilante who can actually make a little difference for the better instead of a beat cop with the label of "that troggy nerd"), he tends to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. He just loves feeling wanted for a change. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of him might "evolve" in a direction that he feels is either more effective, interesting or profound. Sometimes he even remembers to call back to update the team without needing to be called back.
KE Beat CopLegwork31
MayhemThe N stands for No Thank you!Mayhem despises the N-51. Treat her Loyalty as two lower if you have a positive rep with the corporation. If this would drop Loyalty below 1, you cannot take her as a contact. If you develop a positive rep with those circles after buying her, she isn't lost, but clams up and ignores you until you change your bedfellows.Weapons SpecialistGear40
MedKitFirst, do no harm.MedKit is first and foremost a doctor and will not aid in acts that endanger life. This contact will refuse to make networking tests with any outside of the medical field. In addition, they will not make gear acquisition checks for lethal weapons including cyberweapons.DocWagon Senior Quartermaster50
Melissa WeathersRight is RightMelissa will not shake from her Moral ideals. Melissa refuses to do work if its even slightly morally dubious. She will only Assist in work that is Morally Right, or Directly assists Knight Errant(The former being more important to her).Service21
MezmurA pitious display.
Impetuous fools.
Ruination is come.
Loyalty can only be raised 1 at a time, and each raising requires the character to first complete a run on her behalf.
Mezmur will not perform active checks unless your loyalty is 5 or above.
Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check she's asked to do.
Halloweener RagerCustom(A,K,N,G)40
Midwest NiceDRINK! DRINK!
Midwest Nice ain't a meta-hater. Unlike many of the Iron Bridge MC that come passing through his bars, he's got no issue with roundears or leafeaters or shorties. But if you want to do business, he needs to look you in the eye and get a real measure of you over drinks. To purchase Midwest Nice outside of a run, the character must travel to Minneapolis-St. Paul and drink with him for a full evening in one of his bars.
Midwest Nice lives up to his name except for most of the time, when he doesn't. He has a volatile temper and will explode at perceived slights against him, his establishments, and especially against urban brawl (yes it's a real sport how dare you.) When contacted a character must succeed at an Etiquette (2) test or have him lose his shit at an imagined insult, which will leave him inaccessible to the character for 24 hours. Luckily his memory is as short as his fuse: after a single day of heavy drinking, he'll forget all about it and be good with you again.
Midwest Nice wants to help, he does. He just wants to talk about urban brawl...first. And second. Well he'll get to your questions in a bit but first, did you see last nights match? Roll 1d6 every time he is contacted. Add that number to the minutes it takes before he will address your question via a call, or to the hours it takes for him to acquire gear or perform a service.
Midwest UCAS FixerFixer50
Mike TunneyAnger Issues
My Grandkids Were Visiting
Like many coaches, Mike wants to see results and easily gets worked up when his people perform poorly. If the team fails a run or doesn't fulfill all objectives, he refuses to assist them until they successfully complete a run without any goals skipped out on.
The GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. If the roll is a one, Mike will not answer the call immediately. When he calls you later, he'll explain that he and Martha were busy babysitting their grandkids.
Boxing Coach & Talent ScoutLegwork20
Milena SpringthunderParanoidMilena is selective about who she works with. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check he is asked to do.MCT MarksmanFixer40
MillipedeSelectiveMillipede is great at gathering info, but only for topics that he thinks are worth his time. If it's not about Hyperpop or Matrix Crimes, he'll half-ass it and take a -2 to his knowledge roll.DeckerLegwork21
Milly AllockHyperfocusMilly really likes her games and if she is playing one she won't be disturbed. Roll 1d6 on a 1 Milly is unavailable for at least 6 hours.World Tree GardenerGeneralist40
Mindy DahnerhardtAnesthetic Costs Extra
Hippocratic Oath
Is... Is this still warm?
"Do No Harm" may not apply to her, but it certainly applies to you. Bringing Mindy damaged goods before she can have her fun means a big pay cut. Additionally, she will only sell drugs to you if she thinks you actually need them. Healthy body, healthy mind.
If Mindy likes you, she wants to spend time with you. A lot of time. If you have a loyalty of 5 or more with her, she will stall for as long as possible whenever you call in a favour, just so she can listen to your voice some more.
Mindy offers an array of previously-loved goods. Any new cyber + bioware bought through her will always be of 'used' quality (or the lowest quality possible). She *can* upgrade the ware for you afterwards, but you *must* suffer the initial used-ware essence cost (and resultant essence hole after the upgrades are performed). When buying any other type of gear from her, roll a 1d6. On a 1, it has some feature linking it to the previous owner, such as a custom engraving or RFID chip.
Mindy's clinic is BYOB (Bring Your Own Bliss). If you haven't taken anything to put you under, roll to resist stun damage equal to half your new 'ware's availability. This cannot overflow into physical damage. If your stun track is filled, you instead gain the negative quality Flashbacks I (Medical Equipment).
Street Surgeon, "Cleaner"Custom(G,A,K,N)42
Miriam DuarteAztec Corporate SINnerMiriam will not do anything consciously to harm Aztec. Any actions taken against the company will lead to Miriam burning the runner.Plainclothes CorpSecService11
Miriam KazanDo I Look Like A Charity?
Shameless Cutthroat
Kazan doesn't do favors. Everything has a cost, and if you want it you're gonna be paying up front. No matter what her loyalty is she will never loan out gear or accept being paid at a later date. You'll have your gear once the credstick's in her hands, and not a second before.
Kazan, to put it bluntly, couldn't care less about you. Her relationships are purely transactional, exchanges of power to be dropped the second they cease to become profitable. CDP costs to raise this contact's loyalty are doubled.
Ares Arms DealerGear41
MischiefNerdgasmMischief gets excited about Cyborgs and will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting her, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, Mischief gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.Ware SpecialistGear41
Miss Amanda JonesArm's Length
Hard to Reach
Amanda's loyalty can not be raised above 3, outside of a private run.
No rest for the wicked, Amanda is a busy girl. - always make an availability test for Amanda with her connection +3.
Professional EscortCustom(A,N,K,G)32
Miss LucyNews WorthyOne should be wary when speaking to Miss Lucy for she likes to make a recording of whoever calls her, she will only not make a recording if someone pays her 500 nuyen or if they have a loyalty of 5News ReporterLegwork21
MiyukiFree Agent
Once Burned, Twice Shy
Miyuki has more to lose when things go poorly. Without a meatspace body to fall back on, she risks destruction, confinement, or worse, when opposition closes in on her. Miyuki will not engage in activity that poses non-trivial risk to her unless: A Loyalty Test (2) is passed, the task is to her advantage, OR the "Consume and Adapt" aspect would be active. If Loyalty is 5 or greater, bypass this requirement. If conditions worsen, Miyuki will still likely retreat even if prior conditions are satisfied.
To raise loyalty past 2, a run is required. The run needs to show a real, meaningful, reason for Miyuki to trust the character. Loyalty can only be raised one rank at a time.
Ascended AI
Mj. Marguerite MahautA Woman of Principle
This We'll Defend
Working Hours
A healthy balance between work and private life is paramount if you don't want to burn out. She doesn't, so she tunes out of business matters outside of normal PST office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of her contact availability test if trying to contact her at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).
She will not knowingly aid anyone going against those soldiers who do the right thing.
The UCAS Army is quite far from what Marguerite wishes it was, but she endeavors to stick to standards she sets herself. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check she's asked to do.
Supply Officer & Wannabe FixerCustom(K,G,N,A)10
MonadhKon Kon! Konnection!She never offers a service for free or reduced price. If you need it faster or better, you pay more--it doesn't matter WHAT you're doing or what your loyalty is.Kon-SultantLegwork20
Mother Bella LewhousParanoids DelusionsDue to several attempts on her life during her career as a druidic mage, and a sever case of paranoia schizophrenia Mother Lewhous has retreated to her magically ward home in the barrens. While she's willing to help any individual of the druidic order, only those with a loyalty of 5 or higher can physically visit her.Druidic TalismongerService20
Mother KomodoWantedMother Komodo has angered multiple humans rights groups and more than a few Syndicates who have made a living off of the subjugation of her clients. A number of them would be happy to have her dead; and more than a few might have the money to put a price on her head.Metahuman Rights LawyerService40
Mother of MayhemOld Grudges
Rager Responsibilities
Mother remembers the old days, and she doesn't forget the ways her gang was fragged over. Mother of Mayhem refuses to do anything that would benefit Renraku or the Ancients. If she is deceived into doing so, immediately lose a point of Loyalty. If this reduces Mother of Mayhem's loyalty to zero, permanently lose her as a contact.
Wrangling a gang of hyperactive pyromaniacs is busy work, especially when she's pulling double duty recruiting new underlings and rebuilding after a recent raid by the Ancients. Her gang comes first, roll a 1d6 when contacting Mother of Mayhem: on a 1, she is unavailable for the next 1d6 hours.
Halloweener RagerCustom(G,N,K,A)31
Mr HandyHard to Reach
always make an Availability Test for this Contact with their Connection +3 than normal.
services may take longer. Every time the Contact provides a service, roll 2D6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.
Freelance logistics agentFixer30
Mr MirabelAlways TravellingMr Mirabel is always travelling, and as such, things may be harder to reach you. Every time the he provides a service, roll 2D6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.Naturalist and PhilanthropistNetworking31
Mr. Agustíndemanding respectMr. Agustín is a old (and grumpy) fashioned mafia man and demands to be treated with respect and will not tolerate anything less. when asking for any kind of favor roll etiquette(mafia) and if you get 2 or more hits he will assist you unless you fail the roll or disrespect him in any way then he would not help and retrieve any ongoing assistance and you wouldn't be able to contact him until your next run.Fixer(G, N, K, A)61
Mr. ChristmasPawn Shop OwnerFixer21
Mr. HerenightOld FashionedHerenight never uses the Matrix and getting in touch with him is difficult. Roll Edge + Loyalty; normally it takes 6 days to get in touch with him. Net hits reduce this by one day each, but it always takes at least 24 hours. A meeting face to face can be arranged anywhere within the same country/sprawl/state.Black Lodge MagicianCustom(K,G,N,A)73
Mr. XBorrowed TimeRoll edge when you contact this NPC. On what would be a critical glitch for other tests, Mr. X's cyberarm has been reclaimed by Tamanous. Swap this quality for the "disarmed" quality.Medic / Street DocCustom(A,G,K,N)30
Mr. YesterdayEnigmatic ManipulatorMr. Yesterday's loyalty cannot be raised above 2, outside of a private run.Enigmatic Information BrokerFixer60
Mr.RuddNO REFUNDS! NO RETRACTIONS! NO RECEIPTS!Rudd Arts is not responsible for the lack of satisfaction, Damage of goods nor Death caused by all of the above. Mr.Rudd will always refuse to take the heat for a Runner should they mess up, even if they mess up because of the services provided by Mr.Rudd.Networking20
Mrs. FrostHard to ImpressAs a Fixer, Mrs. Frost has worked with many Shadowrunners, and very few make a lasting impact on her. Her cold personality and steely gaze makes it hard to believe that she's capable of feeling for anyone other than herself. Increasing Loyalty with this contact requires the following equation: New Rating x 4 CDP.Head LibrarianFixer(N,K,A,G)52
Mrs. and Mrs. DareIt's all Greece to me!The Dares live on the other side of the world, in the Federated Republic of Hallas. While they use Magic and Matrix to keep up with their responsibilities in Seattle, it takes over a week and a very good reason for them to give any physical support in North America.FixersFixer(K,N,G,A)51
Ms. MoiraBasic needs first.Ms. Moira has mouths to feed and a house to run, and not a lot to do it with. Whenever Ms. Moira is approached for help on a run, roll 1D6. If the result is equal or greater than her loyalty, she is strapped for cash and can't provide aid without additional monetary compensationAdoptive GrandmotherLegwork10
Mucky MouseThe Happiest Place in Seattle... Or ElseDue to extensive modification of his body and mind, Mucky is incapable of saying something negative or malicious about anyone else. -2 to any Networking or Knowledge checks about non-happy subjectsTheme Park MascotGeneralist10
Naomi BloodwovenThe Taint of CreationWhile not a blood spirit herself, the taint of blood magic follows her from her creation. Her aura and magical signatures show signs of blood magic. This also has impacts on her mental state and behaviors, causing her to strictly control her actions. To avoid giving into her worst impulses, and backsliding, she tries to avoid any and all violence in her jobs for players, no matter how much she might prefer otherwise. The sole exception, is if the targets could be categorized into her "normal" set of job targets. This includes things such as cultists of destructive powers, blood mages, and so on. GM discretion for qualification. Naomi requires a run to purchase as contact.Generalist61
Naomi FiskHard to Reach
Manners Maketh Man
Naomi lives off of being walking class, so she expects much from her social circles. When attempting to contact her, make an Etiquette test. On no hits OR a glitch, she'll refuse to work with you until appropriate amends have been made, subject to GM discretion.
Naomi was busy before. It's much worse now. Always make an Availability Test for this Contact with their Connection +3 more than normal.
Dance Instructor & MeFeed InfluencerCustom(A,K,N,G)61
Nathan NootauWorking HoursA healthy balance between work and private life is paramount if you don't want to burn out. Nathan doesn't - he's got his sister to care for - so he tunes out of business matters outside of normal PST office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of his contact availability test if trying to contact him at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).DeckTech Inc. Senior R&D DesignerCustom(G,A,K,N)51
Nathan WallaceIn HidingWallace faked his death with the help of runners and relocated to San Francisco. He knows how much it would cost everyone if he was ever found out by EVO. As such, he will not leave the area he feels safe in for anyone less than loyalty 5. If you want his services, you have to come to him or be satisfied with a phone call.SurgeonGear42
Neon NateAnti-Shiawase Atomics
Of the People (Almost)
Return the Land
Vampiric Vendetta
He believes Australia has enough problems without Shiawase playing with fire on the land. Treat his Loyalty as two lower if you have a positive rep with the corporation (not just Shiawase Atomics). If this would drop Loyalty below 1, you cannot take him as a contact. If you develop a positive rep with those circles after buying him, he isn't lost, but clams up and ignores you until you change your bedfellows.
He doesn't forgive those who would throw their lot in with Fear the Dark (or other related groups, such as Ordo Maximus or the Night Throne). He refuses to associate with anyone with a positive rep with any of them. If you ever gain any, you lose him - no refunds.
He hates Renraku for trying to turn the interior into agriculture. Treat his Loyalty as two lower if you have a positive rep with the corporation. If this would drop Loyalty below 1, you cannot take him as a contact. If you develop a positive rep with those circles after buying him, he isn't lost, but clams up and ignores you until you change your bedfellows.
Neon Nate bonded with the Woiwurrung and will not move against any of them knowingly. Ghost help you if you manipulate him into it and he finds out.
Freelance Big Game HunterService20
Nerlithothep the SuccubusOutrageous Jealosy
Sweetheart...You know what i want.
As a Succubus Nerlithothep will only accept to offer her service if Karma is paid. Price range from 5 to 8 karma (GM apprecation on base price that is reduced by Loyalty to a minimum of 2) depending of the service ask. In addition she'll ask for more karma when the runners are not the one that pay the Karma.
Nerlithothep consider every person that call for her service as some kind of "Lovers of the Day", sadly for them she is really, really jealous. If you call another contact before or after contacting Nerlithothep and she learn it you own her a chip or need to gift her 4 Karma.
SuccubusCustom (A,N,K,G)11
Niamh O'SullivanGenuine Ganger
Iterative Collaboration
Race Traitor
Rambling Study
Many elves stick to the general set of stereotypes of being pretty and insular. Some, like the rest of the O'Sullivans, relish them. Niamh definitely doesn't, which makes her a black sheep. Not only does she speak out against them. She's also an ork poser. Most elves take offense at this kind of betrayal, resulting in her being hated in those communities.
Niamh will not move against her gang knowingly. Just no.
She gets excited about most of her Matrix investigations and will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting her, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, Niamh gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.
While quite excited to work with runners, she tends to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. She just loves feeling wanted for a change, which she never felt before the gang. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of her might "evolve" in a direction that she feels is either more effective, interesting or profound. Sometimes she even remembers to call back to update the team without needing to be called back.
Crimson Crush Matrix SupportCustom(A,K,N,G)32
Night Claws(Contact)I trust you chummer!NC does not want to have the sworn enemy of Technomany to find out where he is untill he´s big enough that it would not cause problems. If the Loyalty is 3 or lower and this contact is being called on a run against MCT, make an Availability test with the Connection +3. "Nothing pesonal, chummer." For every Loyality level above 3 reduce the penalty by 1.Technomancer/TeacherCustom (A,N,K,G)44
Niklaus BargleHard to ReachThese band guys are busy. Always make an Availability Test against connection +4.MusicianService40
NirvAnnaGhost in the Machine
G̵l̶i̸t̶c̷h̴ ̷i̵n̵ ̶t̵h̵e̸ ̵M̴a̴t̷r̶i̸x̶
N̴i̶r̴v̸A̶n̵n̴a̴ is an anomaly. By all rights, her source code should not be able to support her existence, let alone her awareness. As a result of her bizarre code, technology tends to spaz out in her presence. Treat this as if she has the Gremlins 4 negative quality, affecting software as well as hardware.
N̴i̶r̴v̸A̶n̵n̴a̴ remembers what it feels like to die to dumpshock, and absolutely refuses to take any action that will inflict biofeedback damage to anyone. She will also become extremely upset if questioned on whether she's the original Alannah Evans or just a copy of her consciousness, and will lash out if the matter is pressed.
N̴i̶r̴v̸A̶n̵n̴a̴'s mere existence is disruptive, causing all sorts of issues within the Matrix. At the Game Master's discretion, various hosts may react particularly violently at her presence. Whenever she begins accumulating an overwatch score in said host, treat it as if it was 15 points higher than it actually is.
Master Cracker with a Minor in SnoopingCustom(A,K,N,G)62
Nirvelli YoomeeMy Grandkids Were VisitingThe GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. If the roll is a one, she will not answer the call immediately. When she calls you later, she'll explain that she and her husband were busy babysitting their grandkids.Golden Goose Inn ProprietorNetworking30
NobodyExtremely DrivenRoll a d6, on a result of 5 or 6 Nobody is available to help the calling runner. Otherwise they're in the middle of a confrontation or chase with another member of their team and will be of no assistance for the remainder of the run.AssassinService22
Norville CraddockHard to Reach
Silver Tongued Devil
Between keeping himself occupied in brothels and drug dens, running a smuggling operation, dodging Vatican assassins, and exploring the metaplanes for more hidden lore, it's not easy to get ahold of Craddock. Always make an Availability Test for Norville with his Connection +3.
Despite his potential madness, Craddock is a charmer and expert negotiator. He always makes sure he comes out on top of any deal and is happy to use your mistakes against you: any favor asked of Craddock will cost an extra chip, and an additional chip will be lost if a character wrongs Craddock.
The Vatican wants Craddock eliminated, due to his knowledge of their Aquinae vaults and their contents.
Elder Mage TalisleggerCustom(G,K,N,A)61
Nurse IsabelleBusy work
Working Hours
A healthy balance between work and private life is paramount if you don't want to burn out. Isabelle doesn't, so she tunes out of business matters outside of normal work hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of her contact availability test if trying to contact her at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).
During work hours she mite have her hands full with the said work and mite be unavailable, Roll 1D6. On a 1-2, Isabelle is busy with work and can't answer. On a 3-4, she answers but is distracted, taking 1.5 times longer to help out the runners. On a 5-6 she's available.
Nyon SalaineDevoted BFF (Boyfriend Forever)Argent and Nyon have an open relationship, but Nyon is an incredibly invested partner to have. He'll easily spend two thirds of each day attending to Argent and spending time with him, so as a result free time is not that common for him. Fortunately for him, he's perfectly fine with that since he enjoys every second. Unfortunately for runners, he's not always available. Always roll for Availability; the threshold is increased by 3.Hottest Elf AroundService22
Officer RavenHard To ReachTreat the contact's Connection Rating as 3 higher than normal for the purposes of Availability Checks.
UCAS Intelligence Officer
Old RedglovesGambling AddictRedgloves' habits frequently find him unreachable for long stretches of time. When you call Redgloves, roll 1D6: on a 1 or 2, Redgloves is unable to take your call.
Yakuza Associate Street Doc
Onyx BlackActive TerroristDue to their nature as an extremely active coordinator of Neo-A terror attacks close watch is kept by outside groups on who contacts or is contacted by Onyx Black. Interested parties will be aware of your ties to them, for better or worse.Neo-A CoordinatorFixer50
OrbweaverGanger-2 to Networking tests outside of the Seattle SpidersGangerGear20
Orianna CazadorUrubia's Bottom LineUrubia, for the time being, prefers the Barrens' power structure to remain stable. Calling this contact on a run that might destabilize the status quo in Redmond will have her dox you to KE IF she finds out.Urubia's SecretaryGear62
Our Lady of the Perpetual SaturdayIt's Always Friday Night SomewhereCommunion for the Children of the Longest Weekend can begin at any time, and usually ends once everyone has blacked out. Availability checks for Lady Saturday ignore Loyalty.Influencer, Not A Cult LeaderNetworking21
Paco HerendzHard to ReachAlways make an Availability Test for this Contact with their Connection +3 than normal.Retired Decker / InfobrokerGeneralist20
Padre SummerHard to reach
Always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.
Services may take longer. Every time the contact provides a service, roll 2d6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.
SpinGlobal Gameshow HostCustom(K,N,G,A)60
Papa D. CiCiCall Me PapaPapa Cici is very picky about what people call him. The Papa will not respondPizzarun ManagerFixer20
PatchesGhoul Organlegger-4 to Networking checks among non-Infected, +2 to Networking among Infected. Cannot deliver goods during daylight hours. Will require flesh as part of the payment from anyone with Loyalty 2 or less.Independent JournalistFixer22
Patrol Officer LauResponding OfficerOfficer Lau is often responding to a call and that can make it hard to slip away to do crime. They want to, though: f-ck the police. (Always make an Availability Test for Officer Lau with their Connection +3 than normal.)Knight Errant Patrol OfficerService20
PelicanVehicular VendettaPelican has an archenemy, the smuggler Scarab. Every time Pelican is brought in by a PC for any active check or gear acquisition check, roll 1d6 in secret. on a 1, Scarab has chosen this time to strike! While neither smuggler will bring in any outsiders into their conflict, Scarab still has plenty of resources at his disposal. This will usually take the form of an attack on Pelican's vehicle(s), theft of his property, or framing him for some sort of crime, but can be other things depending on what would make sense in the situation. While Pelican is too stubborn to call for help, if left unassisted he won't be able to complete whatever service he was called in for, and the PCs may be dragged in anyways depending on the circumstances.SmugglerService20
Penne AldenteUnreliableThe GM rolls in secret a 1d6. If the roll a one the contact will say, with complete confidence, that they will do the request or that they have the right information. They will then flake out or their information will be wrong. They will say they got the gear then accidentally sell it to another person.Street Doc/Drug DealerService30
Perfect Authentic CadenceMonadThis contact is infected with CFD. Because no one trusts them and they have difficulty understanding metahumans, they may not be used for networking tests. They may also have trouble providing information from knowledge skills or performing active skills as the GM sees fit based on this naivete, which could incur a dice pool penalty or disallow the test in extreme cases.CybersurgeonCustom(G,A,K,N)54
Pete LancasterI Don't Work for Free, This is All on You. I'm No One's Errand Boy.Pete is short tempered and hates amateurs who can't get the job done (because Pete has worked with Shadowrunners in the past. He has trust issues of who he puts trusts with, and has a hard time of letting them off the hook for a missed opportunity of screwing up their last job). He's got a reputation to protect his business and his street cred if the law finds out. He won't give up information on you unless his reputation is on the line. If the job goes down south & turns into a complete failure, you'll receive +1 notoriety and lose -1 loyalty of your contact. You can pay a finder's fee to compensate his losses and avoid notoriety (up to GM's discretion). If your loyalty drops to zero, Pete will consider you a liability and put out a contract on you (Wanted Negative Quality).Entrepreneur BusinessmanFixer30
Peter SolemnusHard to Reach
As part of a secret organisation, Peter often goes off the grid for prolonged periods of time. This results in him being rather challenging to get hold of.
Always do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.
Due to the fact that Peter is a valuable asset to whichever corporation has possession of him, several powerful corporations have valuable kidnap bounties on his head.
This contact has a bounty of up to 50,000¥ on his head, offered separately by many different corporations.
Phantom OChaos for ChaosThey are not interested in non-chaos related activities, so -2 to all checks when contacting them for non-acts of chaos.???Service40
Pierce RogersEasy to anger
Hard to please
Speaking to the Arena master in a tone he views as improper to a man of his station is a great offense. If you slight the Arena master be prepared to offer up a favor before he will regain his composure.
The Arena master's wants and needs are somewhat fickle. When contacting him for a favor roll a 1d6. On a 1 he will fake a headache and refuse to communicate with you. On a 2-3 he will charge double for his service, on a 6 he will charge half if you are "favored"(loyalty 3+). Note: The price modifications are to non-gear acquisition services only.
Arena Master and OwnerFixer(G,N,K, A)30
PitcherUp and Coming MusicianPitcher has recently tried to get into the music scene and they're taking it very seriously. Roll 1d6 and they will only answer on a 5 or 6, otherwise they're pre-occupied with their band.Fixer20
Pitty 'Grease Lightning' McShaneHard to reachAlways do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.MechanicGear511
Poldi BargleHard to ReachThese band guys are busy. Always make an Availability Test against connection +4.MusicianLegwork40
PozemkaErika Thoroughbred
The Light I can't see
Pozemka just doesn't care about most runners enough to risk a healthy balance between work and private life - after all, it is paramount if you don't want to burn out. He tunes out of business matters outside of normal Eastern European Standard Time (GMT+2) office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of his contact availability test if trying to contact him at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends). Prepare for much passive aggressiveness even if he does pick up.
This contact doesn't know about your shadowrunner status. If they find out that you are a shadowrunner, run a Negotiation check with a threshold of 6-Loyalty with your social limit. If failed, this contact will proceed to call the authorities and you will lose this contact. If passed they will allow you to explain and possibly accept you, this aspect can only activate once.
Black Ops MagicianLegwork21
PramanixPersonmal Vendetta: YakuzaIt's no longer just business. Pramanix revears the Finnigan family for saving him. If you contact him during a run and use the information provided to work with the Yakuza, roll a Loyalty check. If it fails, he immediately burns you. If it succeeds, you owe him a chip to re-earn favor with him.FixerFixer31
PriestTemperance is a VirturePriest is extremely disapproving of drugs, believing them to be a tool of oppression. If you are on drugs while talking to Priest (even something like long haul), you must get at least three successes on a con check. If you fail, Priest will launch into a rambling sermon on the corrupting poison you've put in your body. If your loyalty is below four, he will refuse to talk to you until you're sober. If it's four or above, he'll listen if you can convince him that it's a matter of life and death. In order to keep the contact, you must spend a week volunteering at his congregation.Activist FixerFixer31
Project AuroraHunted by G.O.D.As a renegade AI with extremely powerful inbuilt backdoors into many UCAS systems and matrix capability, she is one of the Grid Overwatch Division's priority targets. She may only be called on for knowledge tests, and only then in the form of asking up to three questions per run. If you ask more than three, you are converged on by G.O.D. and if identified by dispatched forces gain the Wanted Quality (250,000 Nuyen). If you already have Wanted (G.O.D.) and are converged on because of this negative, and are in an area with no SINners, a NeoNet Avenging Angel (R5 145) will be dispatched to your reported location. Treat the thermobaric warhead as an effective rating 85 explosive charge, -1/m, AP -5 against creatures and vehicles. Against buildings, assume it will destroy one city block or large office building. It arrives 2d6 seconds after convergence in an urban area and otherwise travels from the nearest city at Mach 2. This drone is intelligent and will not act as artillery for runners, confirming that targets are in the area and loitering until the connected G.O.D. rigger authorises the strike and switches it to autonomous mode. If you would reach the limit and be converged upon, you may instead pay a number of chips equal to questions asked if that would not put you at loyalty 0 or below.Renegade AILegwork100
PsychonoiseMonadThis contact is infected with CFD. Because no one trusts them and they have difficulty understanding metahumans, they may not be used for networking tests. They may also have trouble providing information from knowledge skills or performing active skills as the GM sees fit based on this naivete, which could incur a dice pool penalty or disallow the test in extreme cases.Weapons ResearcherCustom(G,A,K,N)50
PsychopompDogmaticA true believer in the Psionic tradition, Psychopomp doesn't respect other magical traditions or their perspectives. At the GM's discretion, he may receive penalties to tests involving magic or magi of other traditions if he even bothers to entertain the player's request.TalismongerGear30
PuffDeep Weed Addiction
Dragon connection
For each time a Runner contradicts Puff, immediately roll 2d6(+Deep Weed Addiction modification). If the result is greater than or equal to 7, the Runner immediately loses one point of Loyalty - if the Loyalty drops to 0, the Dragon breaks contact with that Runner and will do everything in its power to wipe out that insolent fly.
Puff wants to rise in the web of dragons and is well networked with the dragons of Aztlan. If a runner has a bounty from Aztlan or Aztechnology and Puff finds out, he will do everything he can to trap the runner and exchange him for a favor with one of the dragons from Aztlan.
When a Runner makes contact with Puff, determine if he is drugged. Roll 1d6 on a 5 or 6 the Dragon is going through one of his withdrawal phases and is extremely edgy. Add +1 for a 5 or +2 for a 6 to the result of the Temper test.
David Cartel North America BossFixer93
Pump King JackExtraplanarJack swore to never enter the plane of mortals again. As a result, he can't do any Gear checks at all and any Networking or Active checks must be related to metaplanes.Halloween SpiritLegwork512
Quan SeghiHard to ReachAlways do an availability test for this contact with their connection +3 than normal.Secretary at Wuxing SkytowerFixer60
Quanah Mac SuibhneGotta make sureAfter her childhood friend was Infected and managed to both stay incognito and kill several people, Quanah is vigilant about with whom she deals. She takes -4 to any active, networking, or knowledge check that involves interacting with someone she hasn't personally verified to be Clean.Paranoid RiggerGear10
QuanxiWanted - TriadsThey currently have a 75,ooo nuyen bounty by the Yellow Lotus TriadTranslatorNetworking51
Queen Elizabeth XXIIIHungry Free SpiritFor every full increment of ¥4,000 owed to her for services rendered, Queen Elizabeth demands at least 1 karma, replacing nuyen at a rate of 1 karma for every ¥2000. EG, a debt of ¥6,000 could be paid a 1 karma and ¥4,000, 2 karma and ¥2,000, or 3 karma, but not with nuyen alone. This has no effect on debts below ¥4,000. The karma is delivered via a ritual conducted by the Queen's Steward, Tatsuo, who holds her spirit formula and will defend it with his life. Lizzy does not expect payment up front, and will happily wait until a run is over to take her due, but any unpaid debts decrease Loyalty by the amount of karma owed if they are not paid back after the end of a run.Free SpiritLegwork63
Quinn ConnowayMade ManQuinn's a made man in the Finnigan mob. Whatever the situation, his loyalty lies there first. If a runner takes actions that harm the Finnigan Family, make an immediate loyalty test. Failing the test results in the contact being burned. On a success, the runner instead owes Quinn a chip.Finnigan LieutenantFixer31
Rachel RosenAres Loyalist
Bugs everywhere
I have work to do
Rachel is a very busy woman. Getting her on the phone can be an exhausting effort. If loyalty is less than 5, roll a 1d6 to determine when the phone call will be returned - on a 1 or 2, 12 hours, 3 or 4, 3 hours, 5 or 6, fifteen minutes. Rachel always picks up immediately for those of loyalty 5 or more.
Rachel is paranoid that she is being attacked by bug spirits and with good reason. Countless attacks on her life and attempts to take her over prove her right and feed this paranoia. That's why she has an elaborate file on all her contacts to detect any deviation in their behavior. Whoever chooses her as a contact automatically receives the negative quality "Records on File (Ares)" and cannot remove it as long as he holds this contact.
Will never work against Ares and will refuse to work with any runners who have a bounty with Ares. If you contact her during a run and use the information provided to work against Ares roll a loyalty check. If it fails she immediately burns you. If it succeeds you owe her a chip to reearn favor with her.
Ares Firewatch ManagementFixer(N,G,K,A)61
Radio HeadGood Morning, Seattle!Radio Head is no stranger to days-long talk-a-thons, because long haul is a hell of a drug. When you call him up, roll a 1d6 - if the result is higher than your loyalty, you're on air! Hopefully, you're not going to say anything incriminating.Radio DJFixer21
Randall CageNosyRandall asks way too many questions, especially if you look remotely interesting when you stop by. If you call on this contact (for some ungodly reason), you'll need to make an appropriate social test to either spin him some bullshit or intimidate him into not asking. Otherwise, he'll leave out the juiciest bits of gossip.Nosy Stuffer Shack CashierLegwork11
RaytheonLove what is behind youRaytheon was a soldier, enlisting to help protect his family and the people of his community. Willing to go to hell and back to protect them and anyone else in a similar position. Raytheon will not accept any request that would harm or endanger innocent civilians either immediately or the near future.
Re:GulusAspiring LeaderHe's new to his job, but reluctanct to be a leader. Given his lack of skill and lack of faith, Re:Gulus has an extra -1 on Networking tests testsClocktower LeaderFixer32
RehrUnseelie AgentFundamentally, Rehr is here to seek motivations unseen they must indulge in, not to stick out their neck too far for some fragile mortal runners. As such, they will not perform game actions at significant risk to themselves or their standing for any runners with fewer than 5 loyalty. Additionally, they will always ask for karma, favors, or tangibly useable information and is not above talking runners into spirit pacts to cement those things.Unseelie AgentFixer53
RepoPay up or shut up.Repo takes his job deadly serious. If you owe anything to Red Ledger, he will not perform favors for you or work for you until you've settled your debts. There is one exception - if you have the Made Man quality with Red Ledger, he will begrudgingly assist.Red Ledger Second-In-CommandCustom(A,G,K,N)20
Repo ManChained HauntPhantoms are chained to a specific location and can very rarely leave it. If you need Repo Man's help, you'll need to go to him.Lonely PhantomCustom(A,K,N,G)11
Ret. Adjutant-General Joseph HodgeSo Terribly LonelyJoseph Hodge has lost his family to time, his friends to his reputation, and his reputation to misfortune. It is not possible to conduct business quickly with him. He wants to talk, to hear how you are doing, how the weather is where you are at, and so on. Every call for information or networking takes twice as long, as does any request to acquire gear.Retired UCAS Adjutant-General of the Former US Virgin IslandsLegwork30
RexCat Living in a Metahuman's World
Shit Stirrer
Despite his lovable demeanor, Rex tests the boundaries of those around him. When he is faced with a Networking, Etiquette, or Negotiation check, the PC must first roll Edge+Loyalty. If the result is 0, he will purposely glitch by insulting the person he's conversing with.
Since he's a feline, his knowledge on the world of metahumans is limited at best. He will Glitch any Knowledge or Networking Checks unrelated to animals, shifters, or the Seattle Animal-Metahuman Alliance.
Magic CatCustom(A,N,K,G)10
Rick RolledShort on CashTaking care of a whole community is hard work and very expensive, sometimes he will need to ask for a bit more than usual. (roll a 1d6, on a 1 he will ask for 1d6 x 50 Nuyen more to help)FixerNetworking30
Rino OzawaClan First
Rino is a loyal member of the Yoshinaga-gumi and will not aid runners in any actions that run counter to the clan's interests. Further, if she catches wind the runners are planning to cross the clan directly she is likely to discreetly feed this information to the oyabun directly before burning the contact once the attempt is thwarted.
Whenever Rino is asked to provide a service not directly related to clan affairs(such as a the runners in question be on a job for the clan), roll 2d6. The result is the multiplier in time to provide the service unless Rino is given 4,000 nuyen or 2 chips to smooth over the possible interruption to clan affairs. For clan members, roll 1d6 unless Rino is given either a chip or 1,000 nuyen to bump the priority.
Head of Logistics and material acquisitionsGear12
Ritz MalheurBeyond the Journey's End
Not so Fast!
Who am I?
Who are you?
World Unwatching
Ritz Doesn't know her clients are runners. Therefore, she's not used to people wanting to be more connected with her. Loyalty can only be raised 1 at a time, and each raising requires the character to first complete a run on her behalf.
Ritz doesn't work in the shadows. As such, the lives and contrivances of runners matter little to her. Ritz' loyalty can not be raised above 3, outside of a private run.
Ritz gets excited about most of her adventures in Europe and will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting her, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, Ritz gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.
Ritz has no loyalty to the Haven. She's got better things to do. She never offers a service for free or reduced price. If you need it faster or better, you pay more--it doesn't matter WHAT you're doing or what your loyalty is.
Ritz is not known for her subtlety. When utilized, roll a 1d6. On a 1, the actions Ritz takes are obvious and are easily traceable back to you.
Ronin KoikeI'll Get too itDue to being a starting up fixer in Seattle, there is a chance that he won't be able to help the person calling for him. the Gm rolls a 1d6 and on a 5. they are sent a message that he is currently busy at the time. and will try to get back to them later.FixerFixer (G,N,K,A)12
Rose of Sharon HowlettHMHVV CarrierRose of Sharon carries HMHVV Strain II in her blood - while she takes abundant precaution against spreading the virus, this still tends to be off-putting to anyone who learns about it. If a runner (or NPC) is exposed (such as through direct blood-blood transfer, or much more likely by making physical contact with her while either of them has an open wound), they must roll against infection as normal. She takes a -2 penalty on all social active, gear acquisition, and networking rolls with those who know of her HMHVV positive status, as well as with all Infected due to her open disdain for them.Occult Bounty HunterLegwork27
RosmontisFDF Veteran
In the Shell
Rosmontis retired from the Finnish Defense Forces. He doesn't have blind loyalty to them, but would prefer not to work against his home. Rosmontis will not work against the FDF unless your loyalty is 4 or more.
Rosmontis will not work with players with a known negative relationship with Erika. He also will not perform services that he thinks will harm this relationship, or that would cause undue attention from law enforcement around him.
Erika 'Connection' SpecialistFixer21
Roxxy SparksHard to ReachBetween partying, playing gigs, keeping up with her duties as a member of the Halloweeners, and the occasional bit of working as a joytoy, Roxxy is a busy woman. Always make an Availability Test for Roxxy with her Connection +3 than normal.Halloweener RockergirlCustom(N,A,K,G)11
Ru XiaoMulti-Tasking
Syndicate Politics
Ru Xiao holds an important position in a major Triad. She will not work against the interests of the Eighty-Eights. Additionally, if she learns that another syndicate is involved in the run, roll 1d6. If the roll is higher than her Loyalty with that runner, then she cannot assist the runner due to conflicting plans or deals.
Ru Xiao is a busy woman. When she performs a service, roll a 1d6. If assisting or performing a matrix search, the rolled dice is the number of added hours for a threshold six, or the number of added tens of minutes for a threshold three. If the service she is providing is of another nature, it will take double the usual time on a roll of 5 or 6, and fifty percent more time on a roll of 3 or 4.
White Paper Fan, Eighty-EightsService43
Russell GilesCloset TechnoOnly Russell's older brother, Ronald, knows he's a technomancer. If Russell thinks any Active or Networking checks requested of him could out him as a techno (GM discretion), make a loyalty check with a threshold of two. If you fail, Russell won't help you for the remainder of the run. On a glitch, he won't help you, and you'll owe him for putting his life in danger. On a critical glitch, he'll burn you as a contact.CheesemongerCustom(A,G,N,K)40
Ryan MercuryDunkelzahn's will
Too Busy For You
Quicksilver will never go against the will of Dunkelzahn, as sometimes strange and nonsensical as it is, he seems to know more about the Great Dragon's desires than almost anyone else. If the request made would go against Dunk's will or not serve to advance the will then Ryan Mercury will not assist
Ryan Mercury is busy being the protagonist of a classic trilogy of novels, and other such exploits. Should you call on his aid, roll 2d6. On a 2 or 3, he is too busy to help you at the moment. The GM should describe some sort of implausible adventure he is busy having.
SagaCorporate Ties
Engineering Special Interest
FDF Veteran
Saga gets excited about most of her engineering work and will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting her, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, Saga gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.
Saga retired from the Finnish Defense Forces. She doesn't have blind loyalty to them, but would prefer not to work against her home. Saga will not work against the FDF unless your loyalty is 4 or more.
She hates Saeder-Krupp for trying to encroach on Finland. Treat her Loyalty as two lower if you have a positive rep with the corporation. If this would drop Loyalty below 1, you cannot take her as a contact. If you develop a positive rep with those circles after buying her, she isn't lost, but clams up and ignores you until you change your bedfellows.
Erika EngineerNetworking31
SahaléWorking HoursSahalé juggles family life and a legitimate business alongside her dealings with the shadows. When attempting to contact Sahalé outside of normal PST office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday), add +5 to the threshold of her Contact Availability Test.Travel Facilitator and FixerFixer(G,N,K,A)41
Saint NickBlissfully UnawareSaint Nick believes himself to be Santa Claus himself, and will not react well to those who attempt to disabuse him of that notion; he accepts payment for his goods in the form of "donations to the orphanage" as well as "milk and cookie money". This is someone who doesn't think that their contacts are runners and doesn't understand the whole runner thing; if they find out you are a runner, immediately make a test of loyalty. If you fail the test of loyalty, they will think you are a terrorist, burn you and contact law enforcement. If you succeed in a test of loyalty, they will be willing to listen to you explain yourself and even help you leave the runner life. You may be able to convince them to associate with the Shadows. Contact a GM or thematics if this happens as it may involve the removal of that tag."Santa Claus"Gear29
SandalphonPitch Black
Pure White
Jeannie has no loyalty to the Haven. She's got better things to do. She never offers a service for free or reduced price. If you need it faster or better, you pay more--it doesn't matter WHAT you're doing or what your loyalty is.
She's got a lot on her plate, and as such, she demands a lot if you wish to take up some of her precious time. As such, she requires fair trade for any services rendered. Sandalphon will only accept payment in the form of Chips.
Corporate EnvoyCustom(K,N,G,A)63
Sanne "V10" VennemanBlissfully Unaware"V10" doesn’t think that their contacts are runners and doesn’t understand the whole runner thing. If she finds out you are a runner, immediately make a Test of Loyalty. If you fail the Test of Loyalty, she will think you are a terrorist, burn you, and contact law enforcement. If you succeed in a Test of Loyalty, she will be willing to listen to you explain yourself and even help you leave the runner life. You may be able to convince her to associate with the shadows. Contact a GM or Thematics if this happens as it may involve the removal of that tag.MechanicService30
Sarah GlennAnti-HalloweenerThis contact actively works against Halloweeners whenever possible. This may mean information received in a knowledge check is skewed to achieve this goal, or it may mean that any action that will (or is thought to) benefit Halloweeners will be refused. No runner with Halloweener contacts may take Sarah Glenn as a contact.Stop Quick OwnerCustom(K,G,N,A)22
Sarah SnowNovacoke?Roll an edge test when contacting Sarah Snow. On no hits, she's coked up in a fancy bathroom somewhere and is of no use to you. That doesn't mean she won't answer her phone and waste your time (at the GM's discretion.)Fundraiser and HousewifeFixer34
Sebastian “Perfect Fit” SchmidtBlissfully Unaware
Pre-Production Blues
Horizon prints out trid and simsense flicks like they’re printing nuyen (and, well, they are!) Because of his busy schedule Sebastian’s services may take longer. Every time Sebastian provides a service, roll 2D6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.
Sebastian doesn’t think that their contacts are runners and doesn’t understand the whole runner thing. He thinks you just need help with costuming for an amateur production or an indie simsense film! If he finds out you are a runner, immediately make a Test of Loyalty. If you fail the Test of Loyalty, he will think you are a terrorist, burn you and contact law enforcement. If you succeed in a Test of Loyalty, he will be willing to listen to you explain yourself and even help you leave the runner's life. You may be able to convince him to associate with the shadows. Contact a GM or Thematics if this happens as it may involve the removal of that tag.
Sebastian will sell you legal gear and restricted gear, assuming you have the appropriate licenses. When it comes to forbidden gear, like high-quality forged uniforms…Sebastian is going to take some convincing. Characters will need to make one of two Social Tests to convince him to send illegal gear your way: Con (Threshold 3) to spin a yarn about how they need a convincing facsimile for a theater or indie trid film project, or Performance (Threshold 2) to sing or monologue a few lines from the “production”!
Horizon Studios Head of WardrobeGear30
SegFault's TeamSaeder-Krupp FugitivesThey are on the run from S-K, who are actively trying to kill them for betraying the corporation.Shadowrunner TeamService42
Sergeant Dornan & DaughterBroken MindSergeant Dornan has schizophrenia and is often subject to crisis that need him to rest at home. Considered him and his Daughter as Hard to Reach accordingly. In addition bringing the Sergeant on stressful situation might cause some issue and the runners might get burn as a result of Alira finding out. (GM appreciation here)Retired Sergeant/Security SpiderService32
SeverijaArm's LengthSeverija's Loyalty cannot be raised above 3 without a private run.Night Club HostessLegwork10
Sgt. Billy ButcherUnreliableBilly is kind of an asshole and might not respond when you contact him. The GM rolls a 1d6. If the roll is a one, the contact will just ignore you and not return your call for the remainder of the run or 2x the normal delivery time of the item you were trying to aquire.SoldierGear21
Shi HakaseNot Enough Hands
Repossessed Awakened Cadaver
Uncanny Existence
Like many things, Shi is not quiet understood by many of its contacts. Inhabiting what is best described as a rotting metal carcass, with the social latency of a Monad, with most sapients only interacting through necessity rather than by choice.

{Cannot be used for networking checks. At GMs discretion, penalties to both KNOW/GEAR checks can be enacted due to the abnormalities in its existence/lifestyle - active checks are limited to its compound, or relevant auto-doc facility}
Shi is always busy on either their own experiments, or pre-paid assignments from a wide array of less-legitimate clients. As such, free time for runners is a premium, and if help is offered, it usually has a additional cost. {Roll loyalty at a threshold of 3(2 if in person) to see if Shi is currently assigned to a clients task. A increased threshold at the GMs discretion (Example, working with uninteresting clients) can be chosen alongside to see if Shi requires additional aid/resources to offer their assistance.}
With routine inspections, and a Biomonitor as part of the agreement - Shi is rather possessive of research opportunities on Awakened/SURGE individuals. Any time Shi is called or delivers a job to a runner, the single following run takes a 1 reduction in comforts from Shi actively experimenting on you (This does not stack with itself). Alongside this:

At <5 Loyalty - If you get any permanent medical assistance (E.G Stim-Patches are not permanent, Trauma Patches are) that is not from Shi - you must pay a chip in debt of the deal.

At 5/6 Loyalty - if you get any permanent medical assistance (E.G Stim-Patches are not permanent, Trauma Patches are) that is not from Shi - Shi is willing to forgive you at no chips indebted assuming you allow it to conduct a reapplication of events for research (Increase the DV of fatigue by 2 if under 3 comfort)

This quality can be declined by Awakened/SURGED characters, and has no effect to Mundane characters.

If declined after it was once accepted, reduce Shis loyalty by 2, if at 0, Shi assumes you are not a reliable assets and is lost as a contact (though can be rebought later).
Street "Hakase"Fixer(G,A,K,N)50
ShroudFungus Among Us
Shroom and Gloom
Being a fungal SURGE is... not particularly pleasant. Besides the constant trouble breathing (which makes her a poor choice for any physical work), being in the same room as Alejandra (or one she's been in for a while) is going to fill your lungs with spores.

When meeting with her in person, either: a) Wear a respirator. Alejandra will be upset by this reminder of her condition, presenting some kind of complication at the GM's discretion (for example, making it harder to convince her to help, or making her request more payment than she usually would. This is not borne of maliciousness, just misery.) or; b) Bear with it. Every minute you're there, roll BOD, plus any bonus resistances to natural toxins. If you get less than three hits, gain Disorientation. On a glitch, gain Nausea.
Sometimes, Alejandra's really just not feeling it. Every day she's around, roll 1d6. Alejandra will be: 1: Despondent (All dicepools are halved.) / 2: Lethargic (Everything takes twice as long.) / 3: Noncommittal (She's just kind of vague and uncertain about everything.) /

4-6: Fine.
Ex-Aztech SpiderFixer(N,K,A,G)40
Silas and Thekla EconomakosBlissfully Unaware
Family Time
Working Hours
A healthy balance between work and private life is paramount if you don't want to burn out. They don't, so they tune out of business matters outside of normal PST office hours (9-5, Monday through Friday). Add +5 to the threshold of his contact availability test if trying to contact them at other times (very early in the morning, late in the evening, on the weekends).
The GM rolls a 1D6 in secret. If the roll is a one, they will not answer the call immediately. When they call you later, they'll explain that their babysitter didn't come, the triplets had a party, school event etc.
This is someone who doesn't think that their contacts are runners and doesn't understand the whole runner thing. If they find out you are a runner, immediately make a test of loyalty. If you fail the test of loyalty, they will think you are a terrorist, burn you and contact law enforcement. If you succeed in a test of loyalty, they will be willing to listen to you explain yourself and even help you leave the runner life. You might be able to convince them to associate with the shadows. Contact a GM or Thematics if this happens as it may involve the removal of that tag. Gear contacts with this contact will only sell you legal gear or restricted gear with the appropriate licenses unless you conduct a social test to convince them the lack of paperwork is for a benign reason.
Gardening Center CoupleNetworking30
Sir Reginald CorgingtonBack in My Day
Checking the Vault
Reginald does not search for gear, he only checks his own teams vaults and treasures. He cannot find an item unless its at its highest rating, if one is available (Otherwise it must be rating 6+). He will also never find Consumable items (such as drugs, bullets, ect). Finally, if the item can have modifications, it must already have at least four when purchased from this contact.
Sir Reginald takes Twice as long to complete any task, He is a busy man and often gets derailed by his own desire to tell stories of his friends and "the glory days"
Loyal PhilanthropistGeneralist70
Sister Mary GunrunnerSmall Time Operation
Smoker Voice and Smoldering Temper
Always louder than it needs to be, always rougher than you remember. Roll a 2d6, and refer below to see the result.

3 - 6: She's on smoke break, but she'll still help you out. Whatever she's doing for you, it takes double the normal time.
7 - 9: She's in a very bad mood over some nonsense, and she charges you a chip just for the call. Now what do you want?
10 & 11: Lucky you called! She needs you to do something for her on the run, decided by the GM. Complete your new secondary objective or pay a chip.

2 or 12: You've got great timing, because she happens to be free. Sister Mary Gunrunner helps you out as normal.
You think I could sell missiles out of a church without drawing the wrath of God, or whatever saints call punching a sinners ticket these days? No way, no how, chummer. I keep it on the downlow, idiots who get greedy end up dead. Sister Mary Gunrunner will refuse to do any business involving any sort of above-board legal authority. Furthermore, she won't operate outside of C (or lower) security zones, and is unable to get ahold of anything higher than availability 16. Raising her connection above 2 requires a run.
SkinshedderSprite FragileIt can be difficult to communicate with Skinshedder due to its lack of language, and if converged on by GOD it will perish immediately.Free SpriteService43
SkittersHalloweener RagerCustom(K,A,N,G)30
SolarianThe King of the JungleSolarian's rule is undisputed. Runners will have to prove they are worthy of his loyalty. Increasing Loyalty with this contact requires the following equation: New Rating x 4 CDP.FixerCustom(N,G,A,K)51
SoucouyantLingering GrudgeMIho still having guilt for what happened to her husband has a negative view of anyone using personafix chips. furthermore, treat her loyalty as one lower if a runner has positive Ares Rep.ShadowrunnerGeneralist45
Of the People
Working Hours
In terms of Runner clientele, Spex is fairly selective. She despises the meek and corporate aligned, and is loathe to work with anyone so bland and spineless. The cost to upgrade this contact's loyalty is doubled unless the character has either visible cyberware or the Distinctive Style quality. Loyalty costs are also doubled for any character with a Corporate or Corporate Limited SIN.
Spex is very popular in the underserved Carbonado area. Chulos and Coyotes alike keep her clinic booked solid. Services may take longer. Every time the contact provides a service, roll 2D6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.
Spex refuses to give up her mornings (community service) and her nights (night life). She puts in her 8 hours and then clicks her work comm off. Add +5 to the threshold of the contact availability test if trying to contact Spex outside of her normal hours (11am-7pm PST).
The Sprawl is tough, but ego and ambition make it tougher. Spex believes the community is the only thing strong enough to stand for any length of time. She will never go against the people of her neighborhood, this includes local gangs and syndicates (Chulos, smugglers, Go-gangs).
Street Doc Custom(G,A,K,N)10
SphinxServant of the sea dragoness
Welcome to the Dragon Game
No matter what this contact does for you he will always pursue the Sea Dragon's advantage. Regardless of loyalty, he will actively work against runners (GM decision) if he thinks he can work out an advantage for the Sea Dragon. This can range from false information to sending mercenaries to work against the runners. He will never let them see through. He will always deny it.
Will never work against Sea Dragon and will refuse to work with any runners who have a bounty from the Sea Dragon. If you contact him during a run and use the information provided to work against the Sea Dragon roll a loyalty check. if it fails he sets a bounty of 25.000 Nuyen on your head and burns you. If it succeeds he just immediately burns you.
Agent of the Sea Dragon, TalismongerCustom(K,G,A,N)85
SpinneDraco Foundation LoyalistSpinne owes the Draco Foundation a lot. If you contact him during a run and use the information provided to work against them, roll a Loyalty check. If it fails, he immediately burns you. If it succeeds, you owe him a chip to re-earn favor with him.Draco Foundation Bounty HunterService42
Springtime BirchDomineering
No Gamecock
Springtime Birch has little respect for people, but abundant respect for nature. He’s more than happy to help tame and train critters, both para and normal, but he will not train them for combat. If they have innate predatory instincts, so be it, but they will not suffer in pitfights under his watch. If Springtime Birch discovers that the (para)critters he’s training are being subjected to suicide work or bloodsports he will immediately burn the player and become their sworn enemy.
Springtime Birch is a prodigy. Beyond ordinary book smarts he has an innate connection to wildlife that is preternatural. Simply put: he’s incredible. And he knows it. He’s going to make sure you know it, too. Players must succeed on an Etiquette (1) test to display appropriate layperson awe at his knowledge and talents or, out of petty irritation, his services will cost twice as much.
Parazoologist RancherService30
St1tchClean Body, Clean Soul
Dissonant Static
St1tch hates the infected with a burning passion. Every time this contact learns that a character has helped an infected group, decrease their loyalty by 1. If loyalty drops to 0 in this way, St1tch consider the character an enemy and become actively hostile.
St1tch is a carrier of HMHVV, and is extremely cautious about preventing infection. She will not meet in person for anyone below loyalty 4, and will absolutely refuse to go anywhere with a large number of people. She's a hypochondriac, and carries around cleaning supplies to disinfect nearly every surface that she touches. Any active checks made in meatspace will take a -4 due to the difficulty of staying clean in a city as dirty as Seattle.
While she's normally quiet and professional, the taint of dissonance in St1tch's aura occasionally rears its head. When calling this contact, the GM rolls 1d6 in secret. On a 5 or a 6 St1tch will become agitated, aggressive, and volatile. Any checks not relating to the purging of infected will cost 50% extra and take a -2 dice penalty. In addition, any active checks will be performed with little to no regard for subtlety or collateral damage. If the player argues with St1tch or questions their methods, they must either take a chip or lose 1 loyalty with the contact. Loyalty lost in this manner also counts towards the "Vendetta" aspect.
Dissonant Technomancer and Anti-Infected CrusaderLegwork52
St@bShrewd NegotiatorSt@b didn't make it this long giving out stuff for free. Everything in the sixth world has a cost, and if you want her help you're going to have to pay in full. She will not work for anything less than complete, up front payment; asking for a favor or talking up potential rewards is a quick way to get yourself hung up on. She may accept payment in something other than cash, but it'd better be a damn good offer.Tarislar Script Kiddie and Ancients HopefulLegwork10
StellaOverworkedStella is a full-time student and sole proprietor of a business; as such she tends to be a bit overworked. Services may take longer. Every time the contact provides a service, roll 2d6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.Cosmic Magic TalismongerGear21
Steve RemingtonBurn NoticeThis character suffered the ill-fate of being burned in the intelligence community. They act carefully these days, suspicious of anyone that they do not deem loyal enough. The minimum loyalty of this contact is 2 and they may never be taken by characters with connections to intelligence agencies or foreign governments. In addition, they are reluctant to discuss their knowledge or contacts gained during their years as a spy.Merchant of DeathGear50
StorchRunning Scared
Storch will never do Active checks on the surface or Matrix on a runner's behalf. As if that weren't enough, Storch demands a chip for any Active or Knowledge check instead of nuyen. This may be paid back with runs that benefit the AI.
Storch' existence is more or less a secret. People outside of MCT shouldn't know about her existence. Networking checks will not be performed outside of MCT assets or employees.
MCT AILegwork30
Styyles FlamingoEasily InsultedStyyles is easily insulted, if he detects even the slightest slight against his quality work, he will be sure to mention it to his other contacts and retract his work, and he knows Vory contacts.Custom(A,N,K,G)32
Surf DuctOut to SeaSD is often busy executing survey or salvage contracts and is rarely moored up for long. You'll need to wait for him to get back in. Every time the contact provides a service, roll 2d6. The normal amount of time that it would take to provide the service is multiplied by the resulting number.Talismonger/Scientific Vessel CaptainGear20
SvyetaYakuza PariahWith her past, she is always weary of getting tangled in again with the big Y. She will be incredibly weary of doing stuff with/against Shiawase and Renraku, and will outright refuse to get involved in anything that concerns MCT or the Yakuza itself even tangentially.FixerFixer(G,K,A,N)41
SylphietteLove thy subhuman self
Noblesse Oblige
Life can be hard when you're living on the street. When Sylphiette reaches out to a contact, roll a D6. If the number rolled is equal to or lower than your loyalty, Sylphiette will feel confident enough in your relationship to ask for a favor. This could be anywhere from money to transportation to help in her personal life. Otherwise, she'll ask for a favor and reply, as always "Nevermind, just forget it."
Sylphiette may struggle with self worth and depression, but she absolutely won't work with people who are openly homophobic. She won't let her identity be corroded by people who can't mind their business. Being openly homophobic towards Sylphiette will cause her to immediately burn the contact.
Sylvia WoodsRambling StudyShe gets excited about any critter, no matter how dangerous (in fact, the less cuddly it is, the better, it would seem) and will talk your ear off at any opportunity. When contacting her, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, Sylvia gets lost in the weeds and will ramble for hours if not stopped with a Negotiation (3) or Intimidation (3) test.Director of Paranatural Breeding ProgramLegwork40
T00FGhoul Liberator
Us or Them
T00F is extremely distrustful towards non-infected, often veering into outright prejudice. Although they believe collaboration is necessary, they're certain that non-infected will stab them in the back the first chance they get. They take a -2 to any rolls made for non-infected below loyalty 5. In addition, non-infected cannot increase their loyalty beyond 3 without a dedicated run.
Under no circumstances will T00F do anything they believe will harm Seattle's infected population. If they learn that a character has dealt a significant blow to an infected group, decrease their loyalty by 1. If loyalty drops to 0, T00F will consider the character as an enemy. If they find out that a character has assisted with the purging of undead, even feral ones, the contact is immediately burned and becomes actively hostile.
Infected Organizer and Cyberterrorist DeckerFixer50
Taina KauhavaCorporate LoyalistWill never work against Erika and if she catches wind you're trying to do so, she's too conscientious to keep it under wraps. She'll report you to her boss.
TajinFamily ManTajin's wife has him wrapped around her finger, and if he's not cleared something with her beforehand there's a chance she'll keep him home no matter what you try to bribe him with. Roll a 1D6 when contacting Tajin: on a 1, he is unavailable for the next 1D6 hours.Laborer Loving Factory WorkerGeneralist21
Takashi KurosawaDon't Talk BackKurosawa-san is a man of the family, and keeps his priorities as such. Requests made to Takashi for tasks or jobs that do not directly benefit the Kanaga-gumi have a 25% chance to be outright refused or ignored. Those requests that are accepted accumulate twice as many chips to be paid off.Shategashira of the Kanaga-gumiCustom (A,G,N,K)41
TanyaUnreliableThe GM rolls in secret a 1d6. If the roll a one the contact will say, with complete confidence, that they will do the request or that they have the right information. They will then flake out or their information will be wrong. They will say they got the gear then accidentally sell it to another person. (For Tanya, it's probably because she got kidnapped again. Don't worry, it's probably fine.)OtherCon AdvocateFixer25
TapunuiEasily DistractedWhen entrusted to complete a task, the GM rolls 1d6. On a result of 1, the completion time is at least twice as long.Traumatized TechnomancerService10
Taranis Lú"Former" CyberterroristTaranis Lú is a former member of Ex Pacis, the group behind the Shutdown and part of the cause of Crash 2.0. Associating with Taranis Lú is the same in many minds as associating with terrorists and may cause additional social penalties.College ProfessorCustom(K,N,A,G)41
Tatiana DevereuxCATCo Loyalty
Foreign Office
Tatiana Will never work against CATCo’s interests, Québec, or the Gendarmerie directly.
When a PC calls Tatiana, roll a 1d6. On a 1, She is in Montréal for this week. Double the delivery times for all gear, she is not available for any active checks, and any comm call will be sent to voicemail and returned approximately one hour later.
CATCo Asset ManagerFixer(N,K,G,A)40
Ohhh, Shiny!
Technocritter Troubles
The TechnoRATS are technocritters, which means no full understanding of Cantonese and societal norms. Getting this contact to do things might require an Animal Handling check with Loyalty as a bonus and the threshold of 6 - Loyalty or bribing with appropriate snacks, datachips, toys - especially tech - at GM discretion. They do understand limited Cantonese from living in Kowloon, but usage of complex terms and ideas may not go over well.
The TechnoRATS cannot speak. They communicate strictly in emoji-based Matrix messages and typical rodent squeaks, cheeping and hisses. Use your creativity and innovation to get them to do what you actually want them to do. If the GM believes the message could be easily misinterpreted, they will ask for Animal Handling (3) boosted by Loyalty.
They're smart, but your lowly metahuman needs are often beneath them. They tend to view interactions less as straightforward requests and more as a group collaboration. When contacting them and leaving them unchecked, the GM secretly rolls a D6. If they roll a 1, the task or idea asked of them "evolves" in a direction that they feel is either more effective, interesting or profound - or just gains them tasty new snacks. They can be turned back on tracks with Animal Handling (3) boosted by Loyalty.
Nezumi RatsService10
TecomahA Man of PrincipleTecomah is selective about who he works with. Notoriety has a double penalty when dealing with this contact. Subtract twice the runner's Notoriety from any check he is asked to do.Retired RangerLegwork31
Ted DebleBlissfully Unaware
No Body Count
What’s Your Score, Omae?
You’re Bringing My Score Down, Omae!
Ted is a certifiable creep: a Horizon fanatic, a dutiful thrall to the terrible social media engines that manipulate and shape our world. But he’s not a killer. If Ted passes on information to a character on any P2.1 user that results in them going missing or murdered in an obviously linked fashion, Ted will burn you and contact law enforcement. Tellingly, he has no problems helping Matrix paparazzi or stalkers. But outright violence? This is where he draws the line.
Ted is a law abiding corporate citizen. If Ted finds out you are a runner, immediately make a Test of Loyalty. If you fail the Test of Loyalty, Ted will think you are a terrorist, burn you and contact law enforcement. If you succeed in a Test of Loyalty, Ted will be willing to listen to you explain yourself and even help you leave the runner's life. You may be able to convince Ted to associate with the shadows but ONLY if the runner has an active P2.1 and a Fame-related quality as a “celebrity shadowrunner”. Contact a GM or Thematics if this happens as it may involve the removal of that tag.
Ted will deal with you under the table, and at arm's length. Any closer association, given his P2.1 status, will require linking accounts. And Ted can’t risk tanking his score by associating with some weirdo nobody from the Seattle Metroplex. Ted’s Loyalty can only be raised above 1 if the character has a Fame-related positive quality.
Ted will only work with you if you can prove that you’re serious. Serious people have P2.1. People without P2.1? Anti-social malcontents. Anarchists! Contacts who interact with Ted must have an active P2.1 account. Given his position within the organization, it must be attached to a Fake SIN of Rating 4 or higher. Elsewise he’s like to immediately detect that “Brad Braderson” might not be a real profile...
Horizon P2.1 Life CoachLegwork20
Ted RothPoor Networker-2 to Networking testsTalismonger (Red Magic)Generalist31
Tee & VeeMorning People
Silent Protectors
During the night, Tee & Vee are occupied with protecting their charge, which makes them hard to contact. If you're trying to contact Tee & Vee after 6PM in-game, roll 1d6, on a hit, the bodyguards answer, on a miss, you may leave a message and they will contact you in the morning.
Tee & Vee don't talk. It's unclear if they can't or just won't, but they are dedicated to being the silent protectors. If contacted, they'll send information through text and DNI, but will not verbally communicate to anyone with less than 5 loyalty
TerrafopsHalloweener Explosives AdeptCustom(A,K,G,N)21
Terry OsbornTir Tairngire AssetIf Terry's firm is used in a job against Tir Tairngire, or one of his drivers 'overhears' information of a plot against them. Terry will have his driver do the job, then rat you out to his masters.ChauffeurService41
TessenIt's STRICTLY businessEven before her training, Tessen was always a shut in individual who rarely let anyone know much about her or what she was thinking. Her loyalty cannot be raised above 2 outside of runs.
Kuro Hana (professional assassin for the Ancients)
Custom (A,K,N,G)52
Test ContactDoesn't ExistThis contact is not valid for use by Shadowhaven characters, it is for testing purposes only. Seriously, why are you still reading this?Figment of imagination used for testing by the Shadowhaven Administration for this old Fifth World thing called a "wiki?"Fixer10
That's the Spirit!Method ActorCasey considers herself a method actor. If not carefully checked, the task or idea asked of her might "evolve" in a direction that she feels is either more effective, interesting or profound. Sometimes she even remembers to call back to update the team without needing to be called back.Voice 'actor'Service11
The BankerHard To ReachAlways do an availability test for this contact with their connection 3 higher than normal.Bank LiaisonNetworking60
The Cap'nWho Are Ye, Again?The Cap'n spends at least a quarter of his day black-out-drunk. When calling him, roll a d6; on a 1 or a 2 he will completely forget who you are. If this happens, the player's loyalty is treated as "1" for the duration of the task, unless a player provides him with some Sober Time.Cap'nService11
The ConductorLocked in a BoxThe Conductor is locked in the conductor's box on The Zephyr. The only way to communicate with him is by entering The Zephyr. The Zephyr is a train spirit and can only appear on train tracks.ConductorGeneralist22
The Delightful Ophelia CobbGaslight
Ophelia is always hustling, even when it's a detriment to literally everyone around her. Any gear she lends you comes at a 10% surcharge (and she will try to talk you into buying it). All her service costs are increased by 25%.
Ophelia's pretty sure she doesn't remember that time you helped her out. To redeem a chip she owes you, you have to resist an Active (Con) check from her (subtract loyalty instead of adding it to the dicepool).
There are some things that only distinguished tastes can truly appreciate. Ophelia's loyalty with you is capped by your lifestyle. Street = 1; Squatter = 2; Low = 3; Medium = 4; High = 5; Luxury = 6. (If your loyalty with her is higher than your current lifestyle, you can still keep the loyalty rating, you just don't gain any benefits from it.)
Socialite, Jewel ThiefCustom (A,G,N,K)70
The DukesPackage DealThese two come in a pair increasing the cost of all favors by 2 degreesDrug/Moonshine RunnersService35
The Girl in Many ColorsColor Coded
The Girl in Many Colors will never willingly appear in meatspace unless explicitly forced to by the events of the run. She will not make any active rolls unrelated to the matrix for a PC under any circumstances.
The Girl in Many Colors, true to her name, is a color. The color in question is selected from among the hacker 'hat' colors: Grey, Black, White, Purple, Red and Blue. This can be decided by the GM or by a roll of the dice, with Grey, Black and White being favored over the other colors. When making an action outside of the bounds of a hat's color, she will take a -2 to the action or outright refuse if it is particularly 'out of color'. Her color may be changed by a PC for the cost of one chip.
The Golden HindWantedThe Golden Hind has a bounty on her head by Wuxing, Canton Confederation, Renraku, The Huk, Evo, Azania, Aztlan and Aztechnology; 200,000 Nuyen for her head.
International Naval Raider
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